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To Win the Love of a Woman: What Is The Origin of Apple Symbolism In Ancient Mesopotamia And Why Does It Change The Genesis Account?


Ninzuwu Shamaness performing Ishtar’s incantation.

What is the meaning of Ishtar’s apple in Babylonian symbolism? The answer to this question is one of historical importance, as it may reveal certain hidden meanings as to the events described in Genesis surrounding one of the most popular fruits in the world. Apples account for fifty-percent of the world’s fruit tree production. Since Abraham was a Chaldean, it is no coincidence that the stories appearing in the Christian Bible are only modified versions of events that took place in Ancient Mesopotamia. This includes the Genesis account surrounding the first human pair and the shared sins of eating an apple. Walter Mattfeld, in a work entitled, Eden’s Serpent: It’s Mesopotamian Origins, writes:

“Other myths found at Nippur state that Inanna who was called nin edin ”the lady of edin,” she is portrayed as wanting “to know” how to engage in sex with her bridegroom Dumuzi by eating cedar/pine trees. So the cedar/pine trees forbidden to man (Enkidu), if their “fruit” or pine nuts were eaten, could bestow “knowledge” on man.

That is to say that forbidden access to cedars for a formerly naked man who roamed edin with wild animals for companions (Enkidu) were also a source of “divine knowledge” for those eating of their pine nuts (the goddess Inanna acquiring the divine knowledge of how to have sex with her bridegroom Dumuzi).”

Based on Mattfeld’s observation, we can say that the Biblical mythology surrounding Adam and Eve is based on the sexual technologies of the Sacred Marriage Rite of Inanna and Dumuzi. Still, where does the apple symbolism in all of this, according to this account pine nuts were the desired fruit?

First, as an aside, we can see from this legend of Inanna and Dumuzi how far back man’s genetic memory goes as the modern expression for a male orgasm “busting a nut” is a reference to the pine nuts of this ancient Sumerian myth. In any event, Dictionary.com makes a valuable reference that serves as an aid in seeing how the pine nuts in the ancient Sumerian mythology became an apple:

“Up until the 17th century, the word “apple” meant all fruit other than berries but including nuts.”

Yet, it would be foolish for us to simply conclude that Inanna/Ishtar’s apple was just an inclusive term that pine nuts just so happen to fit into. Apple is the proper symbol for the Sacred Marriage Rite itself. How so? In a previous article entitled, The Anunnaki Part 2: Origin of the 50 Names of Marduk As Found in the Simon Necronomicon, we read:

“…the high priestess, acting in place of The Goddess (Inanna),  had sex with the new king to show the Goddess’s people that the Goddess herself accepted him as their caretaker and ruler of the country. Not only did these two have sex fifty times, but the entire congregation had front row seats to these fifty climaxes….

And while the above-cited quote has it appear that 50 orgasms were required of each, the ancient texts themselves limit this 50-orgasm requirement to the man, alone. Only the King-apparent, in the role of the God Dumuzi, was required to climax 50 times.

Inanna spoke: The ritual text itself, used in the actual Sumerian “Sacred Marriage” rite, makes clear that it is the King-apparent, assuming the role of the mortal “Dumuzi,” who experiences these fifty orgasms:

“My beloved, the delight of my eyes, met me.
We rejoiced together.
He took his pleasure of me.
He brought me into his house.
He laid me down on the fragrant honey-bed.
My sweet love, lying by my heart, Tongue-playing,
one by one,
My fair Dumuzi did so fifty times.
Now, my sweet love (i.e., Dumuzi) is sated.”

Based on this information we can see that the anointing sexual power of ancient Babylonian kings was connected to the number fifty, as in fifty orgasms. So how does an apple fit into all of this? First, the sum of the term apple equals 50 in simple gematria.

A(1) + P(16) + P(16) + L(12) + E(5) = 50

Next, we find much deeper information concerning the apple’s association to the 50 orgasms of the Sacred Marriage Rite. Page 14 of the book, Fruits (Eat Smart) by Louise Spilsbury, states:

“It takes the energy produced by about 50 leaves to produce just one apple.”

In the same way that it took 50 orgasms to anoint an ancient Babylonian King, so too is the energy of 50 leaves needed to produce one apple! Sandra Kynes, in her excellent book, Your Altar: Creating a Sacred Space for Prayer and Meditation, states:

“Not only does the apple flower have five petals, but the fruit, when cut in half horizontally, reveals a five-pointed star of seeds. Like the apple, the wild rose is a member of a large group of plants called Rosaceae.”

Based on our discussion, we can see that the apple is a fitting symbol of the sexual alchemy that took place during the Sacred Marriage Rite. It was this technology that the Biblical Eve was introduced. Draw your own conclusion.

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