And so I revealed to you a profound secret of the Merkava, that even the ancient generation did not know. And it was already explained in the fifth Gate that the prophets do not receive from a single root, for they have an infinite number of roots: sixty myriad in every world. As our teacher (Rabbah) of blessed memory said (commenting on the Song of Solomon), “Sixty thousand neviim were in Israel”. And Moses, may he rest in peace, contains them all and outweighs them.

Moses… ascended to the world of Emanation (Atzilut), from which he was able to see emanation clothed in Creation (B’riyah), for he refrained from looking at unclothed Emanation. And this is the secret (sod) of the verse “For man shall not see me and live” (Exodus 33:20), whereas the other neviim saw the world of emanation clothed in the lights of the world of Creation. Ezekiel, who lived after the destruction of the Temple, received prophecy from the Emanation after it was clothed in Creation, which was itself clothed entirely in Form (Yetzira). After this, the lights of Emanation and Creation were no longer revealed at all [at least in Judaism]. This is what our sages of blessed memory meant when they said that “when Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi died, prophecy departed from Israel” (Sotah 48b). Only the Holy Spirit remained.

The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaQodesh) is the transmission of the lights of Form, and other lights of lower levels. This is called in the Talmud “Ascending to Paradise”, which refers to to the world of Formation, also called the World of Metatron. There are known techniques through which one can open the Gates of the Lower World; the Material World (Asiyah) and the World of Form. Moreover, there are the proper unifications (yichudim) and prayers through which one can enter the world of Form and its Ten Spheres (Sephirot`).

These techniques are the secrets that are taught in the chapters of Ascensions (Hichalot`); techniques that were used by the rabbis Nechuniah, Akiva and Ishmael, and the members of the Great Assembly (Knesset G’dola), and then forgotten. Moreover, the ashes of the sacrificial heifer were lost in the period of the
Amoraim sages of the Talmud, during the time of Abaya and Rava, as was mentioned in Hagigah 25. Thus, since then, no one ascended to the Pardes.

From then on, they only used the technique concerning the World of Matter, for this is the lowest of the worlds, and its angels contain more evil than good. Moreover, in this world, good and evil are closely connected. Thus it is impossible to attain the Holy Spirit in it, for it is impossible to separate good from evil; and one’s attainment is therefore a mixture of good and evil, truth and falsehood.

This is the secret of Practical Qabalah (Qabalah Maasit`). It is forbidden to make use of it because whoever attempts to use it necessarily attaches himself to the evil that is attached to the good (in this world). One may actually intend to cleanse his animal spirit (nefesh), but as a result of the evil, he actually defiles it. Even if one does attain some insight, it is a mixture of truth and falsehood, especially since the ashes of the sacrificial heifer no longer exist. The impurity of the Shells (Qlipot`) attaches itself to the man who attempts to attain insight through Applied Qabalah. Therefore, he who takes utmost care should keep far from them. For besides polluting his spirit, he will be punished in Gehenna. According to our tradition, he will be punished in this world; either he or his offspring will become sick, or will become apostate.

You should learn from Joseph Della Reina and the rabbi Shlomo Molcho, who used applied qabalah and perished, and all this because there is no good here without evil, as was mentioned above. Besides, they coerce their spirits with oaths against their wills, and as a result they are enticed and drawn into evil ways, until their spirits are lost. In addition, these methods and oaths were concealed by earlier generations, and we do not know their methods well enough (to use them safely and effectively).

Therefore, it is better to keep far from these things.

–Chaim Vital, “Gates of Holiness”

12 thoughts on “The Secret of the Magic Qabalah

  1. Warlock Asylum says:

    I was just reading a similar though in some Golden Dawn material

  2. i must say, after some further searching, that this Kabbalah business is very complicated and quite confusing. i am at a loss for words to describe its complexity, and furthermore, how anyone could be expected to really make any sense of it. how anyone could be asked to apply it to their life is also a matter that i cannot fully grasp. wow……..

  3. Try not to look at it all at once, or you will be overwhelmed. Instead, pick a subtopic to focus on — such as the Sephirot`, the Four Worlds, or the Angel orders — and start there. Its easier to make the connections and applications that way.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      It would be interesting to see Adept Optimystic present maybe a step by step series of essays on the Kabbalah 🙂

  4. Mr. Optimistic 🙂 ! I have observed your posts for a long time; it seems you are very proficient in western mystic tradition. My I corresponds to you about this matter in personal basis ?

  5. Sure, feel free, but I gotta warn you — its dead week here on campus, and finals are next week. So my energy is not exactly concentrated at the moment 😉

  6. Ahhh…. No Problemo 😉 ! I have come across some thing about Qabbalah, which is I think a MultiMegaTon H-Bomb of Qabbalah. I mean a mostly ignored recently Published Works from Chariot Trust. I saw some very different & different, previously never before Surprise in their works. They went beyond the conventional Tree of Life and Moved to the Hidden Greater Serpentine Qabbalah which is within the Tree of Life Structure. I would like to know your Opinion about them.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Maybe you could present such in a new article?

  7. To Warlock Asylum,

    Thanks for your response. I am already thinking about posting some articles about Kundalini along with citations from rare Original and Ancient Tantric Texts. I am also thinking about providing a short and instant Kundalini Activation and Awakening Technic based on Breath Control or Pranayama; in earlier days of my mystic practice I was using this technique to activate and Rise my Kundalini within 3 to 4 minutes.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      I look forward to reading these, is all I can say 🙂

  8. thank you , Optimystic. i will try and take my time to understand these things.

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