Visit any local bookstore in the US and you will no doubt run across several titles on “Wicca”, a self-gratifying term for what is more commonly referred to as witchcraft. The fact that the term “Wicca” or “Wiccan” is in use is a symptom of an issue I am going to discuss here. Suffice it to say that, as you wander through these pop-culture tomes of “wisdom” in regards to the practices and beliefs of “Wicca”, you will discover a common, candy-coated theme: “Wiccans” practice only peace and love, the reverence of nature, and are generally “good”. It is the intent of the authors of these guides to fluffy delusion that the common person, reading these texts, simply follows the patterns ingrained in them by years of public education and accepts what is written because it appears in print.

That, and of course to bilk as many well-meaning seekers of enlightenment out of their hard-earned funds.

First, you will note that I have dispensed with the common practice of authors on the subject of Wicca to expound on their background in the occult in the hopes of establishing some form of validity in the minds of their dupes…I mean, readers. Anyone interested in my background and experience need only use any reputable search-engine on the internet and will discover my validity based on my deeds, the mark of a true occultist, not merely on my words.

Second, you will find that I am about to reveal what some “Wiccans” would consider out-and-out lies while others, if they dare to be honest with those they have subverted into subservience at their knee, would admit are the “great secrets” of “Wicca” so often rumored to exist in hushed tones. These “secrets” should never have been such, and will be obvious to anyone capable of logical thought willing to see with eyes unclouded by sugar-laced ideals. It is those ideals which are meant to hold you back.

Third, you may notice that the tone of this article is combative and aggressive. This is a lesson in nature, the same nature a “Wiccan” charlatan will try to sell you as peaceful and nurturing. Observe nature for yourself, and you will discover that it is neither. If you have wisdom, this fact in and of itself will cause you to rejoice…and there may be hope for you yet.

“Wicca” is not an ancient religion. It is not based on an ancient religion. It has almost nothing to do with any ancient religion practiced anywhere, other then being guilty of taking so many quite common ideas from ancient religions and masquerading them as original concepts. Some “Wiccans” are quick to point out that Catholicism bases many of its traditions, rituals, and holidays on older, Pagan practices. “Wiccans” themselves have no real connection with these practices, other than the misguided lip-service they may pay to them, and therefore share in any guilt the Catholics should feel for their liberal use of ancient faiths.

“Wicca” was created, almost whole cloth, by Gerald Gardner. Gerald (“Gary” to his buddies), was an eccentric British chap with a fascination for JR Tolkien, the mythology of the Isles, and occult orders. In particular, he was disappointed that he had missed the hey-day, by mischance of being born in a slightly later era, of the Golden Dawn. Gardener was also enamored with the mythos of a man most “Wiccans” would be loathe to mention…

Aleister Crowely.

Yes, Gary wanted to enjoy the fruits that Crowley indulged in regularly in the worst way. The Abbey of Thelma, with its ideological and sexual freedoms, enchanted our founder of Wicca. Gary wanted to bring all that back, but without the nasty connotations of having to be the “Great Beast 666” or developing an addiction to heroin. Still, he realized that scandal, and not magic, was Crowely’s bread-and-butter. Gary needed a scandal, but a less caustic scandal. Applying his knowledge of mythology and the embarrassing but common knowledge that Britain still retained laws on the books regarding witchcraft in the 1950’s, Gary set to work.

Following the paths well tread by occult leaders of the past, Gardner first revealed that he had been given, by secret sources (in this case unknown practitioners of witchcraft possibly on the Isles of Man), “ancient” wisdom and that he was charged with founding a new religion. In keeping with those paths, Gardner himself would decide with whom he would reveal the deepest secrets while publishing a book or two about the new practice and its “outer” beliefs and traditions. Add to this some Church-of-Satan-esque (true, Gardener did it first, but you can see why the practice is used) photos of nude and nubile young women engaged in the rituals of the new order, and ABRACADABRA…you have a religion.

The problem is, that in order to establish validity to his new religion, Gardner tried to connect his new religion to the “ancient” practices of the witch-cults of Europe. He suggested that the wisdom he had discovered had been forcibly censured during what his predecessors would come to dub “The Burning Times”, an era when the Catholic Church went willy-nilly through Europe burning or executing anyone they thought was a witch. The propagators of this half-truth would like to place this period on the same historical scale as the holocaust.

Never mind that the executions were typically rare events in regards to witchcraft, especially when compared to the more common methods of death in those times; war, plague, and hunger. Ignore the fact that the Inquisition was more interested in heretics of their own faith, such as the Cathars, who get lumped into “The Burning Times” to bolster the claims of a high body-count. Disregard that people were often executed for being old, infirmed, elderly, mentally challenged, or even homosexual (a “faggot” is a bundled assortment of sticks. The term is applied to homosexual men because of their persecution during these times). Even more challenging, please ignore the in-congruence between such a wise and secretive religious order being so easily discovered by the common, country bumpkins around them.

No, there was no interruption of the activities of the witch-cults in Europe. They transformed as the society transformed around them, and were well documented in history, not hidden away. The “Wiccan” leadership would cringe, however, at one of their students going out on their own to discover the exploits of La Voisin, Gilles de Rais, Cagliastro… They would greatly prefer that most of their students stand clear of even the writers they accept; Blatavsky, Levi, Waite… “The Burning Times” is just one of the myths that modern charlatans using witchcraft have made an effective tool in keeping others from thinking for themselves. No one goes and looks for truth when they believe that the truth no longer exists!

Gardner did not have contact with any ancient source of wisdom. Rather, he had some convenient co-conspirators and access to a sizable library of books written by members of the Golden Dawn and others. A little ritual from here, and interesting myth from there, and you develop a sizable, though often meaningless, set of practices. Consider this, that in its original form, “Wicca” worshiped an anonymous Goddess and God. What other religion at its core suggests you worship an ambiguous set of deities? What effective school of occult thought calls upon ancient powers without using their names? The reason for this ‘flub’ was that Gardener did not want to make up a new Goddess or God, but using names would have pointed quicker and wiser students directly to the source of his “secrets”.

“Wicca” is a poor shadow of true witchcraft. The beliefs of “Wiccans” are meant to keep followers docile and subdued. The word “witch” evokes images of power, independence, confidence, individuality, and rebellion. This is the true, historic birthright of anyone who would call themselves a “witch”, which is why “wicca” is thrust upon the world. Witchcraft is a hodge-podge of Pagan, occult, alchemical, astrological, scientific, and myth oriented practices from all over Europe. “Wicca” is the kiddie-pool and witchcraft is the ocean. The problem is that the proponents of Wicca would like you to believe that they have been to those depths while telling you that all the waters of the world are shallow and safe.

Witches were the scientists, philosophers, historians, and doctors of their ancient, Pagan communities. Their knowledge predates Rome, but was far from secret. The ancient priests of Egypt, from whom much of the knowledge of later witches would emerge, recorded their practices, beliefs, and experiments. The same was true for the mystery cults of ancient Greece, Sumeria, Babylon, Carthage, and other cultures. Any student of history can open a standard text and begin his or her journey toward discovering the secrets of witches. The idea that these teachings were passed down orally is also a fallacy; it is naive to believe that the scientists of the day would not have access to writing, indeed a variety of writing in multiple languages. The highly-acclaimed “Book of Shadows” modern “Wiccans” use as journals for their efforts are akin to the same efforts of witches of the past. It is also well established that, just as traders and merchants made their way throughout Europe, so did the wisdom and practices of far-away lands.

The common symbol of “Wicca”, the pentagram, was a symbol used by this common school throughout its history. It was not a badge or emblem worn in the open, but a simple test. Venus, a prominent object in the ancient skies at night, appears to move in a pattern that forms a pentagram. Only a person who had taken the time to study the skies at night would be aware of this odd astrological quirk, and thus students of the night sky could tell a kindred spirit by their awareness of this pattern. The pattern repeats itself in botany, another test of awareness amongst those witches interested in the practice. Guides to “Wicca” will not tell you this. It is how a high-ranking “Wiccan” can distinguish between a potential, unknowing follower and a strong-minded, but unsuitable for their purposes, witch.

Witches did not refer to themselves as such. Instead, they were “Followers of Innana”, “Daughters of Astarte”, “Bacchi”, “Sons of Dionysus”…whatever faith and belief was particular to their region and era. There common beliefs and shared practices where only so because they had a common root; the knowledge preserved by the Roman Empire from Egypt and abroad and the tested practices shared amongst travelers and traders. The knowledge seemed mysterious to others because, unlike other members of their society, a witch had time to indulge in the trade of information. A butcher’s trade is just as mysterious to a plow-hand. The reason it was difficult to trust a witch for the common people was because a witch did not trade in something that could be seen by others. Information is intangible. Their means of sustaining themselves is not immediately obvious.

The use of information often made witches brokers of power amongst the chieftains and leaders of their communities. Being considered “wise” means that others will come to you with questions. When you are the depository for the concerns and questions of your community, you are uniquely positioned to provide answers which will guide others to predetermined ends. Intrigue went hand-in-hand with the practice of witchcraft…which brings us to another fable encouraged by “Wiccans”…

“Wiccans” are interested in keeping balance between good and evil, that they are creatures of peace and love, that they revere nature.

Before I provide historical evidence to the contrary, let’s consider these bon-bons of faith with a bit of reason. What is the balance between good and evil? It suggests that if a Wiccan decided for themselves that something was too “evil” then they would do good to counter it…or if something was too good then they would perform an act of evil. Modern Wiccans work very hard to denounce the concept of evil, so they cannot be agents of balance. Indeed, even those that state they do not believe in ultimate “good or evil”, a relativist stance, would be hard-pressed to explain then why they denounce so many practices that they may find distasteful

As creatures of peace and love, why do they find themselves so often at odds with others? Does not being all about “perfect love and perfect trust” suggest that they should also practice “perfect tolerance”? Yet, listen as a self-proclaimed “Wiccan” rails against their Christian persecutors, or arbitrarily snubs the practices of Satanists? This, however, is common to human nature; to demand tolerance for yourself while freely being intolerant of others.

The reverence of nature is my personal favorite. The “Wiccans” who have their gracious Goddess and kindly God must view nature through the lens of a Disney theme-park. True nature is chaotic, dangerous, unforgiving of weakness, and demands constant application of all one’s abilities. This is how nature ensures the survival of life! A student of nature cannot just study the full-moon on a calm night or the rising summer sun. They must also understand the wolf, the shark, the storm. They must come to appreciate the natural progression of birth, war, copulation, and death.

Witches were known for their power to change shape. This is a suggestion of the idea that a witch could use information and appearance to manipulate others…not quite the “Wiccan” template of kindness and peace. Witches were charged with managing their communities like a garden; nurturing those who showed promise while pruning those who were of little value. The kind and wise instructor could easily “change shape” into the evil destroyer of whole communities with a well placed word or two.

Witches were poisoners. Who would be so naive to believe that an extensive knowledge of botany and medicine of the time would not also involve awareness of poisons and dangerous substances? Witches often applied their knowledge for the benefit of their chiefs or community leaders so that a rival would fall ill…or if the leader required removal for the betterment of the community… La Voisin and her witch-cult were infamous for putting on extravagant parties for their wealthy patrons. At their gatherings one could communicate with the dead, witness profane and often sexual rites, and (for the right price) have an enemy removed in a nearly untraceable manner.

Witches were students of true nature; aware of the patterns of life around them and how best to manipulate them for their own ends. Sometimes those ends were altruistic, and other times those ends were more self-serving. They applied their uncommon knowledge in a manner that best met their needs. This is the true meaning of not engaging in issues of “good and evil”…simply what benefits, and what does not. There is a story that during WWII a group of witches conjured a storm that prevented Nazi forces from landing on the British Isles. This sounds very “good”, until one considers the perspective of the German Soldiers and pilots lost because of those storms. The idea that “most witches help others” fails to see the point of studying magic. Even if the goal is enlightenment, it is still a self-serving goal.

Modern “Wiccans” labor under the idea that witches do not worship Satan, they do not curse others, and they do not engage in orgies. In fact, any student of history will find numerous references of witches discussing the worship of Satan. While “The Burning Times” are often blown out of proportion, the witches of Europe were at one time at war with the encroaching Christianity. The witch-cults had established centers of power around a fluid set of beliefs and traditions that could easily be manipulated. Christianity brought with it a paradigm that crystallized reality into set patterns denying the witch their source of power. Christians brought with them their own enemy, and actively suggested that witches worshiped this enemy. Witches would of course see that the name of this enemy had power in the new paradigm. Why would they not use this name? Why would they not invoke Satanism and light the fire of intrigue and the promise of hidden pleasures in the minds of those around them? In the philosophical battle for survival, this seemed like a perfect tool; worship Satan.

Furthermore, it was a perfect manner to weed out the initiates who lacked conviction to obey the cult. Worshiping Satan threatened everything the commoner would come to believe. Bowing at the feet of the Devil was the ultimate show of faith. It also kept those new to the sect in line; for fear of exposure. The higher ranking members would often worship their deities under a different, truer name, but for the new members who might betray them worshiping Satan would mean these traitors would also have to admit their own guilt.

Casting a curse goes hand-in-hand with casting spells for benefit. Your good will often come at the cost of another, especially if you understand the mechanics of magic and how to apply those forces. In fact, the use of a curse could be seen as doing “good” for the self by removing an enemy. As any student of nature would tell you, giving someone a weapon and them telling them not to use it can expect the same results as stepping on a snake and expecting it not to use its fangs.

Sex has long been a key component in the most successful of ancient religious practices, which is why it is condemned or restricted by modern religions. Sex was a manner for the individual to have direct union with the divine, to experience the pleasures of the infinite, and to commune with God. This is why the modern Church was so threatened by the witch cults; their sexual rites spurred the rebellious elements in society, and ran counter to the concept that the clergy where the only conduit to the divine. The witch cults promised the gifts that the Christians would have to wait for death to truly enjoy. The typical coven gathering, where witches imbibed mild, hallucinogenic substances and then engaged in sexual acts with a man dressed as the devil and equipped with a large, artificial phallus, sounds like a superior alternative for those dissatisfied with what was being offered by the Christian Clergy. This is why, in so many witch confessions, the Devil was described as having a large, cold, hard organ. It merely was adults who spent their daylight lives in an oppressive society indulging in the rites of Bacchus and others from ancient times…rites designed to allow them to let off steam! Even Gardner offered sexual congress as the “Great Rite”, the ultimate ritual between High Priest and Priestess. Modern Wiccans might use the symbol of the broomstick, but completely miss what ancient witches probably used that broomstick for! Every time you read about a witch “flying” you should see right through the allegory.

It has been suggested that “Wicca” offers more freedoms than more mainstream religions. In fact, they are clearly as oppressive. They have a clear set of behavior standards meant to control their followers. They have an established set of common, but clearly incorrect, beliefs which the student is encouraged to swallow without thought. The modern “Wiccan” is more involved in ignoring nature than revering it. There “3-Fold Law” is meant to prevent the student from acting out, when the teacher fails to tell them that the effect is only true if the responsible party feels guilty about what they have released! “An it harm none, do what thou will” is so far from nature that it should be laughable when the two sentiments, this rule and reverence of nature, are uttered by the same mouth! “Love is the Law, do what thou will” is the practice of Thelma and Crowely. It suggests that one should only act if their desire for something is so strong that it is akin to “Love”. If the practitioner acts out of “love” for their desired result, then they will act in a manner that is in alignment with their will; their true nature. “Wiccans” are taught to modify their nature to conform to alien standards, not to discover awareness of self through experimentation and exploration.

Many “Wiccans” bemoan their plight as persecuted by others. If they were students of nature with the wisdom such suggests, they would be aware that it is HUMAN nature to distrust and belittle the unfamiliar. When one goes out of their way to be “unfamiliar”, often for the sake of attention as much for a sense of enlightenment, they will reap what they sow! There is nothing in “Wicca” or witchcraft about brandishing your “unique” perspective where others might see it and disapprove. Wearing black robes, pentagrams, and black make-up often invites derision. This is why a well-known occult creed is “to know, to dare, to will, and to be silent!” The prejudice you suffer because of your failure to understand this principle would have weeded you out of the witch cults of the past, and while you burned your wiser peers would have gone on worshiping the devil and enjoying a good orgy.

Finally, the ultimate sign of a witch is the application of wisdom and the success that results. When you see a poor witch, or Wiccan, you know you are dealing with a buffoon. Keep that in mind as you wander through the occult lessons of others: if what they had to sell you had any value, wouldn’t they be wearing a nicer pair of shoes?

*This article originally appeared at the following link: we were given the author’s permission to post it here


1 thought on “Wiccan Ways: Morals and Beliefs written by Jason Sorrell

  1. Ben Nixx 'Al-Aswad says:

    Excellent article,Ego Diabolus! It’s nice to see your stuff on this page!

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