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Answering The Critics of the Ivory Tablets of the Crow With Historical Accuracy: A Defining Moment In The Necronomiocn Tradition


I would like to welcome everyone to the Papers in the Attic blog page, your home and resource for practitioners of the Simon Necronomicon mysteries and Sumerian mysticism.  We wish you all the best, as you climb to new heights of understanding and spiritual evolution. Please feel free to share your insights and critique by posting a comment. This is your home and we are all family.

In view of the many comments and criticisms that surfaced during one of our recent articles, I thought it would be good to review some points, which define the meaning and purpose of this blog page and the Necronomicon Tradition overall. In order to gleam the theme of this article, we found it best to list several points that delve into the heart of our intent in presenting this material.

1. I would first like to apologize to anyone who may have been offended by the material presented in our Warriors of the Necronomicon Tradition Series. I must say that while these episodes may have presented some real life challenges that the Practitioner of the Necronomicon Mysteries may have met in trying to perfect their work, a lot of times I would present certain characters, like Amadi, Alric Thomas, Ashnook, Ankhara, and even Nightcaller, out of character to build anticipation for the next episode and to also reveal methods of overcoming conflict that may arise in one’s work. I would use these characters specifically because I have a working relationship and good friendship with them personally. Knowing their maturity, I figured they would not take offense to this presentation of their being, as we plan on creating new episodes showing their true nature and how they have evolved spiritually. It is quite a blessing to have shared in knowing them personally, and I must say that I have benefited from their experiences.

2. This blog page started off as a personal journal of my experiences. Though it was only five years ago, there weren’t too many resources available on the Necronomicon Mysteries. I wanted to do research on the energies that are presented in the Simon tome. This attracted others of like mind, some who worked with the tome before I did. It was good to learn from others, even debate with some. It was all a great learning process. The work of maintaining a page on the Simon Necronomicon taught me more about it. Later, I would ask frequent commenters, or those newly initiated if they would like to join the administrative team. Though we have similar experiences, others could benefit from others experiences. This would help them grow and develop too. It was then that the mission of the blog page began to change from a personal journal to a resource on those involved in the Necronomicon workings and those of ancient Mesopotamian mysticism. We would even feature articles outside the preview of these things, as it was still useful to the work, a community was building and a culture. So while some may try to imply that I am, or was seeking to draw attention to myself, my actions say something entirely different. We have posted information on the Simon work freely for quite some time. Others were invited to join the admin team. Whatever someone wanted to see in the Asaru Clan or the Necronomicon Tradition overall, they have and had the opportunity to present such, not just sit on the sidelines and criticize people. Bring to the table what you would like to see. It’s your Tradition too!

3. Problems began with the admin team. Any person who takes a position of leadership must ensure the needs of those who he/she are serving come first.  It’s not about posting stuff up because it makes you look smart. The important thing is that you have posted some information that can aid someone in their work. With this in mind, you have to be clear in your writing. Take into consideration that there are many people from many walks of life that your words may fall on. Always remember the one of the most important “godlike” qualities your empathy for others. I’ve heard all of the foolishness, and people trying to be a “tough guy,” both good and evil energies work in aiding others, primarily as their life function. That’s why they exist in a place outside of ours, for their consciousness is different. Follow the example of the energies you call upon for it will bring out that quality in you, ultimately.

4. The Necronomicon Tradition is not a religion. While many readers will agree with such logically, emotionally they act different, by promoting fear in those who walk this path.  Some practitioners have even been noted as promoting the idea that if you retire from the Necronomicon workings, something bad will happen to you, or anybody who speaks about the Necronomicon in this regard. While I have seen some misfortune by those who foolishly try to enact the rites in the Simon Necronomicon with disrespect, promoting this fear-based sort of thinking is no different from a Christian telling somebody that if they don’t believe in Jesus, they are going to hell. I have seen people criticize the Simon Necronomicon and live an enjoyable life. Dan Harms wrote an entire book, criticizing the Simon Necronomicon, and he enjoys traveling to other countries several times a year. Just ask yourself, when was the last time you had a chance to do the same? The purpose of the Simon tome is clearly stated in the work itself, which is to work as a “Gatekeeper of the Inside.”  Besides real  power is in freedom. Who wants to lock themselves into something that they can’t get out of and only work because there is no escape? That is stupid and to belittle the Mesopotamian pantheon and portray them with the same emotional qualities of the gods in the Abrahamic religions is a disservice. They are very loving energies. Get the Ann Rice movie schemes out of your head.

5. A lot of ignorance in these regards arises because people do not know, or understand what the real Necronomicon is. Fiction writer, H.P. Lovecraft said that the Necronomicon was written in blood upon pages of human flesh. This is a metaphor for the human being, whose body is composed on flesh and blood itself. This is in full agreement with the Greater Mysteries. In the book, Magic: A Treatise on Esoteric Ethics by Manly P. Hall, we find the following:

“If man today knew of the god-powers that lie dormant within him, he would be the most dangerous creature in the universe..”

If the Necronomicon is the most-powerful system of magic on earth, it is only so because it resembles man, more perfectly than other systems. Man is a replica of the universe and the personification of it. It is through the work that man gets to know the different sides of himself. However, some practitioners of ritual, who have not relieved themselves of their Christian programming, will begin to create a god out of a grimoire, so that when one no longer uses a book, he goes insane. This is not due to  a curse behind the book, but because, he or she, fails to realize that they are the Necronomicon themselves.

If there is a “god” of the Simon Necronomicon, we can say that it is Dingir Enki. Yet, in the Conjuration of the Fire God, which is one of the first things we do in ritual, We say “it is not I but Enki, ” for the very same reasons we have just discussed. Man is a microcosm  of the universe, a miniature replica of the vast regions of space that he lives in. Indeed, he was created in “god’s image.” The exploration in the Necronomicon Mysteries is designed for the Initiate to use the Simon Necronomicon as a tool, a formula to unlock those hidden aspects of his/her psyche that relates to its heavenly power. The Mad Arab encourages us to walk to the furthest reaches of the stars. When applied with proper appreciation for the system, the Initiates will soon learn how to develop even greater technology, for this is what the Simon Necronomicon is, technology. Notice what is mentioned in the Introduction of the Simon Necronomicon:

“Crowley’s Magick was a testimony of what he has found in his researches into the forbidden, and forgotten, lore of past civilisations and ancient times. His Book of the Law was written in Cairo in the Spring of 1904, when he believed himself to be in contact with a praeter-human intelligence called Aiwass who dictated to him the Three Chapters that make up the Book. It had influenced him more than any other, and the remainder of his life was spent trying to understand it fully, and to make its message known to the world….but this is Crowley’s own NECRONOMICON, received in the Middle East in the shadow of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh,”

The purpose of our initiation and practice with the Simon tome is very similar to that of an engineer. In the beginning, and engineer must work hard in order to learn certain scientific laws so that he or she can understand how a particular technology works. This process also involves performing certain experiments and practical application of these “scientific laws,” so that one obtains a working knowledge of these things, so that potential engineer can witness these laws in action for his/her own self. After the engineer has become thoroughly familiar with these things, they can begin to create technology that is often times an improvement of the previous technology that they studied, or can accomplish a particular task with more accuracy. This is also the work of the Simon Necronomicon Practitioner. The Mad Arab writes the following in his Second Testimony:

Watch well, however, all that they do and all that they say, and write it down in a book that no one will see, as I have done, for it will serve thee well at some future time when thou wilt recognize them by their words or by their actions.”

There is an old saying in the Asaru Clan, that a teacher should teach his/her students to be greater than he/she is, so that the tradition survives. Initiation into the Necronomicon Current is our common foundation, our common ancestor, and new discoveries, new grimoires, mystical texts, ensures that this Tradition always remains one of growth and development. For a person to call himself a “magician” and swear by the power of one book the way Christians swear by the Bible is indeed the invention of a new religion, and the potential magician will soon find himself in the healing of believing in faith, rather than validation. We are supposed to work like a Justice League, all having a common foundation, but different powers due to our own exploration into the regions of the forbidden. No nation can grow if by the use of stagnant technology. New forms of esoteric technology by Necronomicon Monks and Adepts will ensure the survival of our Tradition. It is not an act of faith, but an act of true will in progress that will keep our tradition alive!


Rebuttal to Mister Suller and Mr. M and Other Critiques of the Ivory Tablets.

Papers in the Attic blog page was happy to present some startling new evidence validating our tradition in the recent article entitled, Research Into The Ivory Tablets of the Crow Reveal Connection Between The I-Ching and The Simon Necronomicon. Several comments were made in appreciation of the article, but there were, in particular two critics of the material, “Mr. M” and “Habban Sabbah Suller.” The remainder of this article will address some issues presented by these two gentlemen.

First, Mr. M asked a question that shows his inexperience in understanding the history of the great magical tradition that he claims allegiance to. Originally, The Cult of Nyarzir’s blog page had the banner “no god is the true god.” In one of Mr .M’s comments he attacks this slogan. here is what he wrote in a comment:

“So, if no god is the true god, Mr. Asylum are you saying that Tiamat does not exist? Does Allah not exist? Does Shaitan not exist? Does Ishtar not exist? Answer me, that!”

I couldn’t stop laughing, but I did supply the following answer:

“That’s a sincere question you have asked. “No god is the true god,” statement is a metaphor meaning that in our work we take that which is self-aware in us and merge with its source, which is pure consciousness. There are powerful forces on different planes and all of these forces are seeking to evolve to a higher state of consciousness as well. So the idea of limiting oneself in dedication to a force that could be deceptive in convincing one that they are the creator of all there is, or the spirit of a dead king that later became known as a god, and worshiping such, is not the purpose of our existence if we are to evolve. The Ivory Tablets clearly states that there is nothing wrong in communicating with such, but these should not be worshiped as a substitute for the force of pure consciousness, which so many religious and magical systems have done. That is all.”

The reason that I couldn’t stop laughing when I read Mr. M’s comment was that Aleister Crowley, said pretty much the same thing. Kenneth Grant spoke about this in his infamous work Magic Revival, Grant writes the following:

“When Crowley assumed control of the O.T.O., he chose as its motto Deus est Homo (God is Man), and in Liber Oz he declares “There is no God but Man.” It was to Man that his Manefesto was addressed, when in the middle of the Mediterranean in 1924, he declared Thelema (Will) to be the Word of the Law, in accordance with what had been revealed to him by Aiwaz in Cairo, twenty years previously.”

Maybe  Mr. M or Mr. Habban Sabbah Suller never read the works of Aleister Crowley and Kenneth Grant before, but there is no difference in “No god is the true god” and Crowley’s “There is no God but Man” statement. How unfortunate.

Mr. M continues on with his ignorant rampage by attacking another statement that I made, which suggest that a Book of Chaos was a book of freedom:

“So you made it up? The freedom to make up what you want. Crowley told us where he got his Book of the Law from. Grant chronicled his experiments. We know where Dee and Kelley got their material from. Yet, you are making *false* claims about where you got these tablets from!”

Interestingly, as was stated before, if Mr. M has read Kenneth Grant’s material a philosophy of this nature wouldn’t really surprise him. In Magical Revival, Kenneth Grants quotes the following from Crowley’s Liber Oz:

“Man has a right to live by his own law – to live the way that he wills to do.”

Mr. M, would probably take Crowley’s words out of context. See my statement, Crowley’s statement, or what’s even stated in the Simon Necronomicon, all has to do with Chaos magick, not under the modern definition, where anybody can do whatever they want. It is the ability to create an advanced technology, just like an engineer who uses the laws of science to develop “a new creation.” Chaos magick, in its true definition of the term, was an art that could only properly be engaged in by those who were adepts. It is not an art for the beginner. If you really think about the Mad Arab’s words in his Second Testimony, the idea of observing the Ancient Ones and copying what you see them perform in a book, would be considered to be a form of Chaos magick by today’s standards, but the Simon Necronomicon admits to such only after the Practitioner has been properly initiated.

Mr M. continues with his ignorant rants, which illustrate his lack of knowledge in even the Sumerian Mysteries. This is an excerpt from another comment:

“If it were truly Pre-Sumerian as you say, the Necronomicon betrays whether this book comes from a valid source. “The terrible offspring of the Ancient Ones may be summoned by the priest. These offspring may be called and adjured to perform what tasks the priest deem necessary in his temple. They were begotten *BEFORE ALL AGES AND DWELT IN THE BLOOD OF KINGU* (emphasis added), and MARDUK could not altogether shut them out. And this was taught by the priests of Babylon, who charged that these formulae may never be revealed to anyone who is not initiated into our ways, for to do so would be the most frightful error.”

If the offspring were begotten before all ages and dwelt in the blood of KINGU, then it is indeed a magick that existed prior to what we know of as “Sumeria”.”

If Mr. M really had knowledge of Sumeria, he would have then realized that the Tablets of Destiny were posed by the “Ancient Ones” prior to the advent of the Elder Gods. In one version of the Enuma Elish, the Tablets of Destiny, are said to be held by Tiamat and given to Kingu. It later tell us that these Tablets are the “power of Anu,” or the power of heaven. Something that could not be literally hung around ones neck:

“She exalted Kingu; in their midst she raised him to power.
To march before the forces, to lead the host,
To give the battle-signal, to advance to the attack,
To direct the battle, to control the fight,
Unto him she entrusted; in costly raiment she made him sit, saying:
I have uttered thy spell, in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power.
The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto him.
Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse,
May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki.”
She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying:
Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established.”
Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,”

Mr. M should also re-read his copy of the Ivory Tablets of the Crow and do some historical research. In the introduction of the Ivory Tablets we learn that the Cult of Nyarzir was a nomadic group of magicians and established esoteric schools of thought all across the world. Science now confirms this in several areas of the world. Close to a decade ago BBC News posted an article entitled, Oldest Star Chart Found. in the article we find the following:

“The oldest image of a star pattern, that of the famous constellation of Orion, has been recognised on an ivory tablet some 32,500 years old…The claim is made by Dr Michael Rappenglueck, formerly of the University of Munich, who is already renowned for his pioneering work locating star charts painted on the walls of prehistoric caves…The tablet also contains mysterious notches, carved on its sides and on its back. These could be a primitive “pregnancy calendar”, designed to estimate when a pregnant woman will give birth…It was left behind by the mysterious Aurignacian people about whom we know next to nothing save that they moved into Europe from the east supplanting the indigenous Neanderthals.”

This is quite an interesting discovery, especially when the Enuma Elish describes the Tablets of Destiny as ‘the power of heaven.’ Historically, we also have The Ivory Tablet of Zet, which is described by History Graphic Design in the following words:

“Ivory tablet of King Zet

Over five thousand years old, it is the earliest know example of Egyptian pictographic writing which would later evolve into hieroglyphics.”

These “Ivory Tablets” were well known in ancient Mesopotamia. A Dictionary of the Ancient Near East, edited by Piotr Bienkowski, states:

“a high class set of twelve ivory leaves, with gold hinges at alternate edges, was prepared for Sargon II of Assyria and recovered from a well at Nimrud….the book had apparently contained over 7500 lines of an encyclopedia of omens.”

It seems that science now confirms the words written in the Introduction of the Ivory Tablets, and to some extent, the Cult of Nyarzir left their remains among the prehistoric civilizations of man.  Mr. Hasan Suller steps into the discussion a bit later with his criticisms:

“The I-Ching and the Necronomicon have no connection to the Ivory Tablets. From your recent video’s you discredit the Simon Necronomicon and state may things that are false this maybe to try to bring people to your recent book or new cult. The purchase of your book was a good story but it is discredited in the introduction. You claim Spare used it and John Dee mention it in his proposal to Queen Mary. Again clearly a false claim. It has many holes within it that prove it is just a money or ego grab. I can tell you really don’t work with the I-Ching or the Necronomicon because if you did you would not be posting such madness.”

Like Mr. M, I found the comments of Hasa Suller interesting, as well as, comical. To say that the Ivory Tablets have nothing to do with the I Ching or the Necromicon is a blasphemy all to its own. Mr. Suller’s statement soon answered in this discussion:

“The Ivory Tablets relates a lot to the I Ching. Personally, I don’t think you’ve read the Ivory Tablets for you to say something of this nature. Max Kultenmark in Lao Tzu and Taoism, wrote:

“The union is also said to be a union of the lunar and solar principles, for in the I Ching, k’an and li represent the moon and the sun.Mythology has it that a crow (Yin) dwells in the sun and a rabbit (Yang) lives in the moon, where it grinds up the ingredients of the elixir of immortality.”

Mr Suller, like Mr. M, seem to be missing the point. he continually goes on a rant about whether or not John Dee had access to the ivory Tablets of the Crow, as well as, other occult personalities without realizing that the history listed in the Introduction, is a history kept by one of the students of Marie Laveau, who shared this sacred text with us. It is not a history that was written by the editor Warlock Asylum. Interestingly, Boria Sax, in the book entitled, Crows, writes the following:

“Marie Laveau, a powerful sorceress in the nineteenth century who was known as the ‘Voo-Doo Queen of New Orleans’, has at times allegedly returned from the dead in the form of a crow.”

This is a widespread legend surrounding Marie Laveau and may have something to do with the Ivory Tablets. Since Mr. Suller’s previous arguments were easily answered, he seems to remain ever vigilante in his pursuit of ignorance. He continues:

“I think you channeled this work and took bits here and there.”

Mr. Suller has a very big imagination. It is quite flattering to think that i could channel such a work, but the forces at play behind a work like the Ivory Tablets of the Crow is even beyond my apprehension. Let’s just take the title as an example, The Ivory Tablets of the Crow.

Ivory Tablets in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1557 ( i













Whisperer Darkness in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1557 ( w



















We can see that the expression “Ivory Tablets” is equivalent to the term “Whisperer Darkness” in Jewish Gematria.
Crow in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1033 ( c




H P Lovecraft in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1033 ( h













Here we see that the terms “crow” and “H P Lovecraft” are both equivalent to 1033 in Jewish Gematria. Therefore, the title Ivory Tablets of the Crow is related to Cthulhu Mythos title, The Whisperer in Darkness by H.P. Lovecraft.

Another interesting feature that can be found in the title, Ivory Tablets of the Crow, is that “ivory” is an element that finds correspondence with the Moon (Nanna). A crow finds it correspondence with Saturn (Adar). The importance of this was discussed in our article on the Ancient Art of Gate-Walking, which discusses how the lunar and Saturnian aspects were the beginning and close of the initiatory rights in the history of the Greater Mysteries.

The color of ivory is white and a crow is black. We find that the practitioner is told to adorn himself in the same colors in the Book of Calling by the Mad Arab:

“And the Frontlet of Calling, and the Standards of Calling, shall all be of fine cloth, and in the colours of NINIB and INANNA, that is, of Black and White, for NINIB knows the Outer Regions and the ways of the Ancient Ones, and INANNA subdued the Underworld and vanquished the Queen thereof.”

This is quite interesting since the Simon Necronomicon also mentions that the Watcher is called Bandar, which is composed of two Sumerian terms. According to the Sumer Aryan Dictionary by L.A. Waddell, the term BAN refers the ‘child-creating goddess Venus,’ and DAR refers to the King Dar, a Sumerian King who was also known as Adar.

It is great to discover so much information can be held in a book’s title. I am sorry Mr. Suller, but I couldn’t think of such things. I think Mr. M, since you sarcastically called me Batman, maybe you can learn a lesson in all of this.

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