Greetings! I would like to welcome everyone to the Art of Ninzuwu blog page. If this is your first time visiting our page, please take the opportunity to review some of our previous articles and do not hesitate to share some of your insights by posting a comment.  Stay blessed!

We are happy to announce a new Art of Ninzuwu Educational Series, presented in the form of digital theatre. Our first episode, The Dream of Amaterasu Ohkami, is now available for viewing on YouTube. In this episode, we learn a little bit of the factual origins of the Art of Ninzuwu and the founder of this spiritual practice, Sojobo-Tengu.

The digital theatre presentation also highlights the meaning of the Art of Ninzuwu and its place in the world of Shinto magic. True life experiences of those closely associated with the practice of Ninzuwu are also discussed. Viewers also get to see some of the dangers of those who invoke elements of the spirit world without the proper understanding.

The cast consists of members of the Art of Ninzuwu website, Rafael Barrio, Messiah’el Bey (Warlock Asylum), and Shantara Haniel Illiyantha (Ankhara). The presentation also stars Nightcaller, an initiate of the Necronomicon Tradition, who plays the role of a distraught magician.

While based on true-life experiences of practitionerso f the Art of Ninzuwu, we do hope that you find the following presentation educational and informative. We would like to thank all our readers for their support as we embrace a new phase in helping others appreciate Ninzuwu mysticism. The link to this digital theatre presentation is provided below:

This video can also be viewed in HD at the Goanimate website:

Art of Ninzuwu Part 1: The Dream of Amaterasu Ohkami in HD

8 thoughts on “Art of Ninzuwu Educational Video: The Dream of Amaterasu Ohkami -Is Now on YouTube

  1. Necronomicus says:

    Very enjoyable!

  2. This is just the beginning 😉 By the Grace of Johuta, many blessings.

  3. These videos are phenomenal, Brother! Please forgive my absence, but it is time that I return. I am ready to begin.

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