Aside from its delicious flavor, more and more people are  discovering some the medical benefits of honey. Hydrogen peroxide is a component of honey. Generally speaking, honey is a sweet food made by bees, through the process of regurgitation and evaporation, using nectar from flowers.

Man’s consumption of honey can be traced back to times of remote antiquity. Archeological evidence indicates that it has been a part of man’s diet for over 8,000 years.  Honey also has been used in many religious rites around the world. In Christianity, John the Baptist is said to live in the wilderness for quite some time while living on a diet of locusts and wild honey. The Biblical “promised land” is described as the “land of milk and honey. The Sumerian goddess Inanna praised her lover by the title “honey-man.” In Hinduism, honey is one of the five elixirs of immortality; such is also connected with Taoist thought.

While the use of honey is commonly known for its qualities as a natural sweetener and religious significance, it is a valuable healing agent.  Honey has long been a benefit in treating various gastric disturbances and in the ancient world, was applied to cuts and wounds. However, it is only recently that the mechanisms underlying the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey have come to be understood.

Different types of honey carry, more or less, antibacterial properties depending on the flower of the specific plant that the honey is derived

It has been reported that Manuka honey, derived flowers of the Manuka bush, has a wealth of healing benefits. In an article, presented by Natural News, entitled, Can Manuka Honey Prevent Cancer? we read:

“The 5-year study by a group of researchers from the UAE University in Al Ain reveals the use of Manuka honey for cancer treatment. In a recent study that was published in PLOS ONE, a scientific journal, Manuka honey was proven to contain properties that can inhibit the growth of tumors in the breasts, colon, and skin.”

In a report published by, we find that Manuka honey is highly effective against gingivitis. The report states the following:

“Research has shown that manuka honey has superior antimicrobial properties that can be used with success in the treatment of wound healing, peptic ulcers and bacterial gastro-enteritis. Studies have already shown that manuka honey with a high antibacterial activity is likely to be non-cariogenic. The current pilot study investigated whether or not manuka honey with an antibacterial activity rated UMF 15 could be used to reduce dental plaque and clinical levels of gingivitis. A chewable “honey leather” was produced for this trial. Thirty volunteers were randomly allocated to chew or suck either the manuka honey product, or sugarless chewing gum, for 10 minutes, three times a day, after each meal. Plaque and gingival bleeding scores were recorded before and after the 21-day trial period. Analysis of the results indicated that there were statistically highly significant reductions in the mean plaque scores (0.99 reduced to 0.65; p=0.001), and the percentage of bleeding sites (48% reduced to 17%; p=0.001), in the manuka honey group, with no significant changes in the control group. Conclusion: These results suggest that there may be a potential therapeutic role for manuka honey confectionery in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontal disease.”

According to Med-Health.Net, Manuka honey is a natural antibiotic, and lists several benefits made by the use of this particular type of honey:

“Manuka honey contains several ingredients that allow it to act as an antibiotic. The most prominent of these components is methylglyoxal or MG which is only present in small quantities in other types of honey. In general, the larger the quantities of MG in a substance, the more of an antibiotic effect this substance will have. Manuka honey also contains high concentrations of dihydroxyacetone due to the high concentrations of this chemical found in manuka flowers. The honey is also a source of hydrogen peroxide which can act as an antibiotic.”

The report by Med-Health.Net goes to list many of the health benefits of Manuka honey:

Used For



The anti-viral properties of manuka honey can help to eliminate infections stemming from wounds so they can heal more quickly and effectively.

Skin Problems

Manuka honey has been found to be effective in managing a variety of skin problems including skin ulcers, cracked skin, abscesses, bed sores or acne. Diabetics also claim that manuka honey is effective in managing foot or leg ulcers.

Immune System

Consuming manuka honey can help the body fight off internal infections or diseases including gastritis, sore throat, cold, fever, acid reflux and heartburn among others by boosting the immune system.

Gastrointestinal Problems

Consuming manuka honey can help to quell the pain that is caused by conditions such as stomach inflammation, peptic ulcers, indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome.


Those that have been vomiting or experiencing diarrhea can consume manuka honey to help rehydrate the body.

Morning Sickness

Pregnant women report that consuming ½ teaspoon ginger juice, a teaspoon of manuka honey and a teaspoon of mint and lime juice 2-3 times a day can help to limit morning sickness symptoms.

While, we are blessed to discover further healing properties of Manuka honey, the Cup of the Fahmu, readers should note that if a serious illness should occur, please consult a physician for medical care immediately. Have a great and prosperous day!

3 thoughts on “Nature’s Antibiotic: Manuka Honey

  1. I am going to have to try this for myself. I have been using a tonic 1 Tbs. apple cider vinegar, 1Tbs. lemon juice, and 2 Tbs. honey added to 1 cup of hot water to ease my respiratory issues. It would seem the Manuka honey is even more effective than dromestic honey according to this information. Thank you very much for presenting it. 🙂

  2. Reblogged this on Tips for Anyone and commented:
    Good Article about Manuka Honey. Indeed Manuka Honey is supreme over ordinary honey and Manuka Honey have lots of medical benefits according to many resources and researches done in New Zealand. It is definitely beneficial to all ages except age 12 months and below.

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