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Hidden Languages in the Simon Necronomicon



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Well, many of our readers have inquired about the special letter that have appeared in the Necronomicon, as seen here:


When we compare these two fonts, we can see many of the same characters and a variation of others. The Nabatean language was developed from the Aramiac  language. This can be easily seen when compared to the Aramiac alphabet.

Originally Aramaic was spoken (and written) only in the region whose modern name is Syria. However, during the late Assyrian empire, and subsequently during the Babylonian and Persian empires, Aramaic became an international language, written and spoken in Anatolia, the Levantine coast, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Persia. It was quickly adopted by many local groups. In Israel, it became the “Jewish” alphabet, the direct descendant of which is the modern Hebrew alphabet. It also became much more cursive as time goes on, such as the Nabatean alphabet, which eventually became Arabic.

It is often thought that much of what appears in the Simon Necronomicon is Sumerian. This may be true of some words, but we would also have to look at the history of the Sumerian language itself.

The earliest writing was invented by the Sumerians in the third milleniums B.C. The pictographic or “picture writing” was not dissimilar to Egyptian hieroglyphics. Individual words were represented by over 600 symbols that resembled the object in some way .

Sumerian cuneiform developed from pictures into more abstract symbols that used wedge and hook shapes. This style of cuneiform was referred to as “ideographic”, entire words or “ideograms” were protrayed.

When the Akkadians who spoke an entirely different language, adapted cuneiform writing they converted it to a ‘syllabic’ writing system. Individual signs represented syllables rather than entire words.

Cunieform was written on wet clay tablets using a long reed or ‘stylus’. Its name is derived from two Latin words meaning “wedge-shaped”.

The use of clay tablets allowed the writer to use a simple inexpensive writing tools to make quick impressions. The clay tablet could be reused or baked in a kiln to form a permanent record.

Many of the tablets found by archaeologists have only been preserved because they were baked hard in the fires that destroyed the cities. Attacking armies may have destroyed the cultures but not their archives. The writing and the business and administration dealings of many middle eastern cities have been preserved intact in the dust and their ruins. Alexander’s destruction of Persepolis is a good example of this.

The Persians created their own style of cuneiform, adapting it from early cuneiform writing but greatly simplifying it until it represented something closer to an alphabet. This new form was also by the Aramaic consonantal script and consisting of a mixture of syllabic and consonantal signs. University of Birmingham

Now when we compare this with the history of the Aramiac language, it seems that this may have been the tongue spoken by the “Mad Arab.”


Originally the language of the Aramaeans, it became the language of Semitic peoples throughout the ancient Near East from before 1000BC and later became the common language (lingua franca) of all the Middle East.

By the 8th century B.C. it was the major language from Egypt to Asia Minor to Pakistan. It was the lanaguage of the great Semitic empires of Assyria, Syria, Chaldean, and Babylon and was used throughout Achaemenid Persia.

The returning Jews from their captivity in Babylon, established Aramaic as the vernacular of the Jewish people and is still used by them in the worship. Jesus, his disciples and contemporaries spoke and preached in Aramaic, and parts of the Old Testament and much of the rabbinical literature were written in Aramaic.

Present-day scholars claim that the Aramaic language itself passed through many stages of development:
Old Aramaic 975-700 B.C.
Standard Aramaic 700-200 B.C.
Middle Aramaic 200 B.C.-200 A.D.
Late Aramaic 200-700 A.D.
Aramaic language was the dominate language throughout the Middle East and enjoyed general use until the spread of Greek after Alexander’s conquest of the Achaemenid empire in 331 B.C.

Greek traders and cultural instiutions then spread the Greek language from Egypt to China but Aramaic’s use still remained amongst the Semitic peoples until it was superseded by Arabic, a sister Semitic tongue, with the Arab conquest in the 7th Century AD.

We encourage all GateWalkers, to look not only in their Sumerian lexicons when translating parts of the Simon Necronomicon that are not in English, but also to turn to the Aramiac language as well.

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