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Letter to Dan Harms Part 6: Review of ‘The Necronomicon Files’


Greetings! Once again I would like to welcome all who have taken the time to visit the Necronomicon Gate-Walker’s Information Page. If this is your first time visiting us, I would advise you begin your journey by reading some of our earlier articles that are listed in chronological order to the right of this page. Enjoy your stay, and have a blessed day!

Today, I will be reviewing a book entitled The Necronomicon Files written by Daniel Harms and John Wisdom Gonce III.. You can purchase the book at the following link:

Mister Dan Harms offers us this synopsis of his book, at Mister Dan Harms and John Gonce have done quite a bit of research into the field of Necronomics. I was deeply impressed by the  information that is included in the book and for the price, ranging from $20 to $30, it worth the investment.

Being an initiated Gate-Walker, some of my opinions are indifferent to the views of Harms and Gonce. However, I do realize the value of the book to all who work with the Simon Necronomicon. One reason why Harms and Gonce are able to present a legitimate argument is primarily due to how they approach their research. Harms and Gonce approach their research for the book, in the tradition that ancient occultist often would, they reference the template. Every skilled Magician, Occultist, Religious Leader, Scientist, all have a template upon which they measure other information by. It is sometimes called a mythos, a bible, an inspired scripture. This is a very important measuring tool in determining the authenticity of a recent work Let us look at a few examples of different templates to clarify my point.

A Christian uses the Bible as her/his template. They will measure any information and its usefulness based on how it compares with the Christian Bible. This also means that how far they are able to advance in their Christian Faith, is also based on how well they are familiar with the Bible, and their interpretation of the Bible. I should also say that what version they are using may also play a role in their understanding, as well as, what Christian path they have chosen. All of these factors make up the individual Christian grimoire. After years of study and indoctrination, this same Christian will now be able to pick up a book and compare its authenticity with what they have researched and verified over the years to be actual fact or fancy according to the Christian doctrine, or template they have acquired through their hard work.

This same example is true in the occult world.  If the occultist claims to be using energies of the Sumerian paradigm, then he/she should be versed in the Ancient Sumerian mythos. They should be familiar with the Sumerian deities, the history of Sumeria, its political structure, the history of the surrounding nations and their influence on Sumeria, and how Sumeria loss power to other invading nations, and etc. This is creates a standard, or mental template, for the occultist to determine the authenticity of a grimoire and its usefulness in their work. This is what is lacking amongst many people who claim to be an occultist, or those who look to the occult world for a quick solution. I should make mention here that in ancient times, ones entrance into the world of occult study was to develop their being. Later, this became the misunderstood science that became known as a way people would control other. The Necronomicon Files has this to say on the subject:

“Most of the people  I have seen take an interest in the Simon Necronomicon have not been experience occultist skilled at “filling in the missing bits” but youthful “dabblers” not yet out of their teens. This can make the lack of completeness not only negligent but criminal..”

I would have to agree with Harms and Gonce in the above quote from the Necronomicon Files. It took a lot of effort and hard work to put this valuable piece of literature together. I began to appreciate the work of Harms and Gonce more, after I began going into deeper research about the Simon Necronomicon. I would spend hours upon hours of research and study about topics related to Chaldea and Sumer. I also had to spend quite amount of time researching the backgrounds of some of the famous Sumerianologist, since their life is going to affect how they interpret the information they have acquired. I began to realize that one man cannot study an entire civilization in one lifetime. This is where initiation comes into play. However, I will leave that topic for another time.

The point here is that if you plan on working with the any grimoire research your sources. Look at the critics and what they are saying also because it can help you, and also give you an insight into something that you may be missing. For example, I spent quite some time in my research several months ago before I presented the post about the Qliphotic Tree. I found the information very valuable to share with other Gate-Walkers. However, harms arrived at this conclusion as well, in his book the Necronomicon Files, though Harms angle was quite different from mine. Today, I decided to write a review of the book and while looking through it, I notice a passage that discusses the Simon Necronomicon and Qliphotic forces. So Harms and Gonce offer some valuable information in their book, the Necronomicon Files and I encourage everyone who is opposed to the Simon Necronomicon and the Gate-Walker alike to make it a part of their occult library.

The lack of progress in the field of the Simon Necronomicon is largely due to the ignorance of many people who are working with the book. If you are working with the Simon Necronomicon, you should be an authority of the Simon Necronomicon. This would also include having the knowledge of the purpose of such works in their present day era. The problem with many would-be occultist is that, for some reason or another, they just believe, you can make up whatever you want to and it will work, because the mind believes in it. Try telling an electrician that when you stick your finger in the socket. Opinions like these are usually expressed by those who are ignorant to the deeper mysteries of ancient science, and members of the great internet occult lodges.

I must also say that it has been widely publicized that me and Harms disagree on several points about the Simon Necronomicon. It is evident that we have different angles. Yet I have a great deal of respect on the amount of research and effort Harms puts into his work.  For example, though Harms gives the reader some information that the Simon Necronomicon may involve Qliphotic forces, he also puts this view attached with this term “Qliphotic” , as if there is something wrong with it. I  admit that the currents of the Simon Necronomicon are Qliphotic in nature, and thereby unique, as they are from a time that preceded the Judaic system of the Cabala, and since the Babylonians and Egyptians were oppressors of the Jews at one time in their history, the Mesopotamian tradition would more than likely be demonized by the Judaic tradition. However, does that opinion actually make it demonic? Or a view from that is indifferent to Judaic-Christian thought? Another difference that Harms and I disagree upon, is his constant bashing of Simon. We can see this from the previous quote above taken from the Necronomicon Files

“Most of the people  I have seen take an interest in the Simon Necronomicon have not been experienced occultist skilled at “filling in the missing bits” but youthful “dabblers” not yet out of their teens. This can make the lack of completeness not only negligent but criminal..”

What is mentioned here is true. I have seen this from my own experience. However, this is true not only with the Simon Necronomicon, but with the Satanic Bible, The Book of the Law, Wicca, and etc. I remember shopping in Barnes and Nobles and there was a teenager who asked me to choose between two books that she selected on magic because the young lady wanted to put a curse on her school teacher. I discreetly talked her out of it. It’s not the gun that kills people, but the mind behind the trigger. Look at how many people have died on the faith held by those who use the Koran and Bible, even Jesus was put to death by the religious leaders of his day. Harms and Gonce have presented an excellent tool with the Necronomicon Files. Some of their conclusions, I am not necessarily in favor of, but I cannot deny the quality and usefulness of the information. I must say Harms and Gonce have done a great job.

I am sure that many who are reading this blog maybe surprised by my level of appreciation for the work of Harms and Gonce. Many of the readers who frequent the site, have read through some of the debates that have occurred between Harms and I. There is one big issue that I have with Harms, and that is his claim that the Simon Necronomicon is a hoax!

I am certain that the Simon Necronomicon is the Necronomicon. I can say that since I have researched and validated its content. It seems that Harms’ dispute doesn’t hold any validity with the Simon Necronomicon, and I will explain why.

Let’s take a look at the word ‘bible.’ gives the following definition of the term ‘bible’
    1. The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
    2. The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism.
    3. A particular copy of a Bible: the old family Bible.
    4. A book or collection of writings constituting the sacred text of a religion.
  1. often bible A book considered authoritative in its field: the bible of French cooking..
When we explore the etymology of the term Bible, we come up with this :definition:

 “The English word “Bible” is from the Greek phrase ta biblia, “the books,” an expression Hellenistic Jews used to describe their sacred books several centuries before the time of Jesus. Christians adopted the phrase “Old Testament” to refer to these sacred books they shared with Jews..”

Now keeping all of this in mind, do you realize that there are numerous translations of the Bible. There are numerous types of bibles, or the use of the term ‘bible’ to describe an authoritative text of a religion, even if it’s not Judaic or Christian. The Satanic Bible is a perfect example of this. Now how stupid would I look telling a Satanist that the Satanic Bible, written by Anton Lavey, is not the real Bible, since the real Bible is the Bible that Christians use?  It would be quite ignorant for me to approach a Satanist with that conclusion, since the Satanic Bible is the authoritative text for the Church of Satan. Now am I to believe that the Satanic Bible is a hoax, and a money-making scheme since it is not the Christian Bible? That would be ignorant. Now let us look at the word Necronomicon.

Lovecraft wrote that the title, as translated from the Greek language, meant “An image of the law of the dead”: nekros (“corpse”), nomos (“law”), eikon (“image”). A more prosaic (but probably more correct) translation can be derived by conjugating nemo (“to consider”): “Concerning the dead”. Another possible etymology is “Knowledge of the dead”, from the Greek nekrós (“corpse”, “dead”) and gnomein”

The name is said to come to Lovecraft in a dream. The term is dealing with work concerning the dead. So Harms and Gonce wants everyone to believe that if a person is a true Necromancer and writes their rituals down in a book called the Necronomicon, it is all a hoax since it was not authored by Lovecraft. The Necronomicon is a text. In many cases magical, concerning the knowledge of the dead, as in Necromancy. If an individual is working with Necromantic, or Qliphotic forces, and decides to call the text a Necronomicon, What is so wrong with that? This is my dispute with Mister Dan Harms. The term ‘necronomicon’  can be used by people other than Lovecraft, the same way the term ‘bible’ can be use by people other than Moses, without it being a hoax. I rest my case!

Warlock Asylum (the Dark Knight)


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