The Atlantean Necronomicon Is Now Available!!!!


I would like to welcome everyone here to the Simon Necronomicon Gate-Walker’s Page. I would like to thank everyone for their input and suggestions concerning The Atlantean Necronomicon: Veils of Negative Existence. The information in this book is extremely rare, if not obsolete for some. It is a valuable resource for Gate-Walkers and occultists worldwide.

The book has several interviews appearing in its appendix section. I would like to thank Dan Harms and Aion 131 for allowing me permission to print their thoughts. Also Dan Harms, and a variety of other people will be happy to know that I found the origin of KUTULU, with historical data to support this.

All the deities in the Urilia Text are explained, as well as, a thorough history of Lammashta, Lady Shakuguku, and many others. It is a magical work, which includes essay and valuable information, making it an integral part of the Necronomicon Tradition. The text is now ready in its entirety via Deluxe Edition. For more details please click the following link:

The Atlantean Necronomicon: Veils of Negative Existence

We did have a pdf version available, but I really think that this content is too valuable too valuable to have flying over the internet, but I am open to suggestions. Thanks for your support.

Warlock Asylum