


Emerging music industry mogul Antonio Moorman is manifesting his dream with a game-changing vision and relentless focus and ambition. As an entrepreneur and executive of TCA Entertainment, Antonio has the intellect and the unique life experience of touching base with numerous aspects of the industry to put the puzzle of success together. Antonio grew up around the DC/Maryland area and has seen some of the grittier sides of urban life but was fortunate to have the guiding influence of his grandfather that he often accredits for building up his character.

TCA Entertainment, which stands for Take Charge Always, is imbued with the morals and principles that Antonio Moorman utilized to give him an open lane for implementing his success story as he vows to make a difference in the lives of those that can’t make one for themselves. After relocating to Atlanta, Georgia, Antonio built a strong base. TCA Entertainment is distributed by Roc Nation and with the guidance of Antonio Moorman is sure to reach the accolades of being a household name. Salute!




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