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I would like to welcome everyone to the GateWalker’s Page. It is an honor to be accepted by the Warlock Asylum Staff as a writer. Maybe you may have experienced some of the joy, like myself, in finally seeing a website that is dedicated to revealing some of the deeper meanings of a long oppressed tradition- The Simon Necronomicon Tradition.

I thought that it would be good to present my first article here about the MAGAN Text. Many Shamans who work with the Simon Necronomicon have often questioned its usefulness in their ritual work There hasn’t been any obvious instructions about how the MAGAN Text should be used. Yet the Mad Arab does seem to imply that the book has a purpose in our ritual work. The Mad Arab introduces the MAGAN Text with the following words:

“THE verses here following come from the secret text of some of the priests of a cult which is all that is left of the Old Faith that existed before Babylon was built, and it was originally in their tongue, but I have put it into the Golden Speech of my country so that you may understand it. I came upon this text in my early wanderings in the region of the Seven Fabled Cities of UR, which are no more, and it tells of the War between the Gods that took place in a time beyond the memory of man. And the horrors and ugliness that the Priest will encounter in his Rites are herein described, and their reasons, and their natures, and Essences. And the Number of the Lines is Sacred, and the Words are Sacred, and are most potent charms against the Evil Ones.

And surely some Magicians of the country do write them on parchment or clay, or on pottery, or in the air, that they might be efficacious thereby, and that the Gods will remember the words of the Covenant.

I copied these words down in my tongue and kept them faithfully these many years, and my own copy will go with me to the place where I will go when my Spirit is torn from the body. But heed these words well, and remember! For remembering is the most important and most potent magick, being the Rememberance of Things Past and the Rememberance of Things to Come, which is the same Memory. And do not show this text to the uninitiated, for it hath caused madness, in men and in beasts.”

The Mad Arab here states that the ‘Words are Sacred’ and an effective charm against the mechanisms of the ‘Evil Ones.’ This would seem to imply that there is some formula or method that the words of the text can be used for in ritual. The Mad Arab gives us a clue as to how these words are to be used earlier in the passage:

“THE verses here following come from the secret text of some of the priests of a cult which is all that is left of the Old Faith that existed before Babylon was built, and it was originally in their tongue, but I have put it into the Golden Speech of my country so that you may understand it. I came upon this text in my early wanderings in the region of the Seven Fabled Cities of UR,”

Upon reading the above quote from the Mad Arab, it is easy for the novice to assume that the Mad Arab is speaking about a collection of ‘priests of a cult’ who occupied a city somewhere in Ancient Mesopotamia. However, this is not what the Mad Arab is talking about. He is speaking of a place that existed long before Babylon was built. He is speaking about Atlantis. This is evident by what the Mad Arab mentions in the latter part of the verse:

“I came upon this text in my early wanderings in the region of the Seven Fabled Cities of UR,”

You see the Mad Arab discovered the Text in the ‘Seven Fabled Cities of UR.’ Yet he speaks of these cities as if the Text did not originate in them. He also describes these ‘cities’ as being “Fabled.” The term fabled can be defined as something that is made known or famous by fables; legendary or existing only in fables; fictitious. Now we know from archeological evidence that these cities did exist in Ancient Mesopotamia, so the Mad Arab must be giving us a alchemical description behind the origins of the MAGAN Text, which is a key point in history that scholars may only discover in the future.

Earlier we mentioned that the ‘priest of the Old Faith’ that the Mad Arab describes were indeed the Atlantean Priests who are often personified as Thoth. Thoth corresponds to ENKI. In the “Book of Enoch”, translated  by Richard Laurence in  1821, Laurence makes the following observation in his summary of the work:

“Yet Josephus, notwithstanding his constant efforts to give Israel unmerited glorification, by attributing the science(Wisdom) to the Jewish “Enoch”, shows the pillars as still existing during his time. He tells us that they were built by Seth; and so they may have been, only neither by the Patriarch ofthat name, the fabled son of Adam, nor by the Egyptian god of Wisdom – Teth, Set, Thoth, Tat, Sat (the later Sat-an), or Hermes, who are ALL ONE, – but by the “sons of the Serpent-god”,or “Sons of the Dragon”, the name under which the Hierophants of Egypt and Babylon were known BEFORE THE DELUGE, as were their forefathers, the Atlanteans.”

ENKI was also associated with the Mercury in Ancient Sumeria. The correspondence between Thoth and ENKI is discussed in further detail by Warlock Asylum in one of his previous posts that can be found here:

Knowing that the term “Thoth” corresponds to the ‘priests of the Old Faith,’ as with the term ENKI, let us look at some of the passages from the Emerald Tablets to get a clearer picture as to how the MAGAN Text should be used.

In the opening words of the Emerald Tablets we find Thoth the Atlantean saying:

“I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis…. Long ages I dwelt in the Temple, learning ever and yet ever more wisdom, until I, too, approached the light emitted from the great fire. .., Taught me he, the path to Amenti, the underworld where the great king sits upon his throne of might. ., Deep I bowed in homage before the Lords of Life and the Lords of Death, receiving as my gift the Key of Life.”

Thoth mentions the Halls of Amenti throughout the Emerald Teblets. The Preface to the Emerald tablets mentions the following:

“In later times, the descendants of these guards became the pyramid priests, by which Thoth was deified as the God of Wisdom, The Recorder, by those in the age of darkness which followed his passing. In legend, the Halls of Amenti became the underworld, the Halls of the gods, where the soul passed after death for judgment.

The Halls of Amenti, or the Underworld is the same world that the Initiate of the Simon Necronomicon must pass thru in their process of self-initiation. Thoth is here describing the Qliphothic Tree. Further understanding can be gained by the following words which appear in the Simon Necronomicon’s Introduction:

“Then appears the Centrepiece of the Book, the MAGAN text. The word MAGAN may mean the Land of the MAGAN which was said to lie in the West of Sumer. For a time, it seems the name MAGAN was synonymous with the Place of Death – as the Sun ‘died’ in the West. Hence, it is a bit confusing as to what MAGAN is really supposed to mean in this text, but in context the “Place of Death” explanation seems quite valid. The MAGAN text is nothing more than an incomplete and free-form version of the Creation Epic of Sumer, along with INANNA’s Descent into the Underworld, and many glosses. We are told how MARDUK slays TIAMAT –“

What also lies West of Sumer is the legendary Island of Atlantis. Ancient Sumeria was at one time part of the Atlantean Empire. It existed as area of training for members of the Priesthood and many of the stories and legends of Ancient Sumeria, actually originated in Atlantis, one of these being Inanna’s Descent Into The Underworld, and the Enuma Elish. Later, these same legends were adopted by pseudo-priesthoods who were not fully instructed in the “Rites” and were interpreted in various ways. We can determine much of this to be true because the word Amenti is also defined as Mankind. Mankind was invented in the area of Ancient Mesopotamia If Amenti can also be defined as Mankind then this could also solidify some of Warlock Asylum’s work in stating that the world we see around us is “The Underworld.” Keeping all of this in mind, let us know review another passage from the Emerald Tablets:

“I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician,
living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,”

Thoth’s passing into the Halls of Amenti has a deeper meaning. We know now that the term “Thoth” represents a priestly class who were able to obtain immortality. We also know that one of the definitions given to the term “Amenti” is mankind. Therefore, Thoth’s passing into Amenti represents a class of priestly immortals who were able to take human bodies and perform the ‘Great Work’ within the decay of the cosmos from one aeon to the next so that the whole cosmos can benefit. We can liken the MAGAN Text to the Akashic records, or a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. The Mad Arab makes the same implication when he introduces the said text:

“I copied these words down in my tongue and kept them faithfully these many years, and my own copy will go with me to the place where I will go when my Spirit is torn from the body. But heed these words well, and remember! For remembering is the most important and most potent magick, being the Rememberance of Things Past and the Rememberance of Things to Come, which is the same Memory. And do not show this text to the uninitiated, for it hath caused madness, in men and in beasts.”

The Mad Arab mentions that the said text will follow him once he leaves his physical body. Afterwards he mentions that “Rememberance” is the most potent magick, memory of the part and the future is the same memory. Interestingly, in the Fifth Emerald Tablet , entitled The Key of Magic, Thoth the Atlantean makes the following statements:

“Hark ye, O man, to the wisdom of magic.
Hark the knowledge of powers forgotten.
Long, ago in the days of the first man,
warfare began between darkness and light. Man, then as now,
were filled with both darkness and light; and while in some darkness hell sway, in other light filled the soul.”

The same theme in the above quote, is the very same theme that the MAGAN Text begins with. Those who are accepted into the Rites of the Qliphothic Tradition are the descendants of Atlantis. Notice what is mentioned in a comparative analysis between the MAGAN Text and the Emerald Tablets:

From a Time before Time
From a Land beyond the Stars
From the Age when ANU walked the earth
In company of Bright Angels.
We have survived the first War
Between the Powers of the Gods
And have seen the wrath of the Ancient Ones
Dark Angels
Vent upon the Earth
We have survived the Age when ABSU ruled the Earth
And the Power destroyed out generations.
We have survived on tops of mountains
And beneath the feet of mountains
And have spoken with the Scorpions
In allegiance and were betrayed.
And TIAMAT has promised us nevermore to attack
With water and with wind.
But the Gods are forgetful.
Beneath the Seas of NAR MATTARU
Beneath the Seas of the Earth, NAR MATTARU
Beneath the World lays sleeping
The God of Anger, Dead but Dreaming
The God of CUTHALU, Dead but Dreaming!
The Lord of KUR, calm but thunderous!
The One-Eyes Sword, cold but burning!”

Let us now compare the above passage with the Twelfth Emerald Tablet entitled, The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy:

Aye, in a time that is yet unborn,
all shall be One and One shall be All.
Man, a perfect flame of this Cosmos,
shall move forward to a place in the stars.
Aye, shall move even from out of this space-time
into another beyond the stars.

Long have ye listened to me,
O my children,
long have ye listened to the wisdom of Thoth.
Now I depart from ye into darkness.
Now go I to the Halls of Amenti,
there to dwell in the future when Light
shall come again to man.
Yet, know ye, my Spirit shall ever be with thee,
guiding thy feet in the pathway of Light.

Guard ye the secrets I leave with thee,
and surely my spirit will guard thee through life.
Keep thine eyes ever on the pathway to wisdom.
Keep the Light as thy goal evermore.
Fetter not thy Soul in bondage of darkness;
free let it wing in its flight to the stars.

Now I depart thee to dwell in Amenti.
Be thou my children in this life and the next.
The time will come when ye, too, shall be deathless,
living from age to age a Light among men.”

If this physical existence was indeed described by the ancient adepts as the Underworld, then it would answer the question as to what happened to the Mad Arab. Similarly, to how Thoth was able to transcend physical existence, as well as learn from it, the Mad Arab was also able to make this transformation into the astral:

“I copied these words down in my tongue and kept them faithfully these many years, and my own copy will go with me to the place where I will go when my Spirit is torn from the body.”

The Mad Arab looked upon his memorization of the MAGAN Text as a faithful act. Let us take note of what is mentioned in the Emerald Tablets concerning the histories of Thoth:

“I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,
keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation,
being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,
set down for the guidance of
those that are to come after,
these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis…,
A hundred times ten have I descended the dark way that led into light,
and as many times have I ascended from the darkness into the light my strength and power renewed…,
But in a time yet unborn will I rise again, mighty and potent, requiring an accounting of those left behind me.

From the passages quoted above we see that the Mad Arab was well aware of the Covenant that Thoth laid down. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean is referred to in the Simon Necronomicon as the “Chaldean Covenant” Finally the Mad Arab sums up his Introduction with the following words:

“And do not show this text to the uninitiated, for it hath caused madness, in men and in beasts.”

The Mad Arab gives us a warning not to work with this section of the “Book” unless one has been initiated into our Ways. He mentions this same warning when it comes to other sections of the “Book.” This warning has reference to working with one aspect of the “Book” before one has passed a level of Initiation. The MAGAN Text should only be used ny those who have passed the Gate of ANU or Higher. The MAGAN Text is used to speak directly with the “Gods” and acts as a Treaty to Astral Projection, to meet with others who are a part of a “heavenly society.” You see by the time the GateWalker gets to the Gate of Anu, he/she will look upon the invocations in the Simon Necronomicon differently. You are in Gates above the Sphere of the 50 Names, and etc. It is the “place of death” that you choose to enter of the place where you feel the need to enable onself, in a much deeper sense than the previous ten Gates. The steps are very easy, but should only be undertaken by those who have reached the Gate of ANU:

1. Prepare your temple by only placing two white candles in the North direction, which you will face during the beginning of the Calling. Frankincense and Myrrh incense should be used.

2. Facing the North direction, take three deep breaths and begin reading the MAGAN Text, until you reach the second section.

3. Facing East, take three deep breaths and begin reading the second section entitled, Of The Generations of the Ancient Ones.

4. Facing South, take three deep breaths begin reading the third section of the MAGAN Text entitled, Of The Generations of Man

5. Facing West, take three deep breaths and begin reading the fourth section entitled, Of The sleep of ISHTAR.

6. Facing North again, read the Fifth section, and state your purpose or make a prayer. Afterwards, take some notes about your experience and pay attention to your dreams.

Thank you very much for this opportunity Warlock Asylum. Look forward to hearing from our readers. Wishing you all the best.

Simon Magus

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