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How To Live A Post-Simon Necronomicon Life Part 1: Crossing the Abyss and Surrender


At the time of this writing, it has been over four years since I have worked with the Simon Necronomicon. Ironically, and thanks to the Art of Ninzuwu, I understand more about the SN, than I did while working with it. Not only did I stop working with the Simon Necronomicon completely, I stopped performing rituals and any form of magical ceremony up until the release of Ghost Dragon Kotodama. No candles. No incense. Nothing! In all actuality, I had gotten rid of my books and tools. There was really no need for such things as most of the workings in Ninzuwu are mystical.

How To Live A Post-Simon Necronomicon Life Part 1: Crossing the Abyss and Surrender
How To Live A Post-Simon Necronomicon Life Part 1: Crossing the Abyss and Surrender

Living a post-Simon Necronomicon life has been a very fulfilling experience. Of course, I still receive emails and questions from people wishing to work with the tome and take on its initiation. What I find interesting about all of this is that I am able to answer their questions better than before and can see the workings of the Simon Necronomicon exactly for what they are.

Separating myself from the Necronomicon workings was much more of a psychological process that was necessary for me to complete one phase of my initiation. Perhaps, the best way to describe it would be like fantasizing about a former lover. It wasn’t until much later that I understood how even this process played a role in the Necronomicon Tradition. For readers who have the deluxe version of the SN, Simon even reports, in the additional notes provided in the book’s introduction, that some stopped doing magic after being exposed to the grimoire’s technology.

Necronomicon technology is based on the laws of the Netherworld, literally the Necronomicon. Now the Netherworld could mean the outer regions of space, the land of the dead, and even the subconscious mind. However, many often mistaken the workings of the subconscious mind with ritual. You’ll often hear people say, while instructing a ritual; “oh these are powers of the mind.” No they’re not! But they are energies that can enter the minds and shape our experiences according to their quality. There’s a big difference between what enters the mind versus the powers of the mind.

Working with the subconscious mind is not a ritual in the traditional sense. It’s cultivating our minds in understanding how experiences are created from our mental actions. Rituals satisfy the realms of the dead. For example, anything acquired through necromancy must come with a payment or some form of sacrifice, which is not a requirement for the subconscious mind. If you cut your finger, it is later healed by the mind without payment. Life forgives freely.

Before moving forward, I had completed all the rites in the Simon Necronomicon and finished in the Igigi, waiting on the ledge of Pisces for further instruction from the Din.Gir. Knowing what I know now, the seven gates are for initiation and not constantly to be walked and re-walked. Anyone with a clear understanding of the Gates of the Necronomicon by Simon can testify to this. Things of this nature are contacted through the Calling and praying to the gods in every empty moment.

I let my intuition (Pisces) guide me. During my initiation, I was always skeptical during spirit visitations. The advice I would later give my students is that any spirit professing to be an ancient deity must, when analyzed, act in accord with the mythologies attributed to them. If a spirit’s actions conflict with its mythology, then it is a trickster. The ancients looked at mythology as an emotional engineering guidebook. It is so unfortunate to see the trust people have in spirits. Free-willed spirits have their own aims and can deceive people to achieve them. For example, a spirit can cast a dream in the mind of the trusting occultist and create a conflict in their life that has no foundation except what the spirit is projecting. Some spirits feed off of fear. Others anger and war. So now the Initiate is half-paranoid, living a life of magical battles and ending up as the true sucker of the spiritual realm. In Gates of the Necronomicon, Simon also supports this skeptical perspective when entertaining spirits, as he warns about forming an allegiance with either “gods or serpents.” In other words, it is important that we gain an understanding of the cultivation of the mind to that of magical power.

The true test and initiation of Necronomicon Technology can be found in the introductory section of the Simon Necronomicon and the writings of The Ivory Tablets of the Crow, which is applicable to other forms of divination. The Simon Necronomicon states:

“Yet, there are many terrors on the Way to the Self, and an Abyss to cross before victory can be declared. Demons, vampires, psychic leeches, ghastly forms accost the aspiring magician from every angle, from every quarter around the circumference of the magick circle, and they must be destroyed lest they devour the magician himself. When Crowley professed to have passed the obstacles, and crossed the Abyss of Knowledge, and found his true Self, he found it was identical with the Beast of the Book of Revelation,”

Unfortunately, many occultists lose sight of the intent for which they first began to travel the path – Discovery of Self. Instead, they get stuck in the Abyss and look for magical power through ritual. And nothing that they are involved in has anything to do with discovery of self, save the road that they are standing on and the path they refuse to walk. This compares greatly to what is written in the Ivory Tablets of the Crow:

It is a fruitless journey to think that one can defeat the Beast of Muh and live. The Initiate will only suffer a cruel fate if such operations were tempted. But do know that our Queen was able to do such by surrender.

Surrender is indeed a lost art, but is necessary before the Baptism of the Ancient One. Remember, the Powers of the Eye of Knowing are miraculous and good. Yet, in surrender are the understanding of the Operations and the Powers of the Path.”

What does the Ivory Tablets mean by “surrender,” and how were such things practiced by Inanna to whom the Ivory Tablets is giving reference to? Well, that question can easily be answered in how we plan for the future. Just ask yourself, how much does reality adhere to your intentions?

Each and every day human beings from all over the world set certain aims and intentions for the day ahead of them. It could be as simple as getting to work on time, or making plans for dinner. Trying to meet our aims is a daily challenge, but can be accomplished with 100% accuracy after having crossed the abyss. How so?

The distinct difference between those that Crossed the Abyss and those that haven’t, lies in the art of surrender. How so? Every day we set forth our intentions in comparison to what reality has to offer. Now reality will accept some of what we may offer it while rejecting other aspects of our emotional and mental sacrifices. However, when we surrender to life, then we become merged with its consciousness. Once this transition has taken place, then all that happens in life is in accord with our will.

We can now see a distinct difference in those that have Crossed the Abyss and those that have not. Everyone must enter certain steps just to even be able to reach a reality known as crossing the abyss. Before the Abyss is crossed an Initiate will believe that it is they themselves that must wield some ungodly power to get reality to conform to their wishes, whether the intent is bad or good. Every ritual has this intention before one crosses the abyss. And until an Initiate reaches this place in time, they cannot see the true reality, but will instead brag about the treasures and magical powers they receive from lighting candles and burning incense. And this too is for the good or bad. They are like Dumuzi when Inanna found him after she ascended from the Abyss, for better or worse.

Once having crossed the Abyss, your need for survival and service of Self increases as all that is life is you. You are the consciousness of life (Tiamat) and if anyone sees the Dragon Tiamat as themselves, then Tiamat will respond in like manner. It’s very simple, but often misunderstood.

Let it not be mistaken, as this post is not written in debate of the value of the Simon Necronomicon, but to discuss its non-religious aims. Many people try to turn the Necronomicon into a Christian doctrine and lay all of their burdens on a book in the same manner that Christians confide in Christ. They will then live in the fear that if they lest the Necronomicon rest within them, surrender, instead of trying to work with it-that something bad will happen to them, like Christians who believe in Christ, but no longer attend church. Of course, Necronomicon is serious business! and it is just as serious when it tell you to stop working with it for a while and take a rest.

In part 2 of this discussion, I will discuss the meanings of some of my personal experiences I had during this transition in my life and its meaning. Have a blessed day!
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