Warlock Asylum International News

The Agga Sign (2): Preliminary Purification


In our last discussion, we spoke about the influence that the Sumerian deity INANNA/ISHTAR had on the ancient world of culture, politics, and religion.
We ended our last discussion with a brief description of the Sacred Marriage Rite, which took place at the beginning of the Sumerian New Year. This ancient celebration took place at the start of the spring equinox, when the earth was animating with fresh new life. This festive time lasted for many days and the people celebrated the sacred occasion through song, serpentine dances, anointing their skin with oils, and etc. The King was also prepared for the event through certain purification rites, which are addressed in the Simon Necronomicon on page 110: “These things you will learn in the course of your journey and it is not necessary to put it all down here cave for a few noble formulae concerning the Works of the Sphere of LIBAT, of ISHTAR, the Queen.”

From the above quote, we can see that the Mad Arab only found it necessary to state certain workings concerning the Sphere of ISHTAR. Why was this information necessary? It was to prepare the initiate for the workings of the Sacred Marriage Rite. If we were to look at the three spells of the Sphere of ISHTAR, located in the Simon Necronomicon on pages 110-111, it would seem like they were just randomly thrown into the text with no real importance to the overall meaning of the grimoire itself. However, when we compare these three spells with the workings involved in the Sacred Marriage rites, the meaning of the AGGA sign unfolds.

1- The Preliminary Purification Invocation symbolized the wedding procession.

2- To Win The Love of A Woman spell represented the act of sexual intercourse that
took place between the King and INANNA/ISHTAR.

3- To Recover Potency spell would represent the King’s anointing and that his potency
was indeed linked to his sexual energies, or raised kundalini force, allowing him to operate from a divine perspective.

These three stages clearly are shown in the AGGA sign’s shape:

Let us now look at these three spells, as listed in the Simon Necronomicon and how they relate to the Sacred Marriage Rite.


The Preliminary Purification Invocation.

This invocation is a symbol of the wedding procession that takes place during the Sacred Marriage Rites. It also represents the path of initiation through the GateWalking process, which is described in the Simon Necronomicon. The wedding procession and the GateWalking process, is a symbol of the penis entering the vagina of the cosmic world. It also represents a sperm cell searching for the egg. This is the reason why, even in modern-day wedding ceremonies, the congregation is separated to the right and to the left, as it symbolizes the inner walls of the vagina. The participants in the wedding procession, with their celebration of song and dance during the event, are a metaphor for the vaginal secretions during intercourse, as well as, the sperm released from the penis speeding towards the egg. Interestingly, when we compare the GateWalking Process to the penis entering the vagina, the meaning of the Sacred Marriage rite becomes quite clear.

The process of initiation, as presented in the Simon Necronomicon, requires the candidate to pass through seven gates. Each gate represents a plane of existence and an aspect of life. There are many correspondences attributed to these gates, from incense to planetary elements. The Simon Necronomicon mentions this on page 19. However, it should also be kept in mind that even before the candidate enters the GateWalking process; they exist in the Gate of Ki, or Earth. We can find this information in the Invocation of the NANNA Gate, as written in the Simon Necronomicon on page 58, where it states: “I call Thee! From the Four Gates of the Land Ki.” This passage reveals that in addition to the seven gates, the earthly plane (Ki) from which we ascend when we walk up the Ladder of Lights, is also a gate. This would mean then that there are actually eight gates. Hsi Lai wrote in his classic work on Taoist sexual alchemy, The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon, that the female vagina consisted of eight different segments. He also mentions in his work that there are eight different types of Jade Stems (the penis) and how these relate to the eight ideograms of the famous I-Ching. This information does shed light on the relationship between, the seal of the gate and the gate itself. The seal of the gate is masculine and the gate is feminine, and when the two are worked with through our path of initiation, we are able to explore a new world of consciousness. Page 24 of the Simon Necronomicon states: “When they are in agreement.., it is as two offering-cups spilt freely in the heavens…” These worlds are able to unfold for us based on the sexual alchemy of the Sacred Marriage Rite.

On page 110 of the Simon Necronomicon, Ishtar is called the ‘Mistress of the Gods.’
This would indicate that when we possess the seal while entering the gate, we are representing the phallus of that particular sphere entering a certain point in the cosmic vagina, or universe. When the penis is fully asserted into the vagina, an orgasm occurs and the erection dies. Similarly, in the GateWalking Process we have an orgasm when we go into GANZIR We are then reconceived in the sphere of ADAR, and regain potency to walk the gates that lie beyond. We will discuss this aspect in some of our future articles. Let us see how this information relates to the Sacred Marriage Rite.

The process of initiation, as described in the Simon Necronomicon, is the tantric alchemy of the Sacred Marriage Rite. A close examination of modern wedding ceremonies will help us bring all these points together.

1. The Bride, in modern wedding ceremonies, takes pride in wearing a white wedding gown. This custom came from the Priestesses of Inanna, who would dress in white robes during the Sacred Marriage Rite.

2. The Groom, in modern wedding ceremonies, customarily wears a tuxedo-suit in the colors of white and black. The Groom would then represent Dumuzi, as he is said to live in the Underworld for half of the year and the world of the Living for the other half of the year. The Simon Necronomicon on page 100 states: “and the Frontlet of Calling, shall be of fine cloth, and in the colors of NINIB and INANNA, that is, of Black and White..,”

3. Since the Groom represents Dumuzi, then Utu would represent the Best-man in modern wedding ceremonies. In the Courtship of INANNA and DUMUZI, it was UTU/SHAMMASH who presented Dumuzi to INANNA, which explains why the Best-man presents the wedding rings. This explains why in the Simon Necronomicon it mentions on page 77, in the beginning of the Maklu Text, a text used for banishing evil spirits, that when performing these rites, the arms should held in the position of a ‘Priest of Shammash, as it was Shammash who helped Dumuzi against the evils he faced in the Underworld.

4. The Priest who marries the bride and groom represents Enki, as he is the one who sent the ‘Water of Life and the Bread of Life’ to the crucified INANNA. The location of where the bride and groom stand would symbolically represent the GATE of ADAR, where life, death, and resurrection occur. The Priest announces this union of feminine and masculine aspects, as the creation of a new being or one flesh. This is the inner alchemy of balancing male and female energies respectively. What Enki has yoked together let no man set apart. This yoke is reflective of the eggs used in Easter celebrations which represent a new life.

5. Many people in the western world fantasize about having a wedding in the month of June. It is in the month of June that the sign Cancer begins. Cancer is a cardinal sign and it is ruled by NANNA (the moon). It is symbolic to the father giving his daughter away, as NANNA was the father of Inanna.

6. The Maid of Honor functions as an assistant to the bride in getting herself together and etc. The Maid of Honor would be INANNA’s mother NINGA. INANNA ran to NINGAL for advice after speaking to DUMUZI. NINGAL comforted INANNA.

The Simon Necronomicon tells us that INANNA/ISHTAR’s ‘yes is truly yes.’ This would symbolize the affirmative vow that we take as initiates in bonding with the divine energies of INANNA through the alchemy of the GATEWALKING process. We will discuss more of the Sacred Marriage Rite and the other two workings of the Sphere of Libat in our next issue.

Warlock Asylum (The Dark Knight) 
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