Before starting a magick/spiritual endeavor one must be clean and clear in their mind.  Able to think for themselves and free from bondage with previous boxed studies.  Remember the path is within, it is you for you doing the walk.  There is no club that could take you to your awakening, there are only people walking alongside you to their own.  Walk with them but with your own mind intact.Magick practitioners that follow the cult mentality tend to become overworked seeking for power and external glorification to the point of manipulating other people, including using violence to fulfill their own crooked desires, like cursing and sending others harmful energies.

The Art Of Ninzuwu is a pure practice and the initiate must maintain a pure heart.  For even after reaching such degree of knowledge one must maintain inner stability.  As we know well the frequency of our bodies is regulated by our minds in conjunction with our emotions, so our thoughts, intentions and emotions must be pure in order for us to remain in the state of self omnipotence.

The following is an article written by Amy Collins about Cultist behavior and what to be aware.

Cultist behavior and practices have very broad and reaching implications on our current society. Some are not “dangerous” in a violent sense, but are very damaging psychologically over the long term. The best way to disguise a cult is to claim it is not a religion over and over, and “don’t take our word for what we say”, while simultaneously “suggesting” and reinforcing behavior over a long period of time, with this information delivered via a variety of means. Some say their evidence is scientific or empirical and based on hard facts, others divine authority, but in reality its truths are only subjective and debatable. Here are some symptoms and patterns:

“1) In for a penny in for a pound – too much time, money and dedication invested to leave now.
2) Familial relations – often entire families may be involved in a cult. Fear is if they leave the cult they will at very least lose the respect of their family
3) Vague threats implied by the cult – of losing their protection if they leave.
4) Creating a split personality – the authentic self knows that the cult is teaching falsehood but the cult personality needs to stay – when one attempts to free themselves they feel not only guilt, but even physiological symptoms like headaches and blackouts resulting from the extreme dissonance – they may blame this on the losing of protection described above.
5) Association and love for the symbols, scents and or music of the cult if they have any. Sentimentality and association are very strong. Themes are strongly related to serenity – for example: praying beads, rosaries, humming themes, making ones home similar to the place of indoctrination and more.
6) Near impossible promises – always a pot of gold if one goes one more level, pays this much more, tries this much harder to please or makes friends with the right leader. Teachings have the phrase such as “we will get to this later as you grow….” There is always a long drawn out path to achieving whatever the goal promised by the cult.
7) Charismatic leaders that are venerated with impressive sounding titles that are often unreachable, but their filtered words meet the masses within the cult as doctrinal. To insult or question them would bring severe repercussions – punishments of a cult are often a form of shunning or silencing.
8) Making the cult member feel chosen or elite, this is amplified by hierarchical structures as one moves from an outer to inner circle. Emphasis is often placed on an implication they are part of something larger than themselves as an elite.
9)Patterned behavior and speech in everyday life that directly relates to the cult. For instance, if they say clap after each meal or ritually bathe before doing this that or the other the member will follow this superstitiously. The cult will even say they are against superstition, lol. If the cult speaks of “Tidings of peace and promise” in their teachings, the cultist member will begin to use such phrases without even thinking in even personal communication.
10) Further dissonance by those in cults that understand these things: “No way!, I am crazy if I believed this were my practice” Yet an instant desire to weigh this against the pattern. Or they may think “Oh, yes this seems very true, but they are not harming anyone.”If you or anyone you know needs help deprogramming from a cult or the cultist behavior feel free to message me and Amy will get in contact with you.

1 thought on “Freeing Your Mind From Cultism

  1. Warlock Asylum says:

    Here is also a list of reasons why many engage in this practice:

    Cults claim to offer contentment and fulfillment. They can appeal to people who

    · are lonely and/or seeking attention.
    · are in a normal but often difficult transitional stage of life
    · have suffered a recent loss through death or ending of an important relationship
    · want to be part of a caring community
    · are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives or a transcendent experience
    · are frightened of the uncertainty in life today and of facing a difficult economy
    · are idealistic and want to improve the world
    · want absolute, instant answers to life’s complicated problems and ultimate questions
    · want to find a loving family in a time of breakdown of traditional family structure (some groups talk about themselves as “The Family” and the leaders as “True Parents” or “Mother” and “Father”)
    · are attracted by a sense of daring and adventure
    · are disillusioned with our political system and want to find another way to change the world

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