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The Necronomicon Keys of Sumerian Reconstruction Is Found In African History Part 1: Nylarlathotep



I would like to welcome everyone here to the GateWalker’s Info Page. if this is your first time here , please review some of your previous articles to gain a better understanding of where we are in our current discusssion..

There are many people in the world who have falsely proclaimed the Simon Necronomicon to be a hoax, or what have you. Over the past few years we have presented quite a bit of information showing that the Simon Necronomicon is very real. One of the biggestest mistakes that many critics make is the comparison of the Necronomicon Tradition with Western Ceremonial Magick. The importance of the Simon Necronomicon in the work of Sumerian Reconstruction is found when we cmpare this system with forms of divination that are far more older than Western Ceremonial Magick, such as the African Traditional systems like IFA.  I have discovered some time ago that the system of divination presented in the Simon Necronomicon, is almost identical to the religion of Ifa. Simon also makes this suggestion in the Necronomicon Spellbook:

“THESE SPELLS were originally worked by the mystics of ancient Sumeria, a mysterious civilization that flourished in what is now known as Iraq over two thousand years before the birth of Christ. No one knows who the Sumerians really were, or where they came from. Some say they came from the darkest parts of Africa, where they were a nomadic people.”

Simon here suggests that the Sumerians were connected to a nomadic tribe of Africans, this is affirmed in African History.

African Presence in Ancient China

H. Imbert, a French anthropoligist who lived in the Far East, says in “Les Negritos de la Chine”.

“The Negroid races peopled at some time all the South of India, Indo-China and China. The South of Indo-China actually has now pure Negritos as the Semangs and mixed as the Malays and the Sakais…”

Similarly, this scholar declares:

“In the earliest Chinese history, several texts in classic books spoke of these diminutive blacks; thus the Tcheu-Li composed under the dynasty of Tcheu (1122-249 B. C.) gives a description of the inhabitants with black and oily skin…

The Prince Liu-Nan, who died in 122 B.C.,speaks of a kingdom of diminutive blacks in the southwest of China.”

Moreover, he states:

 “In the first epochs of Chinese history, the Negrito type peopled all the south of the country and even in the island of Hai-Nan, as we have attempted to prove in our study on the Negritos, on Black men of this island.

Chinese folklore speaks often of these Negroes, and mentions an Empress of China named Li (373-397A.D.), consort of the Emperor Hsiao Wn Wen, who is spoken of as being a Negro.”

Professor Chang Hsing-Lang revealed in an article entitled, “The importation of Negro Slaves to China under the Tang Dynasty A.D. 618-907,” that:

 “Even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows this Negro strain.. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid. “Chinese chroniclers report that a Negro Empire existed in the South of China at the dawn of that country’s history.”

 The above information fits perfectly with what modern science ihas discovered about the origins of the Chinese genetically:


This shows us that was a great presence of Negroid peoples in areas of the world that are not associated with Negro people today.


African Presence in Ancient India

The following webiste makes an interesting obeservation concerning India and the Dravidians:


“It is safe to say that when we speak of the Dravidians as a people we are speaking of the living descendants of the Harappan people of the ancient Indus Valley who were pushed into South India as the result of the Aryan invasions.  This is certainly consistent with Dravidian traditions which recall flourishing cities that were either lost or destroyed in antiquity.  The term “Dravidian,” however, encompasses both an ethnic group and a linguistic group.  The ethnic group is characterized by straight to wavy hair textures, combined with Africoid physical features.  In reference to this Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop stated that:

“There are two well-defined Black races: one has a black skin and woolly hair; the other also has black skin, often exceptionally black, with straight hair, aquiline nose, thin lips, an acute cheekbone angle. We find a prototype of this race in India: the Dravidian.  It is also known that certain Nubians likewise belong to the same Negro type…Thus, it is inexact, anti-scientific, to do anthropological research, encounter a Dravidian type, and then conclude that the Negro type is absent.”

Dravidian, in addition to its ethnic component, however, is an important family of languages spoken by more than a hundred million people, primarily in South India.  These languages include Tamil (the largest element), Kannada, Malayalam (from which the name of the Asian country Malaya is derived), Telegu and Tulu.  The term “Dravidian” itself is apparently an Aryan corruption of Tamil.

From at least the third century C.E. three major Dravidian kingdoms existed in South India: the kingdoms of Pandya, Chera and Chola.  Pandya was the southernmost Dravidian kingdom.  The major city of Pandya was Madurai, the location of the famous chapel of the Tamil Sangam (Academy).  The Sangam, of which there were three, was initiated by a body of forty-eight exceptionally learned scholars who established standards over all literary productions.  The Pandyan rulers received these intellectuals with lavish honors.

It is also important to note that in the kingdom of the Pandyas women seem to have enjoyed a high status. This is the exact opposite of the regions of India where the Whites ruled. In these lands of Aryan domination it is said that a woman was never independent.  “When she is a child she belongs to her father.  As an adult when she marries she belongs to her husband.  If she outlives her husband she belongs to her sons.”  An early queen of the Pandyas, on the other hand, for example, is credited with controlling an army of 500 elephants, 4,000 cavalry and 13,000 infantry.

In 1288 and again in 1293 the Venetian traveler Marco Polo visited the Pandyan kingdom and left a vivid description of the land and its people.  Polo exclaimed that:

“The darkest man is here the most highly esteemed and considered better than the others who are not so dark.  Let me add that in very truth these people portray and depict their gods and their idols black and their devils white as snow.  For they say that God and all the saints are black and the devils are all white.  That is why they portray them as I have described.”

To the northwest of Pandya was the kingdom of Chera (present-day Kerala).  Northwest of Pandya lay the kingdom of Chola, said to be the place where Saint Thomas the Apostle was buried.  The same Marco Polo who visited Pandya referred to Chola as “the best province and the most refined in all India.”

The Dravidians were an unusually advanced seafaring people, with the Cholas, in particular, distinguishing themselves amongst the dominant maritime powers of their era.  Through its ports, the great kings of Chola traded with Ethiopia and Somalia, Iran and Arabia, Combodia and China, Sumatra and Sri Lanka, exporting spices and camphor, ebony and ivory, quality textiles and precious jewels.

It seems readily apparent that the Dravidian kingdoms and the Dravidian people were quite well known internationally.  When Augustus became head of the Roman world, for example, the Dravidian kingdoms sent him a congratulatory embassy.  Dravidian poets describe Roman ships, which carried bodyguards of archers to ward off pirates, while the Dravidian kings themselves employed bodyguards of Roman soldiers. In respect to the ancient East, at least one author has identified a Dravidian presence in the Philippines, noting that: “From India came civilized Indians, the Dravidians from whom the savage Aryans learned.  They began at least 500 BC and soon controlled the coast.”

The we website also supports this argument by providing the reader with pictures of a Panya woman:


Panya Woman in South India

Thus, far we have discovered that there was a strong Negro presence in both China and India.  Interestingly, when we looked into the history of Ancient Mesopotamia and made the following discoveries that can be found at this link:


(History of Ethiopia, Vol. I., Preface, by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge.) In addition Budge notes that, “Homer and Herodotus call all the peoples of the Sudan, Egypt, Arabia, Palestine and Western Asia and India Ethiopians.” (Ibid., p. 2.) Herodotus wrote in his celebrated History that both the Western Ethiopians, who lived in Africa, and the Eastern Ethiopians who dwelled in India, were black in complexion, but that the Africans had curly hair, while the Indians were straight-haired.”

Simon appears to be correct in that there were a group of nomadic people who were linked with, not only the Sumerians, but other ancient civilizations.

African Presence in Early South American History

The first signs of complex society in Mesoamerica were the Olmecs an ancient Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico, in what are roughly the modern-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco. The area is about 125 miles long and 50 miles wide (200 by 80 km), with the Coatzalcoalcos River system running through the middle. These sites include San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán, Laguna de los Cerros, Tres Zapotes, and La Venta, one of the greatest of the Olmec sites. La Venta is dated to between 1200 BCE through 400 BCE which places the major development of the city in the Middle Formative Period. Located on an island in a coastal swamp overlooking the then-active Río Palma river, the city of La Venta probably controlled a region between the Mezcalapa and Coatzacoalcos rivers.

The Olmec domain extended from the Tuxtlas mountains in the west to the lowlands of the Chontalpa in the east, a region with significant variations in geology and ecology. Over 170 Olmec monuments have been found within the area, and eighty percent of those occur at the three largest Olmec centers, La Venta, Tabasco (38%), San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Veracruz (30%), and Laguna de los Cerros, Veracruz (12%).

Those three major Olmec centers are spaced from east to west across the domain so that each center could exploit, control, and provide a distinct set of natural resources valuable to the overall Olmec economy. La Venta, the eastern center, is near the rich estuaries of the coast, and also could have provided cacao, rubber, and salt. San Lorenzo, at the center of the Olmec domain, controlled the vast flood plain area of Coatzacoalcos basin and riverline trade routes.

This website lists a history of discoveries concerning the African Presence in early America


“Theories regarding the pre-Columbian presence of Africans in the Americas are not new. Rather, men in various times have discussed such a possibility. For example, in 1854, at the National Emigration Convention of Colored People, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a statement was issued to the African inhabitants of the United States regarding the necessity for leaving the United States as the only alternative left for them. Within that statement, which incidentally was signed by Martin R. Delany among others, we find the following:
And among the earliest and most numerous class who found their way to the new world, were those of the African race. And it has been ascertained to our minds beyond a doubt, that when the continent was discovered, there were found in the West Indies and Central America, tribes of the black race, fine looking people, having the usual characteristics of color and hair, identifying them as being originally of the African race.12
By 1900, the notion that Africans could have traveled to the Americas had moved beyond the stage of speculation. It was now definite that Africans had made contact with the Americas. Peter ReRoo, in his History of America before Columbus, was quite firm in acknowledging the fact that Africans had settled in the western hemisphere and made contact with native Americans. He says,
Yet a better proof of ancient Negro arrivals is the fact of Negro colonies found by the Spanish and Portuguese discoverers on the eastern coasts of South and Central America. Mendoza encountered a tribe of Negroes, and Balboa, when on his famous expeditions of the discovery of the Pacific Ocean, met in the old province Quareca, at only two days’ travel from the Gulf of Darien, with a settlement of Negroes. . . .”14
In 1920 Leo Weiner, a Harvard University philologist, produced a pioneering examination of the existence of Africans in the Americas prior to the arrival of Columbus, which appeared as volume one of African and the discovery of America. Volumes two and three followed in 1922. While doing an investigation of native American languages, Wiener learned to his amazement that there was a considerable African influence on these languages. After further study he was led to conclude that much of the American archaeological work done on both Africans and native Americans was erroneous. Commenting on his work he says,
In the first volume I show that Negroes had a far greater influence upon American civilization than has heretofore been suspected. In the second volume I shall chiefly study the African fetishism, which even with the elaborate books on the subject, is woefully misunderstood, and I shall show by documentary evidence to what extraordinary extent the Indian medicine-man owes his evolution to the African medicine-man.15
His third volume is concerned with an examination of African social and religious influences on pre-Columbian American societies.

Arguing that West Africans had made numerous voyages to America before Columbus, Wiener noted that:
The presence of Negroes with their trading masters in America before Columbus is proved by the representation of Negroes in American sculpture and design, by the occurrence of a black nation at Darien early in the XVI century, but more specifically by Columbus’ emphatic reference to Negro traders from Guinea, who trafficked in a gold alloy, guanin, of precisely the same composition and bearing the same name, as frequently referred to by early writers in Africa.16
As additional proof, he noted the presence of West African words for numerous crops in various native-American languages and suggested that the crops were indigenous to Africa.
Indeed when we turn to the appellations of the sweet potato and yam in America, we find nothing but African forms. Here as there the two are confounded, and chiefly those names have survived which Dr. Chanca mentioned in 1494. he called the plant he described, apparently the sweet potato, both nabi and hage. We see that the first is a phonetic variation of Wolof nyambi, etc., ‘yam.’ . . .17
Wiener further indicated that the West African penetration of the Americas varied:
There were several foci from which the Negro traders spread in the two Americas. The eastern part of South America, where the Caribs are mentioned seems to have been reached by them from the West Indies. Another stream, possibly from the same focus, radiated to the north along roads marked by the presence of mounds, and reached as far as Canada. The chief cultural influence was exerted by a negro colony in Mexico, most likely from Teotihuacan and Tuxtla, who may have been instrumental in establishing the city of Mexico. From here their influence pervaded the neighboring tribes and ultimately, directly or indirectly, reached Peru.18
Another scholar concerned with pre-Columbian African influence in the Americas strengthens Wieners’s position regarding the African presence in ancient Mexican history. Joel A. Rogers, the prolific Black writer and student of world civilization, in Africa’s Gift to America suggested that “Africa played a role, perhaps, the chief role in the earliest development of America—a period that antedates Columbus by many centuries, namely Aztec, Maya, and Inca civilizations. About 500 B.C. or earlier, Africans sailed over to America and continued to do so until the time of Columbus.19 Additionally, Rogers quoted several Mexican authorities on the subject:
C.C. Marquez says, ‘The Negro type is seen in the most ancient Mexican sculpture. . . . Negroes figure frequently in the most remote traditions.’ Riva-Palacio, Mexican historian, says, ‘It is indisputable that in very ancient times the Negro race occupied our territory (Mexico). The Mexicans recall a negro god, Ixtilton, which means ‘black face’.”20
Archaeological expeditions and findings in Mexico provide empirical evidence regarding the position set forth in this essay. In his authoritative study, The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the Americas, Victor W. Von Hagen discussed the pre-Aztec civilization known as the Olmecs. Von Hagen puts the existence of the Olmecs between 800 B.C. and 600 A.D., indicating that they were situated in the south of Mexico near Vera Cruz, Tabasco, and La Venta. Of the Olmecs, Von Hagen writes:

In Aztec mythohistory, the Olmecs were known as ‘the people who lived in the direction of the rising sun’ and a glyph history of them shows that their paradisiacal ‘wealth’ consisted of rubber, pitch, jade, chocolate, and bird feathers. We do not know what they called themselves. ‘Olmec’ derives from olli  (rubber). . . . They traded rubber and they presumably made the rubber balls used for the game called tlachtli. . . . For untold centuries burial mounds and pyramids built by them lay covered by the jungle; here archaeologists have found carved jade, sensitively modeled clay figurines ‘of an unprecedented high artistic quality,’ said Miguel Covarrubias. . . . Only in recent times have the great Olmec stone heads been unearthed, by Dr. Matthew Sterling. At Tres Zapotes he found one colossal head seven feet high, flat-nosed and sensually thick-lipped.21
The huge stone heads of Olmec deities, exhibited an unmistakably African physiognomy, as can be easily seen from the photographs and drawings of these massive sculptures.22 During the last decade of the 19th century, the first of these gigantic heads was found in Vera Cruz  by J. M. Melgar, who in 1896 published a monograph on his findings. “This cabeza colossal, as the Mexicans called it, was half buried, but enough of it was visible for an occasional observant traveler to notice its ‘Ethiopian features’ and the presence of a headdress resembling a football helmet.”23

Later, in 1902, an Olmec artifact was found near the Bay of Campeche in the Gulf of Mexico. The jade figurine contained a date on it corresponding to 98 B.C. Interested in this find, Matthew Sterling, an American archaeologist and director of the Bureau American Ethnology, was to lead nine expeditions into the Mexican Gulf coast commencing in 1938, at which time he found five colossal heads in La Venta in the state of Tabasco, five to nine feet high and weighing as much as 20 to 30 tons each. 24

In 1946, Sterling carried out another expedition in the San Lorenzo plateau, an area in southeastern Vera Cruz. Once more the huge stone heads were found, all of which again contained African facial features.

During the spring of 1967, Michael Coe, of Yale University, led an expedition to San Lorenzo in southeast Mexico. As did Sterling, Coe located numerous Olmec artifacts, which again included a giant stone head, as well as altars and pyramids. Coe suggests that the Olmecs were the earliest Maya and had declined by the rise of the Aztecs.”


Here is one look at the Olmec heads for more information, the reader can look at this website:


Sculptures Showing Africans in the Americas before Columbus


This head wears a helmet and has African features as well as straight eyes as well as the Negroid chin.


The belief that the African-Olmecs were a Pan-Nubian/West African Sahara civilization is believed by many in Africa and elsewhere. Olmec Helmets are very similar to those worn by the Nubians and West Africans of ancient times. Both are made of a combination of Leather and metal.




This head has a genetic feature that is found among Africans in Ghana. That feature is the distinct line on the lips that was so expertly carved in. The Helmet is also similar to helmets created by the Pan-Nubian civilization that spread from Southern Egypt and Sudan to West Africa.


The people who carved these heads would never have taken the time to glorify people who were not in a very high position. The people represented in the faces of these heads may have led a great dynasty of Black Kings who ruled for more than two thousand years in Mexico and who eventually became absorbed into the Indian population due to mixing. Thus, their culture and traditions became part of the Indian culture that followed (Mayas, Aztecs, ect.), however, there is evidence that the Olmecs existed and continued their culture up to about 400 AD. Many migrated to lands in the North (United States) and the South (South America).


The Magicians of Olmec history were described as “dwarfish” Negroid people who began a religious order in Mexico about 800 to 600 BC. This head shows a magician with a snake in his mouth. The purpose of the snake in ancient African religious ceremonies as a symbol of fertility and power is to help bring good fortune.





This bronze sculpture of a West African Shaman with a snake passing throught the nose and mouth looks similar to that of the Maya Africoid magician with a snake pasing through the mouth.

The spreading of religious and cultural traits from Africa to Mexico and Centra America seem to have occured over a long period of time. For example, both the Aztecs and Shangoists of West Africa recognized the Thunder God. Axes and children are both significant in the religion of ancient Africans as well as the African-Olmecs. The African-Olmecs of Mexico and African nationalities like the Dogon also had a religion that recognized the Venus planetary complex.



This sculpture shows a combination of Black African and Indian racial features and points to what led to the breakup of the African-Olmec culture as they became more mixed, were driven out of power or lost their ability to maintain their cultrue as others overtook them. This lesson is one that African-Americans and other African peope must learn if they are to survive anywhere on earth.



Black African-Americans are composed of two main groups of Blacks, those who were in the US and the rest of the Americas before Columbus and were enslaved due to the Church Edict of the 1440’s, and those who were enslaved and brought from Africa after 1492.

This picture is of one of the original Black nations of California, the Black Californians or Black Mojave who lived in the hot parts of California. There were also other Black tribes and nations in California, including those who had a trading relationship with people in the Pacific Ocean.

The Black Californians fought with the Spanish, the Mexican Spanish and the Anglo-Americans up to the mid 1800’s. Some were enslaved by the Californios and freed after slavery was abolished in California. Many others contined fighting and they were pacified. Many of the Black Californians went to live in the Cities among other Blacks while some went to Mexico.

Today, California’s Black population is an indigenoius Black population in the same way that the Mexican populaton is indigenous. However, the Negro/Black population is also Aboriginal to California and the South West and since the Black race is basically as distinct as they were one thousand years ago to a greater extent than other peoples in California, one will not be able to tell who is of Black California ancestry and who is not. Both African-Americans and Black Californians are Africoid peoples.



This is one of the rare pictures (many are no doubt hidden of a Black Californian at a mission with a cowbell in one hand and a cross in the other (not shown). This pictures shows the Black Californian wearing a necklace similar to that of the picture with the Black Californian warrior with bow and arrows.


The region from Ohio to Mississippi and from California to Florida had a prehistoric and preColumbian Black population. There are many clues and pieces of evidence that show this to be true, including the fact that the descendants of one such group, the Washitaw Nation is recognized as a distinct Black nation and is said to have once controled a significant amount of land in the Mississippi Valley.


The mask to the left can represent either American Indian of somone of Nubian/West African origins with what is called “Mongoloid” eyes such as the Nuer woman above.


These pictures represent modern Blacks from the Americas whose ancestors were in the Americas before Columbus. The man on the left with a bow and arrow belongs to the Afro-Darienite people, most likely a descendant of one of the groups of “Ethiopians,” that were seen in Darien by Balboa and Peter Matyr’s people when they sailed through the region.

The other man on the right is a member of the Black Californians or Black Mojave people. The Black Californians were of the same Black race as African-Americans or Africans. Their origins initially was Africa but based on Indian information given to the first Spanish explorers, they (the Black Californians) traded with people who lived in the Pacific Ocean and made trips there as well. I should also state to our readers that the Maya Calendar was inherited by the Mayans from the Olmecs. This is the Long-Count Calendar most famously note for the 2012 date.

African Presence in Early Europe

Here are quotes from two articles concerning the African Presence in Europe:


Any comprehensive account of the African presence in early Europe should include England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Scandinavia.  The history and legends of Scotland confirm the existence of “purely Black people.” We see one of them in the person of Kenneth the Niger. During the tenth century Kenneth the Niger ruled over three provinces in the Scottish Highlands. 

The historical and literary traditions of Wales reflect similar beliefs. According to Gwyn Jones (perhaps the world’s leading authority on the subject), to the Welsh chroniclers, “The Danes coming in by way of England and the Norwegians by way of Ireland were pretty well all black: Black Gentiles, Black Norsemen, Black Host.”

There is also strong reason to suggest an African presence in ancient Ireland.  We have, for example, the legends of the mysterious “African sea-rovers, the Fomorians, who had a stronghold on Torrey Island, off the Northwest Coast.”  The Fomorians, shrouded deep in mist, came to be regarded as the sinister forces in Irish mythology.

A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall, who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. Thorhall was “the huntsman in summer, and in winter the steward of Eric the Red.  He was, it is said, a large man, and strong, black, and like a giant, silent, and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst; he was a bad Christian.”

Another Viking, more notable than Thorhall, was Earl Thorfinn, “the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands.”  Thorfinn ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five.  His widow married the king of Scotland. Thorfinn was described as “one of the largest men in point of stature, and ugly, sharp featured, and somewhat tawny, and the most martial looking man… It has been related that he was the foremost of all his men.””

Here is another article that makes a similar observation concerning Rome:


“Ancient African people, sometimes called Moors, are known to have had a significant presence and influence in early Rome.  African soldiers, specifically identified as Moors, were actively recruited for Roman military service and were stationed in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Romania.  Many of these Africans rose to high rank.  Lusius Quietus, for example, was one of Rome’s greatest generals and was named by Roman Emperor Trajan as his successor.  He is described as a “man of Moorish race and considered the ablest soldier in the Roman army.”

For most of the second century Africans dominated the intellectual life of Rome.  By the end of the second century nearly a third of the Roman senate was of African origin. St. Victor I became the first African bishop of Rome in 189 C.E. and reigned until 199 C.E.  Victor I, the first pope known to have had dealings with the imperial household, is described as “the most forceful of the 2nd-century popes.”

Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus, the most distinguished of the African emperors of Rome, reigned from 193 to 211, and was born at Leptis Magna on the North African coast. Marcus Opellius Macrinus, Emperor of Rome for fourteen months, “was a Moor by birth.”  St. Miltiades, a Black priest from Africa, was elected the thirty-seventh pope in 311 C.E. Under Miltiades the Roman persecution of Christians ceased.  The third African pope, St. Gelasius I, governed as pope from 492 to 496 C.E.

Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian, another African, was the first of the Church writers to make Latin the language of Christianity.  Other Africans included the playwright Publius Terentius Afer.  It is to Terence that we owe the expression, “I am a man, and reckon nothing human is alien to me.””

The African Presence in the Necronomicon Tradition

Keeping this in mind we can now understand on a deeper level two statements concerning the Necronomicon Tradition reported by H.P. Lovecraft himself:

Lovecraft desribes Nyarlathotep as a tall, swarthy man, who resembles an Egyptian Pharoah. In The Dreams in the Witch House, Lovecraft writes the followiong:

“There was the immemorial figure of the deputy or messenger of hidden and terrible powers – the “Black Man” of the witch cult, and the “Nyarlathotep” of the Necronomicon.”

This is a very intersting metaphor by Lovecraft for we are well aaware of the Moors influence over Europe.  The Encyclopedia of Wicca and Witchraft by Raven Grimassi states the following on page 386:

Sicilian Witchraft is probably one of the least altered forms of Italic Witchcraft due to its relatively insular nature as an island. Its greater outside influence came mainly from the Spanish occupation , although there are some arguments for possible influence by the Moors.”

We get a clearer understanding of Nylarthotep description by Lovecraft from and observation made by the famous scholar Ivan Van Sertima in his fmous work entitled The Golden Age of the Moor, on page 28 we read:

“During the Middle Ages, because of his dark complexion and Islamic faith, the Moor became in Europe a symbol of guile, evil, and hate. In medieval literature demonic figures were commonly depicted with black faces. Among Satan’s titles in medieval folklore were: “Black Knight,” “Black Man,” “Black Ethiopian,” and “Big Negro.” In the Cantiga 185 of King Alfonso the Wise of Spain (1254-86) three Moors attacking the Castle of Chincoya are described as “black as Satan.”

If we apply the the quote above to the descritpion Lovecraft emntions of Nylarlathotep we can get a clearer understanding that Nylarlathotep was a reference to a Moorish magician of great power.  Before we continue, I must state that there are many Euro centristic scholars who are biased in there opinion of history concerning cultures other than their own. Some of these have mistakenly assign the term “Moor” to someone of Arab descrent. However, during the medieval era this was not the case.  Van Sertima contunes on page 35:

“Shakespearean scholar Elmer E. Stoll provides additional insight regarding the use of the word Moor as it relates to late Medieval and early Renaisaance Europe:

A striking proof that the word Moor was, as among the Germans at this time, exactly equivalant  to negro, is not only its use as applied to curly-haired, thick-lipped, Aaron in Titus Andronicus,  but also the constant interchange between the two words as applied to the equally unmistakable negro Eleazar, in Lust’s dominion.”

Sertima continues:

“In the Romance laguages (Spanish, French, and Italian) of  Medieval Europe, Moor was translated as Moro, Moir, and Mor. Derivatives of the word Moor may be found even today in these same languages. In Spanish, for example, the word blackberry is mora-a noun which originally meant Moorish woman. Also in Spanish, the adjective for dark complexioned…is moreno.”

History has playrd a fool with the American people. The use of alchemy, gunpowder, sorcery, astrology, were all introduced to Europe by the Moors. For those looking to do further research into this matter. I sugeest you pick up a copy of History of Moorish Empire in Europe by S. P. Scott. For our purposes, we find that much of the necronomicon Tradition can be confirmed and verified by close examination of African History and the reiligion of Ifa. We will examine this further in our next discussion.


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