Warlock Asylum International News

Does The Watcher Come From the Underworld?


"The Watcher is a Race sent by the Elder Ones. It keeps vigil while one sleeps, provided the appropriate ritual and sacrifice has been performed,: else, if called, it will turn upon you."

Greetings! Over the past few years there has been a lot of debate concerning the origins of the Watcher. Unfortunately, some Necronomicon Practitioners fail to delve deep into the mysteries of the rites that they claim to represent. Based on such, I am happy to announce that later this year a new Sumerian grimoire will be coming out. This tome will be written by Warlock Asylum, himself.

I thought it would be useful to explore this topic about the Watcher since some people in the Gate-Walking Community continue to imply a “post-initiation” significance use of the Watcher. So I thought that it would be good for every practitioner to understand exactly what the Watcher is.

There have been many articles appearing on this blog page that support the Watcher as a personification of the seven Underworld spirits of the deep. In an article, appearing on this blog page entitled; KUTULU, we read:

“While it may appear from our research that KUTULU is a composite deity, we must remember that in the Introduction of the Simon Necronomicon, KUTULU is defined as the “Man of the Underworld.” It would seem likely that the Lord of the Seven Evil Spirits would be the embodiment of KUTULU.  In the Babylonian account entitled, The Seven Evil Spirits, we find out just who this Lord really is:

“Destructive storms and evil winds are they,
A storm of evil, presaging the baneful storm,
A storm of evil, forerunner of the baneful storm.
Mighty children, mighty sons are they,
Messengers of Namtar are they,
Throne-bearers of ERESHKIGAL.
The flood driving through the land are they.
Seven gods of the wide heavens,
Seven gods of the broad earth,”

If we were to take a look at some of the incantations of the Watcher, we can easily see that this “entity” is from the realm of Ereshkigal. Notice what is mentioned in the NORMAL INVOCATION OF THE WATCHER:

“Cease to be the Sleeper of EGURRA.
Cease to lie unwaking beneath the Mountains of KUR.
Rise up, from the pits of ancient holocausts!
Rise up, from the old Abyss of NARR MARRATU!”

The terms, egura and kur refer to Eereshikigal’s realm. Narr Marratu derives from the term Nar Mattaru, which also refers to the Abyss, but could be applied to the outer regions of space according to the Chart of Comparisons. we also find the term nar marratu appearing in a post from this blog page under the title Lamashtu:

“Many Initiates of the Necronomicon Tradition have often wondered what “goddess:” is the Mad Arab talking about? The answer to this question can be found in E.A. Wallis Budge’s book Amulets and Superstitions. Budge states the following on page 115-116:

“The female devil in the boat is LAMASHTU, whose home in the infernal regions whence she comes when she arrives on the earth to carry out her campaign of slaughter and death.  The only way to stop her from carrying out her baneful plans is to get her back again in the Underworld, and it is necessary to coax her to leave earth by promising to give her gifts….She must then make her way over the mountains which block the road to hell, and when this is done she must cross the river of hell, which is none other than the great World-Ocean, Nar Marratu.”

The information above clearly points out that the Watcher is an Underworld entity, not a heavenly one. I think some practitioners of the Necronomicon may get a little confused since it does serve a very valuable purpose in the initiation rites. However, if we look at some modern-day forms of initiation, like college fraternities and etc, it remains clear that the initiation process is performed so that the old persona is stripped away, sometimes in a humiliating manner. We can determine the validity of all that we have discussed so far when we observe the Preliminary Invocation of the Watcher, as found in the Simon Necronomicon:


In this incantation we find the words “rabuti” and “ilani,” appearing in the formula. The latter term “ilani” is found twice in the above incantation. This helped our staff determine that the Watcher was the dog-faced Anunnaki described in the Book of Calling:

“And around thee shall appear the Flame, like Lightning flashing in all directions, and all things will appear amid thunders, and from the Cavities of the Earth will leap forth the ANNUNNAKI, Dog-Faced, and thou shalt bring them down.”

We can make a connection between the Anunnaki and the Watcher by the tome’s use of the words rabuti and ilani, which appear in the Watcher’s Invocation. In Journal of Biblical Literature: Volumes 9-12, we find the following:

“the goddess Istar is called…ursanat Igigi, “the mistress of the Igigi.” The Anunaki were the spirits of the deep sea…they are termed ilani rabuti, ‘great gods’; and Istar is called…”the mighty one over the Anunaki.” These demons, or rather warrior gods, who periodically raged war against sin, the god of the moon,…seemed to have been in charge with the watch of the deep sea; their name is derived, according to J. Halevy, from annu, ‘watch, guard’ which was disguised into a-nuna-ki….The seven Anunaki are the enemies of the god Ea; together with the gods Nergal and Adar they destroy the earth in deluge…They are also the messengers of fate, marani sipri sa namtari; the messengers of Anu; but the seven evil spirits are likewise Anu’s messengers.”

According to this information, the Watcher would be one of the Anunnaki, demons, also known as warrior gods of the deep. The deliver the fates, and worked as messengers of the god Anu. The reader may want to note that we investigated other sources in regards to this information. The term ilani rabuti means ‘great gods,’ but in several texts was applied to the Anunnaki who are also said to watch. It is here that this calling of the Watcher refers to the seven Anunnaki for the term IA MASS SSARATU gives reference to something that is guarded.

We hope you enjoyed this information. Stay Blessed!

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