Warlock Asylum International News

Faded Destiny by Danjul Is Everything We Need In A Song!


Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter Danjul drops another effervescent melodic treasure with the release of his newest single Faded Destiny. Danjul is an incredible and captivating songster that sign every production with his very own blood, sweat, and tears. His music is imbued with a sophisticated richness that is reminiscent of such legendary personas like Michael Jackson and Prince. Faded Destiny fully illustrates the pop-soulster’s evolving genius.

From the very first note of Faded Destiny Danjul fulfills our musical expectations by superseding any and all expectations that we may have possessed. The track is an orchestra of soul that grabs our attention with its opening measures of bell pisno synth and an equally enchanting drum pattern. Amazingly, Danjul laces this tune with a whole new approach and style of harmony that keeps us in awe. As the romantic musings of Faded Destiny conclude, we are left on the edge of our hearts screaming for more. Faded Destiny by Danjul is a masterpiece. Salute!

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