
Over the years there have been quite a few legends and fables concerning H.P. Lovecraft and whether or not he was an occultist. Interestingly, the Simon Necronomicon makes the following statements in its Introduction:

“WE CAN profitably compare the essence of most of Lovecraft’s short stories with the basic themes of Crowley’s unique system of ceremonial Magick. While the latter was a sophisticated psychological structure, intended to bring the initiate into contact with his higher Self, via a process of individuation that is active and dynamic (being brought about by the “patient” himself) as opposed to the passive depth analysis of the Jungian adepts, Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos was meant for entertainment. Scholars, of course, are able to find higher, ulterior motives in Lovecraft’s writings, as can be done with any manifestation of Art.”

Although many have presented theories concerning the possibilities of Lovecraft’s affiliation possibbly with Freemasonry or what have you, the Necronomicon Tradition holds in its history proff that H.P. Lovecraft was indeed initiated into the Black Brotherhood, and communicated the asthetics of our organization in his fictional work, so as to communicate in code to other members of this secret fraternity, Crowley himself being a member. We will now begin to go beyond speculation and provide solid evidence of this.

The first piece of evidence that we will examine is Lovecraft’s classic work entitled the Call of Cthulhu written in 1926. It is in this “so-called” fictional  story that we find the following:

“The size of the Old Ones, too, he curiously declined to mention. Of the cult, he said that he thought the centre lay amid the pathless desert of Arabia, where Irem, the City of Pillars, dreams hidden and untouched. It was not allied to the European witch-cult, and was virtually unknown beyond its members. No book had ever really hinted of it, though the deathless Chinamen said that there were double meanings in the Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred which the initiated might read as they chose, ..”

Here we see that the Cult of Cthulhu was centered in Arabia , but also had members who were said to be immortal, living in China. While many uninitiated individuals would like us to believe that H.P. Lovecraft just happen to imagine all of such a group in ancient history and the Simon Necronomicon verifies this in its coded language:

“My head began to ache as though a devil was pounding my skull, when a shaft of moonlight struck the metal amulet, for I know now what it was, and a voice entered into my head and told me the secrets of the scene I had witnessed in one word:  …KUTULU.” (Testimony of the Mad Arab)

Many critics of the Simon Necronomicon have tried to say that the word “Kutulu” is not an authentic representation of a Sumerian word for “man of the underworld,” but they are missing the point in their error-filled assumptions. Kutulu is not a Sumerian term, but a Chinese term, and this is still in accord with Lovecraft’s story the Call of Cthulhu. The term Kutulu is a key in unlocking the truth that what Lovecraft had written was actually true concerning the Cult of Cthulhu. In the famous work, authored by Gerard Clauson and the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, entitled Studies in Turkic and Mongolic Linguistics, we read the following on page 88:

“…in fact when a Turkish –t at the end of a syllable had to be represented an extra syllable with initial t- was inserted; for example kutlug was transcribed ku-tu-lu..”

We find another interesting statement in The “New T’ang History” (Hsin T’ang-shu) on the History of the Uighurs -translated and annotated by Professor Colin Mackerras of Griffith University, he states the following:

 “The Uighur Empire, whose capital was at Karabalghasun on the upper Orkhon River in Mongolia, occupied a significant place in Inner Asian history between 744 and 840 CE…. In the eleventh year (795), the khaghan died without a son. The people of the state placed his minister Ku-tu-lu on the throne as khaghan, and an ambassador came [to inform the Chinese court] about it. There was a proclamation that the Director of the Department of the Imperial Library, Chang Chien,(36) holding his emblems of office, should take out a diploma appointing him as Ai t’eng-li-lo yu-lu mo-mi-shih ho hu-lu p’i-chia ‘Huai-hsin’ [‘cherishing sincerity to the emperor’] Khaghan. Ku-tu-lu was originally of the Hsieh-tieh clan. He became orphaned when young and was adopted by a great chieftain. He was clever in argument and able in war. In ‘T’ien-ch’in’s’ time, he had on // [p. 109] several occasions been master of an army, and all the chiefs admired and stood in awe of him. Because the Yao-lo-ko clan up to this time had been meritorious generation after generation, he did not dare call himself by the name of his own clan, but he seized all the khaghan’s sons and grandsons and presented them to the [Chinese] court.

 The Uighur Empire stretched from the Caspian Sea to Manchuria, during this time they converted from Buddhism to Manichaeanism under the influence of Sogdian refugees. Manichæism is a religion founded by the Persian Mani in the latter half of the third century. It purported to be the true synthesis of all the religious systems then known, and actually consisted of Zoroastrian Dualism, Babylonian folklore, Buddhist ethics, and some small and superficial, additions of Christian elements. As the theory of two eternal principles, good and evil, is predominant in this fusion of ideas and gives color to the whole, Manichæism is classified as a form of religious Dualism. It spread with extraordinary rapidity in both East and West and maintained a sporadic and intermittent existence in the West (Africa, Spain, France, North Italy, the Balkans) for a thousand years, but it flourished mainly in the land of its birth, (Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Turkestan) and even further East in Northern India, Western China, and Tibet, where, c. A.D. 1000, the bulk of the population professed its tenets and where it died out at an uncertain date

 Now how could Lovecraft make up a story that bears striking resemblance to the historical Uighur Empire and its doctrine of Manichaeanism, which is greatly reflected in the Simon Necronomicon.  That’s like someone writing a short story about a character named George Wash being the first President of the United States, but because the name is slightly different than Washington, people actually believe it was all made up in the mind of the author.

 Examining our next historical find is almost as if Lovecraft is telling on himself. We read the following in the Call of Cthulhu:

 “They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to the first men, who formed a cult which had never died…. When, after infinities of chaos, the first men came, the Great Old Ones spoke to the sensitive among them by moulding their dreams; for only thus could Their language reach the fleshly minds of mammals.”

 Even in his sleep, Cthulhu’s thoughts influence the dreams of his half-human worshippers. What is so ironic about all of this is that according to the Necronomicon Files, written by Harms and Gonce, as well as other resources, the term “Necronomicon” came to Lovecraft in a dream and this is exactly how the “Old Ones” were said to communicate with their followers. I guess the critics don’t get it. Not like this!

In another famous Lovecraft classic entitled “The Rats in the Walls,” we find the following statement:

 As I have said, I moved in on July 16, 1923. My household consisted of seven servants and nine cats, of which latter species I am particularly fond. My eldest cat, “Nigger-Man,” was seven years old and had come with me from my home in Bolton, Massachusetts”

 What is unique about this statement is that it is relative to some of the indigenous African occult systems that preceded Lovecraft by hundreds of years. In the tradition of Palo Mayombe, the Priest works with two pots, one to entreat the Seven African Powers and the other pot is for spirits of the graveyard. In the Second pot is included nine different soils from nine graveyards. The ruler of the graveyard is the Orisha Oya, which in the Necronomicon Tradition is Ereshkigal/Lamashtu and all these goddesses possess the cat as their sacred symbol since ancient times. Oya-Yansan means “Mother of Nine.”The numbers of seven and nine are of similar importance in Shinto cosmology, as well as, Taoism. Lovecraft later wrote the following concerning Shub Niggurath:

 “And it has come to pass that the Lord of the Woods, being cast out descended the seven and nine, down the onyx steps into the Dream.”

 Additionally, in the Simon Necronomicon we find the Seven gates and the Nine sigils in the Urilia Text. It is also interesting to note that Lovecraft, in the above cited passage, describes “onyx steps into the Dream.” The Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and Occult Sciences by Cora Linn Daniels, defines “onyx” as “holds the latchkey of the door of dreamland.” Still critics of the Necronomicon Tradition ignorantly will promote this idea that Lovecraft was not an occultist. They believe everything the man says, as if he never told a lie in his life. They seem to have more faith in his testimony than Christians have in jesus Christ. So I guess we are to believe that Lovecraft just was able to make a correct guess in knowing the correspondence of onyx and how it relates to dreams. We will discuss more of this in our next article.

Warlock Asylum (The Dark Knight)

Below is an example of Warlock Asylum versus critics of the Necronomicon Tradition



8 thoughts on “Occultist H. P. Lovecraft’s Initiation Into The Black Brotherhood

  1. Warlock,

    I’d still maintain that Lovecraft was not an initiate. I think the following questions remain to be answered:

    1) Why is it important that a Turkic language convention exists, when Sumerian is unrelated to that tongue?

    2) Is there any connection between Manichean doctrines and the theology outlined in The Call of Cthulhu itself?

    I should also note that your Lovecraft quote is incorrect. The original, in “The Whisperer in Darkness,” has only half the text, not including some parts from which you are drawing your conclusions.

  2. What i want to know is how do you join these societies?

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      They choose you

  3. Lovecraft himself declared the Necronomicon his creation of fiction. The Simon Necronomicon is a text borrowing not only from Lovecraft’s fictional text but elements of another author who continued the Chthulu Mythos(and antithetically to Lovecraft’s ideologies, I might add) and elements from Sumerian texts. The Simon text is just a book that was compiled to make money. And by you actually quoting it leads others to believe its validity. You “Dark Knight” are merely a charlatan. And to say that any brotherhood has chosen you is laughable. You are no more an initiate than I am a prince. By speaking of the Necronomicon you show your ignorance to the Occult. You are only a profane living a fantasy world of your own concoction. Go back to your comic books and movies for more information to mislead your readers.

    1. You insolent snivelling wretch! You dare come and attack us here? Better beware, and take good care as to what words you use here, you cowardly filthy dog. Anonymously portraying yourself, calling others charlatans, and having no proof of your idiotic ramblings, makes you a real dick! but you already know that, don’t you? The reason why you are so angry, and why you try discredit our System, is the simple fact that you are a worthless piece of shit! You long for our heritage, but you know that you are nothing more than a simple ignorant human being. You are no child of the DinGir, and that pains you greatly!! You are denied the power of the great Jinn, and you hate yourself for it! You know you can never be like us, for They do not allow it, nor do you share blood with Them. Who are you anyway? And on what proof are your findings based?

      Here are some words for you.

      etim ri-da-a-ti harran-ki ú-šá-as-bit
      utukkê liš-te-‘-u-ki
      šêdê li-ba-‘-ki
      etimmê lis-sah-ru-ú-ki
      li-la-ap-pit bu-un-na-an-ni-ku-nu

      That these evil ones may tear out your tongue! I am done playing nice! And I am not known for being gentle towards our enemies! So attack us once more, and you’ll be sure to feel the full fury of the Underworld!

    2. Warlock Asylum says:

      Here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself.

      1. Why would you believe everything that Lovecraft said?

      During the time that Lovecraft lived, occultism was heavily shunned. Additionally, there are many occult truths that were revealed by “fiction” writers. Here is another thing to take into consideration, every major religion has a book that contains a vast amount of mythology, the Bible is one of these. Instead of asking, what parts of the Simon book we are using, you have taken it upon yourself to just come on this blog page stating an opinion that can be easily found on Wikipedia.

      2. If the Simon Necronomicon was compiled to make money, why is it still the “cheapest” grimoire for sell to date?

      Most New Age books range anywhere from $16 to $20 dollars. The Simon Necronomicon costs $8.99 brand new. When it was first released by Amazon the costs was $3.99, then you have to consider that there were about 5 main people involved, though the acknowledgements mention of 15. How much money could really be accumulated when you look at these facts. Also, Dan Harms was nice enough to point out in his writings that most grimoire actually use a supposed legend to name their books after. Was the “Keys of Solomon” really written by King Solomon? Did Enochian magick really start with Enoch? We all know the answers to these questions, don’t we. Yet out side the field of Necronomicon Physics, no one is going around on Enochian or solomonic Messageboards and rudely posting these comments. i can understand your critique, but know that your critique is also another way of following the crowrd.

      3. Here is an excerpt from an upcoming book. Notice what is mentioned by famous occultist Donald Tyson:

      “Famous occultist Donald Tyson, in his book The Dream World of H.P. Lovecraft, wrote concerning Lovecraft:

      “He later described the circumstances in his brief essay, “A Confession of Unfaith,” written in 1921. It is worth quoting this passage in full, because it has bearing on the side of Lovecraft we will examine together in later chapters, his esoteric and paranormal side.”

      Tyson then goes on to quote Lovecraft as saying the following in the essay A Confession of Unfaith:

      “When about seven or eight I was a genuine pagan….I have in literal truth built altars to Pan, Apollo, Diana, and Athena, and have watched for dryads and satyrs…If a Christian tell me he has felt the reality of his Jesus or Jehovah. I can reply that I have seen the hoofed Pan and the sisters of the Hesperian Phaethusa.”

      We don’t follow Lovecraft, nor do we think that he was a practitioner of sorts. However, we have gained a certain magical knowledge and initiation from our work with the Simon Necronomicon formulae. Why are you against religious freedom?

  4. Wow…Total silence………Being new to this study it could be that Love craft knew it might not get published at that time being a book of “Truths.” The only was to assure a publishing was to write it as fiction only for the adept in Necronomiconto to see its message. I don’t know but it is just a thought.

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