Was the islamic faith founded on "pagan" practices?

Was the islamic faith founded on “pagan” practices?

Over the past few years we have covered a lot about the Sumerian origins of the Judaic and Christian religions. Today, we will talk about the Sumerian origins of the Islamic faith, which will also show the Necronomicon Tradition’s influence over all three Abrahamic religions. Recently, I had a dinner with a good friend of mine and a discussion about the Islam came up. based on that conversation I decided to write an article about some things I have observed about the religion.

The idea that the Islamic faith is a derivative of older Babylonian traditions is nothing new. In the book Dead Names, written be Simon, we find the author’s use of the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1911, Volume 17, referenced in Simon’s Dead Names, page 192 states:

“According to an old Encyclopedia Britannica and other sources, the Quraysh tribe of Mecca were believed to have originated in ancient Cutha itself.”

From my research, I found the edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica quote that Simon was referring to which was also edited by Hugh Chislom, appearing in Volume 17, page 399 reads:

“The sanctuary was apparently in the possession of the tribe Koreish (Quraish), the origin of whose name is unknown, said to have come originally from Cutha in Mesopotamia.”

It has been suggested that the Quraish tribe, from whom the Prophet Mohammed was said to have descended, originated in Cutha. This is very interesting because in the Ancient Near Eastern Texts translated by E.  A. Spieser, we find an account of Ishtar’s Descent into the Netherworld. In this myth, we find the following:

“Forth went the gatekeeper to open the door for her:
“Enter, my lady, that Cutha may rejoice over thee,
That the palace of the Land of No Return may be glad at they presence.”

The reader may wonder why we have inserted the mythology concerning Ishtar’s Descent into our discussion? Well, first it has been suggested that the Prophet Mohammed was a descendant of a people that originated in Cutha. In Ishtar’s Descent, the ancient goddess is said to have visited Cutha, which was a rite performed for an initiation of sorts. In any event, we can confirm the Prophet Mohammed’s lineage and the “pagan” origins of the Islamic faith, by comparing the rites of Ishtar with the religion of Islam. If Mohammed was given a revelation from the actual author of the universe, it should in no way resemble any of the “pagan” practices that he was said to diminish. Is Islam an authentic message from the “creator,” or is it a pagan tradition that was successful in defeating other pagan traditions, and thereby making Allah the supreme god of the land? In order to investigate this matter further, we should look at the principles of Islam.

The foundation of the Islamic faith is based on the “Five” Pillars of Islam. This is very interesting because we see the number “five” recurring very often in Islamic spiritualism. What is also amazing about all of this, as we had cited earlier, is that if the religion of Islam was indeed authored by the creative force, it should in no way reflect the practices of Arab paganism, which it tried to abolish. The number “five” is sacred to the goddess Ishtar. Although she is associated with the number 15 in her planetary aspect, she is also identified with the number “five.” The Mystery of Numbers, authored by A. Schimmel and F. C. Endres, made the following observation on page 107 of the said work:

“From time immemorial 5 has been regarded as the number of the goddess Ishtar and her Roman “successor,” Venus.”

Since the number “five” appears so often in Islamic spiritualism, the reader may do well to ask, did the religion of Islam derive many of its practices from the “Cult of Ishtar,” also known as the “Cult of the Stars” in ancient Babylon?

Before we continue in examining the “Five” Pillars of Islam under this premise, it should also be noted that a lot of attributes of Ishtar were inherited from the Sumerian goddess Inanna. Inanna’s sacred color is white. In the information quoted above, we see that Inanna/Ishtar is relative to Venus. Here we see one of the “pagan” practices that was adopted by the Islamic religion is Jumu’ah.

Jumu’ah is a congregational prayer that Muslims hold every Friday.  Jumu’ah is required of adult male Muslims. What these Islamic men are not aware of is the fact that they are giving reverence to Ishtar. Inanna/Ishtar corresponds to Venus, which rules Friday.  It should also be noted that in some communities, Muslims are encouraged to wear the color “white” while attending the ceremony. White is a color sacred to the goddess Ishtar. The Simon Necronomicon mentions the following:

“Her colour is the purest White. Her manifestation is in the metal Copper, and also in the most beautiful flowers of a field, and in the saddest death of the battlefield, which is that field’s fairest flower. Her Gate is the Third you will pass in the rites that follow, and in which place you will be of a heart to stay; but turn you face to the road that leads beyond, for that is your genuine goal, unless the Goddess choses you. Her Step on the Ladder of Lights, built of old in Babylon and at UR, is White.”

The Mystery of Numbers, cited earlier, says the following on page 213:

“Fifteen was a sacred number to Ishtar..”

Often times, during Jumu’ah, the 87th Surah is recited from the Qu’ran, as we know 8 + 7 = 15. I find it remarkably interesting that the “Creator of all worlds” would authorize congregational prayer on the same designated day that the priestesses of Ishtar encouraged massive amounts of men to enter her temple, interesting.

99 Names of Allah

Another reason why many members of the Islamic community are converting over to the Necronomicon Tradition, has a lot to do with the 99 Names of Allah. Some Muslims have been wise enough to question the idea of Allah having 99 names. First, it should be stated that a name is given to an object that is held within the world of space and time. Secondly, the 99 names of Allah are of Babylonian origin.

The major gods of the Babylonian/ Assyrian pantheon were Nanna, Nebo, Ishtar, Shamash, Nergal, Marduk, and Adar, which were all associated with the seven philosophical planets. The numbers associated with these deities, is as follows:

Nanna (30), Nebo (12), Ishtar (15), Shamash (20), Nergal (8), Marduk (10), and Adar (4) were the major gods of the Babylonian pantheon.  The numeric system of the Babylonians and their planetary deities is widely available in print.

When you add the numbers of these 7 major deities, you get the sum of 99.  So now the question arises, that if the religion of Islam was authored by the “Creator of all worlds” why would this divine entity take on the number of names of the powers of the seven ruling deities amongst the so-called pagan Arabs and Babylonians?


The Story of the Mi’raj in the Hadith.

“One of the most famous Islamic monuments in the world is the Dome of the Rock which stands on the site of the original Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. It is the third-holiest in the Muslim world after the Ka’aba in Mecca and Prophet’s Mosque in Medina and commemorates the alleged occasion of Muhammad’s ascent through the seven heavens to the very presence of Allah. It stands above the rock from which Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven. The narrative of this ascent is recorded in all the major works of Hadith in some detail, but there is only one verse in the Qur’an openly refer ring to the incident and in a limited context at that.”

Another reason why Muslims are abadoning the Islamic path and becoming converts of the Necronomicon Tradition has a lot to do with Al-Mi’raj the story of Muhammad’s ascent through the seven heavens. This a clear case of plagiarism from an earlier Babylonian myth.  In the Myth of Etana, the king of Kish, Etana prays to the Sun god, Shamash, for the plant of life and a son. Eventually Etana is given the tools that he needs to request such from the goddess Inanna as he ascends through the seven gates of heaven on the back of an eagle. Here we see again, another Babylonian myth that has such a striking similarity to Islamic legend as the Prophet Muhammad ascended through the seven heavens of the back of a beast that had wings, though not described as an eagle. Why would Allah, the “creator of all worlds” reconfigure an action that is so similar to a pagan parable?

“The moon goddess was represented by the black stone still embedded in a corner of the Kaaba. She was attended by seven priestesses who circumambulated the Kaaba (naked) seven times, once for each of the known planets.”

The Five Pillars of Islam of Babylonian Origin

In this section of our discussion, we will discuss each of the “Five” Pillars of Islam and illustrate their Babylonian origin. However, before we proceed further into this discussion, it is more than enough to say that the Five Pillars of Islam are indeed a modified version of the Hammurabi Code. In an online article entitled The Religion of Islam we find the following:

“It is significant that Arabic is the most archaic of all the living Semitic languages: it’s morphology is to be found in Hammurabi’s code which is more or less contemporary with Abraham. “

Wikipedia gives us the following definition of the Code of Hammurabi:

“The Code of Hammurabi is a well-preserved Babylonian law code, dating back to about 1772 BC. It is one of the oldest deciphered writings of significant length in the world. The sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi, enacted the code, and partial copies exist on a human-sized stone stele and various clay tablets. The Code consists of 282 laws, with scaled punishments, adjusting “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” (lex talionis)[1] as graded depending on social status, of slave versus free man.”

Let us see if the Five Pillars of Islam are Babylonian in origin.We must first note that the Five Pillars of Islam are as follows (1) the shahada (creed), (2) daily prayers (salat), (3) almsgiving (zakāt, (4)fasting during Ramadan (sawm) ), and (5) the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime.

1. Shahada

Wikipedia defines the term shahada in the following words:

“The shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God (tawhid) and acceptance of Muhammad as God’s prophet. The word Shahādah is a noun stemming from the verb shahida meaning to observe, witness, or testify; when used in legal terms, shahādah is a testimony to the occurrence of events such as debt, adultery, or divorce.”

This is a very interesting term, as it is said to stem from the word shahida, which means to see and observe. The Sumerian term for those who were said “to watch,” is Igigi. Some have compared the Igigi to the watchers of Enochian mythology. In any event,  The Hammurabi Code also called for the dedication to the national god Marduk. What is intersting in all of this is that the word shahada, in Akkadian is sha-hada, or sha-hadda. which meand the wife (sha) of Hada, or Hadda. The Quarterly Statement by the Palestine Exploration Fund sates the following on page 275:

“It may perhaps have been a term borrowed from the Akkadian, in which tongue sha means ” a bride,” “

The Companion Bible by E.W. Bullinger mentions the following on page 634:

“Not a Heb. word, but borrowed from the Akkadian sha — a, bride,”

This reveals to us that the word “sha” means bride. In Archives of Ebla written by G. Pettinato we find a reference to the god Hada:

“Sumerian pantheon precisely because in addition to Enki, his companion Ninki is also venerated at Ebla. … were temples of Kura, Hada, Nidakul, Astar, etc.”

This god Hada was evidently important enough to have a temple built in his own honor. In a Wikipedia article entitled Ebla, we find the following:

“3rd millennium Ebla was a polytheistic society. Some well-known Semitic deities appear at Ebla, including Dagan (written as dBE), Ishtar (Ashtar), Resheph (Rasap), Kamish, Hadad (Hadda),[10] Shapash (Shipish), and some otherwise unknown ones (Kura, Nidakul[11]), plus a few Sumerian gods (Enki and Ninki) and Hurrian gods (Ashtapi,[11] Hebat, Ishara).The four city gates were named after the gods Dagan, Baal (Hadda), Rasap, and Utu. Overall, about forty deities are mentioned in the tablets as receiving sacrifices.”

When uncovering this information the reader should note that the god Hadda is identified with both Hadad and Baal. This may seem confusing at first, but when I searched under the title Baal on Wikipedia, it mentioned the following:

“”Baʿal” can refer to any god and even to human officials; in some texts it is used as a substitute for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter his divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used. “

From the information that we discussed so far, the name Hada refers to the Biblical Baal and the Hadad, but primarily Hadad. Thus the term shahada means wife of Baal, or wife of Hadad, as the term shahada is not native to the Arabic language. Anyone who is involved in linguistics can clearly see it was adopted by the Arabs from an earlier civilization. This may seem to be a little bit of word play for some, but once we identify the “bride of Hada” other aspects of the Islamic religion begin to unfold. But for now, we can clearly see that the god of the Islamic religion is not the same god as the Judaic or Christian religion.

Hada, or Hadad is popularly known as the Akkadian Adad, and the Sumerian Ishkur. He is a storm deity who is also associated with the god Amurru of the Amorites, known as Martu, who is associated with Marduk. Marduk is the same god in the Hammurabi Code promoted as the national god. Muslims define the shahada as a declaration in their belief in the oneness of God. This “unity of god” was an attribute that was applied to Adad. Arthur reader verifies this for us in the book, Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faith, makes the following observation on page 78 of the said work:

“Macrobious, speaking of the Syrians and this god Adodus and the king of gods, says, “The gave to the god whom they venerate as the highest and the greatest the name Adad, and which means unus or one.”

So this idea of “oneness of god” was introduced to the ancient world through the teachings of the god Hada or Adad, from which the term shahada derives. Our point however, is to discover the “bride of Hada,” which was where the term shahada derives. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge -Volume 1 by Samuel Macauley Jackson mentions the following in reference to Adad:

“His consort was Shala, never an important deity, and her ideograph could represent also a milch-goat. A deity sometimes displacing Adad as third member of this triad was the great Ishtar.”

There are numerous texts and information that supports Shala as the wife of Adad/Ishkur.

Sumerian mountain goddess of grain. Sometimes referred to as the “corn maiden”. She was the wife of Ishkur. Her sanctuary was at Karkara called E.durku, ‘House, the Pure Abode,’ most likely located within the temple of Ishkur, the ‘E.Karkara.’ In earlier years, Shala was known as Gubarra, ‘Flame Lady of the border of Eden.” She was mother of Gibil, the Sumerian Fire god. Wikipedia gives us some deeper information about the goddess Shala under the topic Virgo we read:

“According to the Babylonian Mul.Apin, which dates between 1000 BC and 686 BC, this constellation was known as “The Furrow”, representing the goddess Shala‘s ear of grain or corn.[2] One star in this constellation, Spica, retains this tradition as it is Latin for “ear of grain”, one of the major products of the Mesopotamian furrow. The constellation was also known as AB.SIN and absinnu. For this reason the constellation became associated with fertility.[3] According to Gavin White the figure of Virgo corresponds to two Babylonian constellations – the ‘Furrow’ in the eastern sector of Virgo and the ‘Frond of Erua’ in the western sector. The Frond of Erua was depicted as a goddess holding a palm-frond – a motif that still occasionally appears in much later depictions of Virgo.”

Shala was indeed associated with the constellation Virgo, which symbolized the month of harvest. This is something that the reader should note because the Islamic month of Ramadan is called the “month of harvest.”  The constellation has been very influential in shaping other religious superstition, not only Islam. The star of Jacob or Judah, both being the same, is shown on astronomical maps as prominent in the constellation Virgo, the Virgin, called by the Hebrews, Ephraim. It was known in the Syrian, Arabian and Persian Systems of astronomy as Messaeil and was considered the ruling genius of the constellation. Messaeil is Messiah El (Son of God)—apparently the star, Spica. The star of Jacob was evidently a figure from astrology, in which the virgin is shown rising with an infant son of God in her arms.

The virgin, with her god-begotten child, the bright star, Spica, represented as an ear of corn (the meaning of the name of the star), was pictured in the heavens from time immemorial. They are present in the Hindu zodiac, at least three thousand years old, and in the ancient Egyptian one. Virgo commences rising at midnight, on the 25th of December, with this star in the east in her arms—the star which piloted the wise men.

2. Salah

Salah is part of the Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith. Salat is the Islamic prayer. Salat consists of five prayers a day. The idea of praying five times a day was inherited by the Islamic community form the very same Persians that they would label heathen and pagan in scripture. An Essay on the Authenticity of the Book of Daniel by John Mee Fuller, states the following on page 329:

“The ancient Persians divided the twenty-four hours into five parts. Corresponding to these were five prayers or gahs said to the angels presiding over each division.”

Why would the Creator of all Worlds instruct the holy Muslim to imitate a “pagan” prayer ritual, if Allah were not a pagan god himself. That’s like some prophet telling people that witchcraft is wrong and then creating a holiday to honor the our forgotten loved ones on Halloween.

3. Al-Zakat

Zakat or alms-giving is the practice of charitable giving by Muslims based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all who are able to do so. It is considered to be a personal responsibility for Muslims to ease economic hardship for others and eliminate inequality.

Zakat is also of Sumerian origin. Studies in Early Islamic Tradition by Sulaymān Bashīr, states the following on page 87:

“The word zakatu is originally Sumerian and reappears in Akkadian texts in the senses of cancelling taxes due to the king and right being granted by the king and relating to setting people free.”

4. Sawm of Ramadan

Work in progress.

5. Hajj

Hajj is well rooted in Babylonian paganism. Muslims claim not to venerate idols, but you want to walk around a stone seven times and say God is Great, like this is what the creator of all the stars in the universe expects you to do on earth. Twilight in the Kingdom by Mark Caudill states the following on page 133:

“The moon goddess was represented by the black stone still embedded in a corner of the Kaaba. She was attended by seven priestesses who circumambulated the Kaaba (naked) seven times, once for each of the known planets.”

During Hajj, Muslims are encouraged to wear white garments, as we have discussed prior, “white” is a color that is sacred tho the goddess Ishtar. It is at this point that many of those who have abandoned Islam and turned to the Necronomicon Tradition have asked why? Why does the number of the “creator of all worlds has to be the same number of the seven philosophical planets that were revered in ancient Babylon.

The Qu’ran

The Qu’ran is composed of 114 chapters, also known as suras. 114 is an interesting number because it is the sum of 99 and 15. As we discussed earlier 99 is the sum of the numerical planetary correspondence. The additional 15 is to celebrate the goddess Ishtar in her primordial aspect as Tiamat, which is not planetary. In an online article entitled; Marduk’s Ordeal, we come across the following footnotes:

“Livingstone offers two other texts relevant to understanding the characters and events in the above (MMEW pp. 233-234): “Finally, two sections from VAT 8917 pertaining to Marduk, Ashur, and the Assyrian Ishtar goddesses may be considered.Ishtar of Nineveh is Tiamat; she is the wet-nurse of Bel. She has 4 eyes and 4 ears. Her upper parts are Bel, and her lower parts are Ninlil.The Lady of Arbela is the mother of Bel. They gave her vegetables(?); alternatively, she is Antu and they make funerary offerings to Anu. (trans. of VAT 8917 obv. 19-23)”

So here it is the Quran is composed of the same number of suras that were attributed to the Babylonian planetary system. Muslims believe the Quran to be verbally revealed through angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) from God to Muhammad gradually, beginning in 610 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death. This is about a 22 year time frame. This is interesting because 22 is also a very significant number. There are 22 chapters in the book of Revelation. there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. There are 22 cards in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck, and coincidently the prophet Muhammad received the Qu’ran in 22 years at the age of 40.

40 is another interesting number. The sacredness of the number 40 is also of Babylonian origin. anytime you read about it raining for 40 day and nights, or Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, Moses and the Israelites spending forty years in the wilderness, know that the “god” being referred to in all of these cases is the Sumerian god Enki. Enki’s sacred number was 40. Abraham was from Ur, so it is quite natural to see the religions that are said to stem from him hold these customs that really originated in Babylon and earlier Sumeria. Gateways to Babylon has this to say, under the topic Enki:

“Enki´s sacred number is 40, and His astrological region is 12 degrees south in the sky (includes Pisces and Aquarius)”

If people get something out of the religion of Islam then good for them, but do know that while these Muslims may attempt to chant down “pagan” customs, or what have you they have stolen a lot of spirituality from Babylon mixed it in with Arab customs and then try to sell it to the world as “god’s true religion” while secretly promoting Arab superiority, but here in the Necronomicon Tradition, we know who you are and seek ever to promote the true way of the Sumerian paradigm that you are still in denial of.

Warlock Asylum

34 thoughts on “Babylonian Origins of the Islamic Religion

  1. awesome – AWESOME – post, Brother!!

    Soooooooooo much of the Abrahamic religious tree can be traced to pre-existing Pagan tradition, despite their constant denial(to the point of killing millions of ‘heretics’ over the centuries)… the so-called ‘Ten Commandments’ are taken from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, for example.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      It would seem that if you follow someone, you would want to objectively researh the culture that Abraham came from..oh well

  2. Interesting article Brother, especially so because I’m not well versed in Islamic religion.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Thank you once again as always Brother

  3. it is fascinating how numbers always correspond with other things…it cannot be coincidence. the fact that the ” Big Three” have incorporated ancient practices into their ways in order to keep humanity under their thumb has always been a point of contention to me, and to many of you, i’m sure. thank you, Warlock, for another stellar offering, and for being willing to go to Battle for us in the name of the Traditon, under the Battle Flag of Truth. you are to commended once again. Cheers and Blessings. the fact that some many of these so-called religious types blindly follow the “leadership” with out even so much as a question is quite amusing.
    When i was a child, in those Pentecostal circles, i had so many questions that they probabaly wanted to take me out side and Crucify me sometimes….ROFL…..

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Hey Brother thank you for your thoughts!

  4. There are some similarities between pagan religions and those of the Abrahamic traditions. However, that doesn’t mean that the pagan religions came first, nor, therefore, that the Abrahamic religions were built upon concepts and ideas that “originated” in pagan ones. Many Abrahamic scriptures confirm that Adam and Eve (the first humans) and their family were believer in God and that God had taught them worship. Over the years as humans began to multiply, they began to divert from the original form of worship – evolving many of its concepts and practices such that they were transformed into polytheism (the idea – contra Abrahamic religions – that there are many deities/gods, not just one). By we are told by the scriptures that as people deformed the original message (from a religion that adheres to the unity and oneness of God to religions that believed in the existence of many gods), God continued to send messengers and prophets to various peoples and civilizations so that they were informed about the original (true) message – this is known as “the renewal of the message”; an attempt to ensure that it isn’t lost, and that whoever wants to hear all sides of the story (whether there are many gods or just One) can do so. The messengers all had an identical message Quran 42:13-15), but later generations changed the message and invented their own versions of it; at times, radically changing it so that very little was left of the original message (this is why so many ‘pagan’ beliefs many contain an idea or two that it still shares with monotheism). There is nothing in the Quran that says people should be forced to be believe in God, let alone be killed if they did’nt. In fact, for anyone who wants to look thus up, the Quran contains many sections that condemn forcing people to adopt it as a religion (e.g. S. 2:256 & 10:99) For example, the idea of there being an “after life” is indeed present in Ancient Egypt, but this idea was first presented to Adam and Eve after the fall – God tells them that human brings will inhabit the earth for some time; after death there comes a judgement day; after that, a new world is born where good people go to heaven, and bad people go to hell. many pagan faiths believe in the an existence after death, but some of these ideas have been bastardized (e.g. Multiple Reincarnation is a bastardization of the monotheistic Abrahamic belief that we will be resurrected after death, and will be incarnated anew). And in this sense, the message of the Abrahamic faiths predates any pagan ones because, according to scriptures and those who believe in them, it began with humanity itself – it was first communicated to Adam & Eve, and then re-communicated on various occasions to people through messengers.
    As for Muhammad’s pagan ancestry, or Mesopotamian or Summerian ancestry, no one denies that many Arabs emigrated from that region. It doesn’t logically follow, of course, that he worshipped what the pagans did. Muhammad did not distinguish himself from pagans on the basis of racial or biological geneaology – he knew better than to do so; rather, his beliefs were radically different, in terms of who created the universe, who was its genuine master, and to whom is worship due: the one and only God. In this he was utterly unlike any pagan.
    Ishtar was indeed a goodness – one of them – that pagan Arabs worshipped (they also had other gods they’d borrowed from the Egyptians, among others). But Muhammad never worshipped any of these: he lived in Qureish, and belonged to the House of Abd Al-Muttalib (his full name was Muhammad Bin Abd-Allah Bin Abd Al-Muttalib). The House of Abd Al-Mutakib were descendants of Ismeal (Ishmael) the son of Abraham, from Haggar; Ishmael’s half-brother was Issac, Abraham’s son from Sara; and Abraham was a descendant of Noah, though, of course, he too lived near the Tigris and came from a pagan tribe (his father was pagan). That doesn’t imply that either Abraham, Issac, Ishmael or Muhammad have anything to do with pagans, where this means sharing their religious beliefs.
    FYI – the Quran claims that God created Jinns (Djinns) before human beings. Unlike angels, jinn have free will – i.e. they can have choice, and hence, can choose to do good or bad. Angels don’t have free will – they can’t choose to defy God’s orders or choose to believe as they please. Satan – originally called Iblis – was a jinn. So zealous was he in his worship of God and so loyal that he was elevated above angels. Then came Adam, and Iblis, jealous and envious of the latter, vowed to do everything in his power to divert him and his progeny from worshipping God – so as to show God that Adam, and humans, are unworthy creatures of God’s love. Iblis fell, and was called Satan (the rebelllious one) and many Jinns followed him, and do so to this day. The deities of the pagans are either purely fictional, or ate Jinns who are pretending to be deities – they do favors for human beings here and there because they seek being recognised as deities, worshipped instead of God, and in doing so, diverting humanity from the original message. But mostly, those who meddle with them end up insane (hence the ‘Mad’ Arab).
    Two angels (Harut and Marut) were sent to Babylon with knowledge of the ‘arts’ – and they taught people the arts, but they warned them that this is a trial: the arts if misused can lead to disbelief in God and lead to perdition. But people didn’t listen to the warning and used the arts taught by the angels to do all sorts of things through which they would divide a man from his wife, and harming others. The Jinn (satans who followed Lucifer and work against God’s message) then learnt this ‘art’ from Harut and Marut, and they communicated it to human beings and subsequent jinn by way of using it to harm others. But they can neither benefit not harm anyone except by leave from God (Quran 2:102). All the Jinns that masquerade as so-called deities are His creatures, and are all in the end subject to judgement after death, as are human beings. Those who misuse knowledge, among other things, go to hell; those who do good, go to heaven – Jinns are not an exception in this regard.
    Babylon and Sumerian too were sent messengers from God (angels and human beings); should there be any grain of truth in what they’ve left us with, then their source is God; on the other hand, should there be falsehoods in them, then this is the invention of man and jinn. Islam says worship God, for there is only one God, all the rest are fiction or jinn (creatures); creatures (humans and jinn) are slaves to God, so how can a slave worship another? – that would be absurd. There is only one master, God, who is worthy of worship. Anyone else pretending to have power equal to, or above God, is a charlatan. Islam has nothing to do with pagan belief in this regard.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Have you ever thought perhaps that the god you worship is pretenteding to be the creator though powerful. Are we so arrogant to imagine that the god who created the millions of galaxies, many of these containing billions of stars, would test Abraham by telling him to put his son to death and then sending an angel to stop the murder moments before he puts a stake through his heart? Are we that crazy in this day and age?

      These “gods” are all Djinns. The intelligence that created the universe is not going to send someone to a country to perform Hajj? So let me get this straight, the creator of all worlds wants you to walk around the black stone seven times like the pagans do? These are Djinn and spirits of the dead mimicking higher powers.

      Ulitimately, we know that the god of the Abrahamic religions is not the creator for in the Abrahamic scriptures “god” is limited to time and space. Think about it.

  5. Thanks for the reply. And to answer you: yes, it has crossed my mind but I found it unsatisfactory since God, in the Quran, is the creator of space/time – many abrahamic religions agree. Read, e.g. Baruch de Spinoza’s Ethics; and Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure reason: it makes no sense to say ‘Does God exist outside or inside space/time?’ since these (soace and time) are not so much the properties of existence, but rather categories of the union between mind and world.

    My aim was to convince you that you should adopt my view, but simply to highlight a radically different interpretation from the one you offered, since much of the causal connection you offered are based on ‘coincidental’ causes as opposed to ‘efficient’ or ‘proper’ causes – e.g. many cultures associate the colour white with purity and cleanliness; it does not make them pagan. What makes some pagan is their disbelief in the existence of one God who created all that is in existence. The same goes for the Friday prayer, etc. As for Surah 78 or 87, there are many surahs that are recited at Friday prayer. Other than that the numbers add up to 15, I’m not sure why you focused on this Surah and ignored all the other ones that are recited far more often at Friday prayers. Also, it doesn’t matter that Friday coincides with a religious day in cultures other than Islam. What matters is that Muslims, on Fridays, have a holiday: one in which they celebrate the worship of the Abrahamic God.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Greetings. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post and comments, many blessings to you. First, I must address a question that you proposed in your first comment; “So how can one slave worship another?” My answer to that question is in full agreement of why Iblyss refused to bow down to Adam. Think about it.

      To say that Allah is the creatore of space time because the Holy Qu’ran say so, is not sufficient since it is this very same book of the islamic faith. my main point is that in order for us to understand Abraham’s god, we should first look at his backgroung, look at the city he came from, Ur. Maybe he too had his own agenda, but whether or not he was truly guided by divine sources can be seen in researching the religions of Ur and understanding this as part of investigating Abraham’s background. However, this still doesn’t mean that this god that Abraham worhipped was not a Djinn, based on some of the demands this god placed on the early prophets.

      There is something else that you have to consider, which is something that you touched on in an earlier comment:

      “Over the years as humans began to multiply, they began to divert from the original form of worship – evolving many of its concepts and practices such that they were transformed into polytheism (the idea – contra Abrahamic religions – that there are many deities/gods, not just one). By we are told by the scriptures that as people deformed the original message (from a religion that adheres to the unity and oneness of God to religions that believed in the existence of many gods), God continued to send messengers and prophets to various peoples and civilizations so that they were informed about the original (true) message”

      The reason why I bring up this statement is that all pagan, or shamanistic paradigms, have the same correspondenes, some slight variations of course, due to a different nature in the environment. For example, DinGir Ishtar is said to find her planetary attribute in Venus, the same also in Africa, which is Oshun, also in Norse myth as Freya, and the Roman Venus. In all these cultures Venus has the same atrributes and relates to love, family, friends, and what have you. Showing that the all came from a whole system that was at one time one, but this is in the field of shamanism. Abraham’s god did not teach his people about these things overtly, plus according to Abraham’s god they were said to be pagan, yet there is world evidence to support that these systems did stem from the same pagan origin, which was evidently shamanistic. i can go to South America and see these same correspondences. We find also the venreation and use of seven major planets in all ancient shamanistic cultures with their corresponding attributes being the same all around the world.

      if people lost their way, we would find such emphasis and consistency in these workings that that were known before the time of Noah. basically, the Djinn copulate with different humans and demanded that their descendants worship them as they were their ancestors and needed the emotional veneration to survive in other worlds, which is why they were constantly punished if they worshipped other gods. We know this to be the case since everyone DOES NOT come from Adam and Eve for this very reason. “If everyone came from Adam and Eve why are there so many blood types?

      I look forward to reading and sharing your insights. Have a wonderful day.

      Stay blessed.

  6. May God curse the Jew Writer

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      @Hassan..why would you say such hurtful things in the name of God? It may help you understand the god you worship.

  7. Allah is not limited by Time and space Warlock Asylum, this is fundamental to the Islamic tradition, now all of the divinities of the Babylonian and Mesopotamian traditions are quite limited by Time and space and their peculiar mythos, and you can claim the same of Christianity and Judaism, but any half witted child who has been to a madressa explicitly knows, in both Sunni and Shia Islam, Allah is outside the order of space and time, so your patently uninformed attempts molded by whatever peculiar psychological factors you’ve picked up from the Western post-Judeo-Christian worldview, do not apply to Islam from the very get-go.

    As for your demeaning condescending and rather patronizing chiding some less articulate but well meaning Muslims frustrated by your wholesale butchering and misrepresentation of Islamic ideas and history, by someone whose spiritual worldview is informed by comic book and horror romance novel grimories and a very selective reading of an ancient civilizations you do nothing more than steal and appropriate from – and you can’t hold these words against me because in spite of the surface civility you’ve done nothing more than hurl slander and invective, politely phrased as sugar laced venom may be, against a religion and its worldview and civilization that gave you sherbert, bathing on a regular basis, soap, and medicine, not to mention algebra,

    There is an immense arrogance clothed in seeming spiritual humility of people seeking to reconstruct other people’s heritage and traditions, while slandering the only remaining intact Near-Eastern religious tradition that not only provides the very bridge from late antiquity to today allowing you the luxury to indulge your occult speculations and workings, but that also – perhaps unbeknown to you out of sincere ignorance and lack of information – helped build a world in which you could peruse and steal other people’s spiritual heritage while slagging their very biological descendents – a whole lot of Muslim and Arab people running around the fertile crescent and Syria today.

    You appropriate – filtered through “Simon” and lets leave it at that – the lore, whether its Jinn pre-Islamic or Islamic, or Sumerian/Akkadian, or people like Hassan whose concept of God is far more merciful and open than the sort of Comicbook Cthonic concept you seem keen on spreading.

    You are welcome to make an informed reply, seeing as you opened the gate for such replies by backlinking on a mostly Muslim blog on the Jinn and Exorcism, or you are welcome to twist my words and paint them in the worst of lights. I may not have been nice, but I do believe what I’ve written is principled and far less insulting then the poorly substantiated and strung together argument that you attempt to make here.

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Peace and Blessings Brother Kamal! I found your response motivated by insult rather than an attempt to clarify points stated in the article. I wasn’t trying to make an attack on anyone’s faith. However, since Abraham came from Ur, I was pointing out how the religions and nations that came from him were also influenced by the spirituality of Ur. I will hereby reply to your comment in the spirit of peace and love for we all exists and breath in this same realm. Here is what you said in your comment:

      “Allah is not limited by Time and space Warlock Asylum, this is fundamental to the Islamic tradition, now all of the divinities of the Babylonian and Mesopotamian traditions are quite limited by Time and space and their peculiar mythos, and you can claim the same of Christianity and Judaism, but any half witted child who has been to a madressa explicitly knows, in both Sunni and Shia Islam, Allah is outside the order of space and time, so your patently uninformed attempts molded by whatever peculiar psychological factors you’ve picked up from the Western post-Judeo-Christian worldview, do not apply to Islam from the very get-go.”

      If Allah exists outside of time and space as you say, then he would not have a name. Anything that has a name has a function and a “destiny” in lack of a better word. While some can argue this point, one thing that cannot be debated that Allah has set aside a “Day of Judgement” in which he has set aside a time to engage a certain activity. You must learn brother Kamal that “god” and the creator are two different things. Brother Kamal continues:

      “As for your demeaning condescending and rather patronizing chiding some less articulate but well meaning Muslims frustrated by your wholesale butchering and misrepresentation of Islamic ideas and history, by someone whose spiritual worldview is informed by comic book and horror romance novel grimories and a very selective reading of an ancient civilizations you do nothing more than steal and appropriate from – and you can’t hold these words against me because in spite of the surface civility you’ve done nothing more than hurl slander and invective, politely phrased as sugar laced venom may be, against a religion and its worldview and civilization that gave you sherbert, bathing on a regular basis, soap, and medicine, not to mention algebra,”

      This is true about the Islamic legacy sharing such sciences as algebra and etc, but these too were known before the advent of the Prophet of Islam and were kept and preserved by the Chaldean priests themselves. It is also know that these Chaldean priest invoked the very same forces (gods) of the Sumerian pantheon. Brother Kamal continues:

      “There is an immense arrogance clothed in seeming spiritual humility of people seeking to reconstruct other people’s heritage and traditions, while slandering the only remaining intact Near-Eastern religious tradition that not only provides the very bridge from late antiquity to today allowing you the luxury to indulge your occult speculations and workings, but that also – perhaps unbeknown to you out of sincere ignorance and lack of information – helped build a world in which you could peruse and steal other people’s spiritual heritage while slagging their very biological descendents – a whole lot of Muslim and Arab people running around the fertile crescent and Syria today.”

      You don’t understand brother Kamal, we are not the descendants of these people, but the DinGir themselves. Brother Kamal continues:

      “You appropriate – filtered through “Simon” and lets leave it at that – the lore, whether its Jinn pre-Islamic or Islamic, or Sumerian/Akkadian, or people like Hassan whose concept of God is far more merciful and open than the sort of Comicbook Cthonic concept you seem keen on spreading…You are welcome to make an informed reply, seeing as you opened the gate for such replies by backlinking on a mostly Muslim blog on the Jinn and Exorcism, or you are welcome to twist my words and paint them in the worst of lights. I may not have been nice, but I do believe what I’ve written is principled and far less insulting then the poorly substantiated and strung together argument that you attempt to make here.”

      Don’t worry Brother Kamal. I have not twisted your words. Today, you showed everyone the true meaning of what a Muslim really is. I wrote this article in response to what was said about the Sumerian deities, calling them demons and etc. It’s okay for the guy to say such things about our spiritual practices. yet we cant say anything. That’s what you call fair? Stay blessed!

      1. Thank you for the greeting of peace and blessings, and I return it to you as well, I sincerely meant that, whether you did or dd not yourself in the first instance. Peace and Blessings,

        You practice magick, so I am sure you are very very familiar with the concept of psychic attack and the occult, by that one means hidden, manipulation of totems symbols and sigils to affect, in a negative way, someone’s psychic state. I will return to this only to note that as an adult Muslim, and there is no paranoia in this, I’ve experienced this on a societal level in ways – perhaps – you would only scarcely be able to imagine. But I’ll return to this.

        Everyone expects someone who claims to hail from a spiritual path to be peaches, cream, and light. If that person has a negative attitude then the assumption is that this reflects on that person’s path. This is a rather puerile attitude that ignores human subjectivity, and personalities. Perhaps I can be an intensely unpleasant man not if personally angered, but if angered on the basis of a principle I believe to be violated. Perhaps I may also be a bit more likely to save your life or give to you out of what I own if the situation called for it. Who can say. I’ve known some strenuously Pollyanna blessings and light types whose idea of charity in a true deep sense, I’ve observed, comes measured about as tightly as their yoga pants. I wouldn’t give advise but you may find in life that jumping to conclusions about essential characters based on external words does not give the full picture.

        In any case thank you for your reply. Your tone is more measured than mine, but I think that you do something rather grievous that I did not do. You judge an entire civilization and spiritual community that has manifestly contributed much good to the world, even by the testimony of some of its most inveterate enemies, by my tone, Hassan’s tone, and make an assessment of my motivations that was in error. You claim my motive was insult, it certainly was not. Whether you chose to believe this or not is not relevant however.

        What is relevant is that you interpreted what I wrote as being motivated as insult primarily, for this you do have my apologies, it was not intended as, nor motivated by, a desire to insult rather by a desire to address what I felt to be a grievously unfair and insulting assessments of my religion, which I believe to be a synthesis of a compilation of misinformation or misinterpretations. Repeating the Simon assertion of the Cutha origin of the Quraysh, for example, something that apart from being mentioned in an old encyclopedia Britannica has little real or solid attestation anywhere, is just one right off the top. There is no way anyone could actually go into the history of the Quraysh and pre-Islamic poetic lore much less than post-Islamic histories and views and assert this as if it were a fact. Weaving myth, legend, and rumor is one thing, using it as substantive argument or assertion of fact is something totally different.

        In other words, my motive was to respond to what I perceived as an insult or, if not an insult, at least a mis-characterization, and stating what I felt it to be unfair. Something that you cleverly and adroitly turn on me, rhetorically, in your reply. But it still stands. I believe I was and remain far more fair than you were and are being. Could I be wrong? Of course. But I will not patronize you by overly veiling my distaste and objections behind a pious veneer of sweetness and humble entreaty.

        So this leads to my bad attitude, not to preach at you but look and please understand something. For the last decade Muslims have been reviled, bombed, assassinated, locked up with no trial, smeared and set up for terrorist attacks. I have personally been subject to FBI investigations, and having pulled FOIA requests found that one of my dearest friends was as well. In spite of being religiously and spiritually dedicated to maintaining law and order in accordance not only with the compact (‘ahd) I have with my society but with the decree of Allah to be a good neighbor. And I am.

        In spite of this you know, I wager, as well as anyone reading this, that the geo-political reality is not quite what those in power say that it is. Have you experienced certain things that Muslims, even the most orderly servile and humble, routinely do in this and many societies if they maintain the vaguest semblance of a religiously active life?
        Have you experienced the real fear that many Muslims, even Western ones such as myself, have encountered? Have you walked in the shoes of those, people who are doctors and may operate on you, professors, engineers, people who strive for knowledge and service because of their religious worldview, only to be spat upon, condemned, attacked?

        I am a few blocks away from a Mosque that was bombed in the middle of the night by a bunch of good ol boys who thought they were doing America a favor. Really? That night I could have decided to go there. They didn’t know me, or anyone there.

        I’ve had bottles thrown at me, rocks thrown at me, and worse at various times for going out dressed in a manner not dissimilar to how, ironically, an ancient Babylonian may have, or Jesus for that matter.

        And then there is the legion of poorly sources and poorly researched calm, or fevered, attempts not to ‘debunk’ my religion but really to eviscerate it by words in most unfair manners. Whether you choose to excuse me for presuming the same of yours is your own affair, of course.

        I believe that for you to judge the typical grumpiness that Muslims express without having walked in our shoes or experiencing our day to day reality, is about as fair as someone calling a girl a man-hating bitch because of her external prickly and blunt persona in dealing with men, when that girl’s been raped and molested, and suffered grossly unfair treatment from men at work and school. The analogy fits, men criticize “the man hating bitch” without experiencing her reality or what she’s been put through and the fact that much of her suffering has been from men.

        So too, many Muslims have gone through lifetimes of tired debunked lie after lie leveled at their faith and respected figures and Prophets, suspicion, bigotry at work, had to listen to people in the office casually talk about how jolly it would be to Nuke Mecca, harassed when they pray in a quiet corner of a park, I could go on.

        It amounts to a civilizational psychic attack and yes it makes people like me quite ornery and grumpy. For you to characterize Islam for my attitude is vile and unfair in my opinion because I wouldn’t do the same to you, I would characterize your path by what I believe to be its history but not for your attitudes and subjective reactions. If I did I’d have to judge the path you and your fellow writers outline on this blog, inspired by the Simon Necronomicon, based on my more silly encounters with teenage faux satanists I’ve known in a garage death metal bands dedicated to Tiamat (and I’ve known a few, having hung out in metal scenes when younger)

        Just as Simon’s historical lies about Islam spreading in waves of bloodletting exterminating the old faiths (when the historical record shows that Muslims were minorities even 200 years after the caliphate was founded, that the Ummayids often let entire provinces not only maintain their faiths but continue to be ruled by their traditional pre-Islamic governing elites – as long as they paid taxes and didn’t rebel, that the Ummayyids often discouraged conversion to Islam as a matter of policy, a fact well known to anyone with any degree of academic knowledge of Islamic history, that the Ummayid Caliphs shed more Muslim blood repressing the Prophet’s family and many of his companions and, indeed, there is much documented evidence that the Ummayids actually favored the pre-Islamic paganism maintained its worldview and saw Islam as an external civic faith to justify their rule alone, and so on) – just as I perceive these narratives to really be sublimated psychic attacks of a sort.

      2. Warlock Asylum says:

        Peace and Blessings Brother Kamal. I greet you in peace for we exist in the same dimension. I do not necessarily agree that we are descendants of Adam, but I do understand your point all the same. My words are sincere and are not meant to be taken sarcastically. I have many friends who are Muslims, and I shared the same article with them. However I do keep in mind that these people know me personally. I have nothing against Islam or any of the Abrahamic religions. Actually, I wrote one article in defense of Islam back in 2010, which was a response to pastor Terry Jones. You can read the article at the following link:


        Another thing that you may not be is that my name is Messiah’el Bey. Our names come from the same region of the world. I also wrote an article about this. You can access it at the following link:


        I send you my apologies if any of the material was taken in offense. I can understand as we are all trying to improve our attitude and lives in service to the creator. I think a lot of our differences has a lot to do with the righteous fervor for our faith and the need to preserve such in these days and times. I give credit to my Muslim brothers and sisters for standing up in times at these. I send my prayers to such and will continue to do so daily in the name of Johuta.

        Unfortunately, I have experienced some of the persecution you have described. Our path in some regards is a bit more difficult. It’s not like we can go to work and declare our religion openly. I think other differences we have may just be terms. We see the term “god” as merely an avatar or spiritual messenger for the source, the creator. A god is a living being and we feel that the term should never be associated with the creator. Now It should be recognized that the Tradition I speak of is not limited to the Simon Necronomicon, but the Art of Ninzuwu, the adept chamber, emphasizes this aspect of our Tradition heavily. Here is another link discussing such:


        It is not so much that this article was directed against Islam itself. The young man whose website the link was posted on called some of the practices “demonic” that we engaged in. let me also that we engage in. Al ot of times when a person thinks of a magician, they think of someone who is casting spells and calling up spirits and all this other stuff, but this is not our mission and it is not in accord with our practices. Dead Names by Simon pages 224 and 225 states:

        “To assist humanity in its defense against this evil horde of demonic creatures there is the black book of the Necronomicon. The initiatory structure in its pages is designed to create a different type of initiate: a kind of black bodhisattva, a spiritually enlightened and empowered sage whose task it is to defend the race against these creatures before he or she can make their own escape – an occult general, a master of the mystic arts of offense and defense, a human being set apart from the rest who must monitor the Gates and the influx of evil influences that threatens to destroy the planet and enslave its inhabitants.”

        We are mystics and warrior-priests in process of dissolving negative energy that plague man. We see also much of our practices were prophesied both in the Bible and in the Qu’ran. Here is a link on such:


        Yet in still, I am surprised that you would accuse “Simon” of lying, while not knowing his true intent. We are by no means followers of anyone, but he has a lot of wisdom in our Tradition. I would like to hear you elaborate on this more and some of the links posted. I guess we will see. Stay blessed!

  8. About insult, I could certainly level the same claim that your entire essay was motivated as an insult, but I remain open to the distinct probability that it was a sincere take on your part, based on your reading of history and your religious experience working with the Necronomicon material. So while I brought up, albeit in slightly blunt terms, my take on your writing, which is that I felt it to be an unfair and what I felt to be a twisting of the true facts of the story based on a view of reality that I find as dubious as you find mine, but there was no insult intended in this.

    To me your point on the time and space bound nature of the “Abrahamic God” in conjunction to a discourse on Islam’s concept of God indicates you are utterly unfamiliar with classical Islamic metaphysics, whether Sufi in origin or Asharite “Scholastic” or philosophical, and that you are unfamiliar with classical Islamic theology.

    Muslims do not believe in a God bound by time or space, or the universe, or any of the universes per the Prophetic Hadiths indicating multiple worlds and heavens. The very notion is heresy to a Muslim, apart from a small anthropomorphic sect, which today appears in the form of the Salafis and Wahabis, and which has been reviled and rejected by traditional Muslims everywhere and which is only maintained by Saudi Oil money.

    I have a friend who grew up going to Madressas in North Africa. What was one of the primary things he learned, on the primary school level?

    “Allah exists without place” they teach pre-schoolers this. If you type that exact phrase into Google you will get close to 2 million hits. Allah exists without a place or direction gives you about 4 million hits.

    Capiche? If you are really interested, sincerely so, I could go further into this. The orthodox Islamic view is that Allah exists beyond space and time and encompasses both. In Arabic the world al-Dahr, corresponds roughly to time spread out over space, a space time continuum, or the aeons on end in eternal succession. A hadith exists in which Allah states that Allah is al-Dahr, the standard explanation of this over centuries has been that Allah encompasses it.

    In other words, Allah is not an entity or deity in the typical sense but the concept of Allah is more akin to that of a Godhead, of which a personal divinity is an aspect, no more.

    Or as Ibn Arabic once put it “nothing exists except totality” or as the Quran itself put it “everywhere you turn there is the countenance of Allah.”

    That’s one minor quibble. Islam’s concept of divinity therefore cannot easily be lumped in as “An Abrahamic God” our concept is quite different.

    I trust you see my point, whether you will react to it in well measured and gilt venom, or sincerely try to stretch your mind to see where I’m coming from, is your choice. But try to rein in the temerity of judging almost 2 billion Muslims, many of whom are disadvantaged live in hovels and have been through experiences you may not have been able to believe, because of your perceptions of my insults in response to my perception of your insults, or sincerely benighted misinformation, to my path and faith.

    You are rhetorically gifted as a writer, I could choose to maintain the possibility that you are sincere in your reaction to my points, and in your original essay, or I could maintain the possibility that you are being mendacious and disingenuous. Either way, you are well spoken.

    What I could see as mendacious is your broad sweeping aside to Hassan’s rather crude “Jew conspiracy” quip, to characterize his and my whole religion by it, or your politely worded and measured final paragraph in reply to me, in which you characterize my snark and slightly biting tone, as my “showing everyone what the true meaning of a Muslim is.”

    Whether or not this comes from a sincere place in you it has a vulgar ring to someone who has studied the immense role and influence of Islamic cultures thought and religious ideas on the West, on the best of the West not the worst. From the legal idea of innocent until proven guilty and other essential principles to late Gothic and then European law (something most Muslims have been too dull to comment on, ironically explicated by a Christian lawyer, C Weeramantry, and a Jewish linguist Leo Wiener).

    However insulting I was far more charitable about intent than you were, for if you read my reply carefully I did not – in broad and sweeping terms (whether measured and glossed over with civility as your case may be) broadly characterize the essential personalities and traits of those on your path by your words.

    You have. If you don’t believe me re-read what you wrote.

    I will admit that my snarky references to comic book occultism and the like could be taken as insulting, but if they are is this not a mirror, in effect, to how a Muslim would feel about your take on our faith.

    You choose, in your reply’s final paragraph, to engage in a sort of veiled invective a type of ‘I’m showing a mirror at you and show the true nature of your religion to the world by letting you knit your own noose, deluded Muslim not initiated into the mysteries of the seven gates’

    That rhetorical pattern simply irks me as I’m reading about the Obama administration drone bombing innocent Muslim women and children under the most tired pretences possible. If the people you love are hounded with the world’s assent and cheers, and literally immolated by the tens of thousands every year, in the name of civility and progress and democracy, and you at that point read a long essay in which I name drop individuals who have known Simon or worked with the Necronomicon material, and I in my long essay totally butcher its history in a way that you feel to be mendacious and duplicitous or at least badly informed, then welcome to my Wednesday morning

    But I have not done this. Where I even visit, in passing, my views of your path’s history, it was in reply to – and mostly in passing – a view of my religion’s history that I believe to be utterly wrong, and based on tendentious and biased misreadings of history, and jumping to sweeping conclusions thereupon.

    Let me tell you about the true nature of my faith, the true nature of my faith is amply displayed by the scores of people far better than I am, and that I claim to be, for I do not claim to represent the true nature of my faith at all; by people who have been smeared over and over in the West by people who often haven’t had the care to look at multiple sides of the historical record, or who have chosen to listen to these people’s enemies, people who have made your world, and my world, a far better place by a principled dedication to and pursuit of knowledge. By Muslims who taught Christians like Roger Bacon who then illuminated Europe with what they learned from Muslims, by Muslims who gave freely intellectual gifts to the world.

    My claim is that you unfairly judge one of the greatest civilizations of the world, whatever its accidental evils may have been (which were far fewer I wager than previous Near Eastern civilizations, and which have been blown out of proportion by propagandists for Western Christianity and an academic establishment that for centuries imbibed this)

    To me, this indicates either unconscious and unexamined biases sincerely held, or willful duplicity based on inveterate hate, or a mix of the two.

    Unlike your characterization of me, I at least leave open the possibility for sincerity.

  9. And lastly, I consider any human being to be my brother or sister, siblings of Adam as it were.

    Your invocation of blessings and peace, and calling me your brother. From my pen it would be sincere. Whether it is simply rhetorical and ironic in your usage, or truly a sincere move on your part, is something known only to you and a reality within your breast and heart.

    In peace

  10. Dear Warlock Asylum,
    And upon you peace as well. Though we disagree on many things I recognize your sincerity of belief.

    As for Simon, I sharply disagree with his reading of Islamic history, in his contextualizing the Mad Arab, it is speculative and if my calling him a liar is an unfair accusation on my part, I can at least accuse him of selective reading due to certain inherent biases. However he is not here to defend himself, and I judge from my knowledge base and readings.

    While I believe him guilty of mischaracterization and bad faith, I admit that at the end of the day I do not know, and cannot read his mind.

    Your numerous points, while I disagree with, are well expressed and while we must agree to disagree Inshallah in the future I hope to address some of them in the depth and detail that their expression deserves. My ire was due primarily to my belief that yours was a malicious attack. Since sincerity is apparent in your reply, our mutual agreement is not necessary but I respect your right to your beliefs and their sincere expression.

  11. On Simon’s historical Characterization of the milieu of “the Mad Arab” and the general role of magick and the occult in Muslim societies, and history, I’ll note this. It is not a defense or apologetic, for I believe I have nothing to apologize for as a Muslim, nor do I believe my beliefs need defense. But I do believe that my views below are more historically accurate than *my* reading of Simon’s.

    Every civilization and culture, “pagan” or “Abrahamic” that’s to say “of the book” ( a dichotomy I personally reject as a Muslim and see as a Judeo-Christian projection upon or mis-reading of a more nuanced division in Islam) has it’s atrocities, and horrors. Some normative, part of the general thrust of the culture or tradition; but others exceptional. Injustice and unfairness lies in characterizing the exceptional, whether crimes of a folk – and thus being criminal exceptions – or crimes of a ruler and his entourage – and doubly exceptional.

    There is a discourse of persecution of magick workers and occultists that is not only widespread in Western modern occulture, but finds particular expression in – as I read it – Simon’s narrative in the three Necronomicon books of his that I’ve read. I believe his views are, if not consciously mendacious and dishonest, at least subject to an unconscious process of being heavily molded by a reading of Christian history and projecting that on Islamic history gives a ahistorical perspective that is far from accurate.

    While the practice of magic, or sihr in Arabic, is something I have utterly no interest in at this point in my life because of my beliefs, I will note note this;

    1) I do not see History bearing out any idea of active persecution of magicians or sorcerers under pre-modern Islam. I see this as a historical myth, sure people can point to a few incidents here and there but even still, while you may see (and this is significant) active persecution of some Sufis like Suhrawardi and Hallaj, you don’t see anything like an active persecution of Sorcerers anywhere documented in Islamic history. Exceptions to this rule can probably be dredged up with great effort and sifting of texts, which proves they are exceptional.

    Like all traditional societies harmful sorcery, attacks on the public order, murder and poisoning, by individuals seen as practicing Sorcery were breeches of the public order that could be pursued. Even “pagan” societies with far more positive (as seen to modern eyes anyway) attitudes towards magic saw sharp distinctions between beneficial magic workers not harming others, and individuals engaged in harmful sorcery. And the former were typically part of a Shamanic or Sacerdotal caste or structure. So equivalent to Priests.

    My reading of the history is that this will be found true from the “pagan” Celts, Germans, ancient Romans, to indigenous peoples like in Papua New Guinea to this day (there was a recent documentary showing how cannibalism was a penalty for harmful sorcery) could and would persecute ‘witches’ or ‘sorcerers’ who were believed to be overtly harming the community.

    In such senses it was a modality of a greater crime, that being murder, that was persecuted.

    2) Not only was there no large or active or sustained persecution of sorcery that did not involve cursing or murder or felonious anti-social activities but Indeed some Arabic Islamic lands were chock full of openly practicing Magicians, like Morocco, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, historically were absolutely full of sorcerers who plied their trade, and still are.This has continued well into the 20th century, while walking through a street in Marrakech I noticed Sigils and magic squares openly drawn on a house wall, people sell books in bookstores, and cities all through North Africa have pretty well known local sorcerers. It’s part of the culture on a far deeper, and far more open level, than one would think and this has been the case since the times of early Islam.

    Which points to an actual real-world acceptance and tolerance, even if accompanied by active dislike and disapproval, that someone like Simon might miss. I do not know if he traveled to any Muslim cities but if he had, 30 or 40 years ago when his Necronomicon project was first brewing, then he would have noticed this was even more the case then than now.

    3) I feel like Simon depicts middle eastern history as an Eastern bloody version of European Christendom, in the normative sense, few historical incidents being exceptions to the general rule, Islam was marked by tolerance. The notion of a bloody wave of forced conversions is absurd and against the Sharia. The early Caliph Umar II actually gave an entire city it’s independence and freedom to return to their former faith when he discovered a misguided general forced the residents into Islam during its conquest.

    But the notion of a mad Arab from Yemen fleeing with the remnants of his magic and old religion being exterminated by Muslims,a nd feverishly recording it’s dying light, I see as lurid nonsense. The Ummayyads actually actively discouraged conversion to Islam, vast regions continued their traditional pre-Islamic religious practices for centuries, and Arab Muslim sorcerers magicians and occultists of all stripe thrived in early Muslim cities throughout the Arab world. And this was fairly openly, until very recently you could still buy grimories in Souks in Fes or Marrakesh or Damascus or Cairo. And an immense range of occult workers trafficking with the Jinn exist even to this day, and have been extensively studied by anthropologists.

    Orthodox Islam has its rules and normative practices, but typically left others well enough alone. The recent craze of “Witch Hunting” in Saudi Arabia is an abnormal exception to this rule and it’s real locus lies in certain aspects of Saudi politics and the unique nature of the Salafi/Wahabi sect.

    The reality is that the Dar al-Islam and Arab world in general has always had both a general disapproval of Magic/Sihr but at the same time a general tolerance of it’s practice and practitioners as long as felonious assaults on other individuals murders or such crimes were not involved. When they were involved, in the case of some black magicans, then of course the Sharia intervened. When they didn’t apart from some complaints by theologians it was simply part of the general social order.

    That is the history as I see it, both from my readings and my travels, and it is the backdrop of why I believed Simon to have been basically lying.

    With peace,

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Peace Brother Kamal. It is with respect that i reply to your recent comment. First of all you can see my esaays on how religion got started in my work the Atlantean Necronomicon, which are essays on clarifying the Simon Necronomicon paradigm. Secondly, as mentioned in the Simon Necronomicon and other references, its easy to see that the religion of the Chaldeans its what gave birth to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

      Since you have a copy of the Simon tome, look at all the sacred numbers of the deities. What do they add up to. Nanna = 30, Nebo = 12, Ishtar = 15, Shammash = 20, Nergal = 8, Marduk = 10, and Adar = 4. 30 + 12 + 15 + 20 + 8 + 10 + 4 = 99. That’s where they got the 99 names of Allah from. Think about it for a second. Abraham was a Chaldean, supposedly where a founding father of the religion of Islam, that was said to begin in the same part of the world as that of Chaldea. When you do the math, literally, it adds up as the source being Chaldea and babylon, ultimately Sumeria. its not a coincidence that all these things happened.

      So it was easy in some ways for the founder of the religion of Islam to put together his creed cause it already existed in ancient Mesopotamia, and Abraham was from Ur.

      You can see the same paradigm occur in the Middle Passage. Just look at Santeria and Yoruba. to say that Islam did not come out of the Sumerian pnatheon is like saying that santeria didn’t come from Yoruba. All the peices are there to fit inside of the puzzle.

      Stay blessed

  12. Messiah’el Bey it is good that we may disagree in peace,

    1. Warlock Asylum says:

      Peace and Blessings Brother Kamal! Hope all is well in your part of the world. We are not here to battle, but uncover truth on each step of the journey.

  13. Truthseeker says:

    So let me get this straight. They worship allah on the day of venus which represent Ishtar godess which is associated with friday. Friday is the 5 day of the week. There is 5 pillars of islam. There is 5 prayers a day. The crescent moon under the statues or idols of Ishtar is a crescent moon that look exactly the same as the one in the Muslim faith….yet peoples are still refusing to believe that the Muslim actually worship the godess of ishtar? You gotta be kidding me!

    I would like to add up that the guardian that guard the kaaba are call son of the old women which make sense since they put a dress on it. Have you ever noticed how the receptacle which hold the sacred black stone has a shape of a vagina? If the black stone is not worship then how can they pray to it 5 times a day and kiss it to have there sins forgiven during the hajj? Look a lot like worship to me I’m sorry. I also found that during the time of Muhammad and even an hundred year after his death most of the qibla of the biggest known sacred mosque we’re aligning with petra in Jordania (including the dome of the rock) and not mecca. It took 200 year after Muhammad death to have every qibla align with mecca.

    Abraham always live in the region of hebron and beer sheva according to the bible. He was even buried next to his wife Sarah when he died at 175 years old. His son ismael when he got kick out of the house by sarah for making fun of Issac went in the desert of Paran next to Egypt with his mom hajar. From hebron to mecca it’s a 1400km trip in the desert.. Mecca didn’t appear on any map or cartography before 800AD.. its even questionable if it exists in the time that Muhammad live in or its pure crap from the quran. According to Surah 29:27 and other 4 text in the quran, the prophethood and the holy scripture would come from the seed of Issac and Jacob, ismael was never mention. Therefore how can Muhammad who is believed to have come from the quraish tribe which is link to ismael could even qualified as being a prophet or a messenger according to the quran itself? The quran is clear Isaac and Jacob not ismael. Does not the mighty allah knew from where is chosen prophet would come from?

    Quran contradict himself on so many points, take example of the wine which the quran state it’s an evil drink it’s haram and than on another verse they say it flow in the rivers of paradise ? Wtf!

    On other verse the quran proclaim peace and say to not kill then on other verses it clearly state to kill all unbelievers ? I’m really sorry to say it but whoever believe in islam has a serious mental illness believing that it’s a worship made to god even after all the proofs mention here.

    1. Thanks for those points and for sharing some of your insights. Since Abraham was a Chaldean, most of the Abrahamic religions have a Babylonian origin. The more you study ancient Mesopotamian theology, the more this becomes clear!

  14. I found this article to be hilarious. All the amazing jumps that you had to run through with the long run on sentences that make no sense just to find the smallest most tenuous connections to Islam. It just goes to show you don’t actually have a real argument.

  15. Incredible stuff. I’m a new convert to Islam, but I’ve always been interested in Mesopotamia (after all, it’s known as the cradle of civilization…) and I do understand that the Abrahamic religions have their roots in Mesopotamian beliefs. Learning more about the origins only helps me understand the three religions better. this is amazing stuff. I also read on another website, yesterday, that it’s possible Islam is akin to being Venus worshipping, rather than some ‘moon cult’ that other people try to associate the religion with (a convenient and simplistic distraction towards reaching knowledge).

    In my studies of the Bible, and my goal in tracing back the history of the world, at least spiritually wise (and to better understand the ‘elites’ who operate the world), I’ve come to an understanding that the cradle of civilization harbored some amazing secrets that we modern day humans have to unravel all over again. The more we understand this, the more knowledge we gain, the more we’ll understand what is beyond this material plane. Thanks for the post.

  16. Sami El Galabi says:

    As an ex-muslim, muslims used to destroy pagan roots, burned their books down, and even in the Quran it says that abraham himself destroyed his father’s statue, and all the village statues! But after reading your article Mr War-lock I noticed that you follow even a more ancient tradition (thankfully not a religion) with an Asian source as far as I understand. All of this information leads me to one thing which is:
    Religions are all man made. But it also leads me to something really interesting, that scientists existed along with the imaginations religion makers had. This is only to confirm Einstein’s support to imagine. Thank you war-lock for this great article ! With peace from Sudan, land of the black pharoahs who got completely colonized by the arabs, British and curropt muslim brotherhoods!

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful words. I hope to analyze similar origins of other religions soon. In some ways religion is science and visa versa

  17. Warlock Asylum, thank you for your fascinating enlightenment and sharing of your knowledge. You’ve inspired me to learn and understand the importance of history again. I wish I could make more time to read.
    Thank you for the great learning experience 🤗.

  18. Hi, first of all, sorry for my non-perfect English 🙂
    I need your help and ask something to you about the 99 name of Allah. Because i searched adar (i think you wrote the name wrong, its adad or hadad) but there is no any information about sacred number “four”. In the articles which i found, they mentioned the adad’s sacred number is six. But in this time the 99 name of Allah argument dissapears. Please help me about that subject.
    Have a good day!

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