History of The Cult of Ishtar in Ethiopia (photo: American Gods Season 1 2017)

History of The Cult of Ishtar in Ethiopia (photo: American Gods Season 1 2017)

The Babylonian deity Ishtar is popularly revered by modern-day Necronomicon Alchemists. She is aptly invoked in the rites of Gate-Walking and other ritual workings that appear in the Simon Necronomicon. Din.Gir Ishtar was widely known in ancient times and is presently acknowledged among practitioners of alternative forms of spirituality. However, Din.Gir Ishtar was not only worshipped in ancient Mesopotamia but Ethiopia as well. Deborah M. Coulter-Harris in the book The Queen of Sheba: Legend, Literature and Lore, discusses the Ethiopians relationship with Din.Gir Ishtar in the following words:

“The Egyptian and Arabian gods’ influence spread to Ethiopia, as the ancient Ethiopians worshipped the same gods and goddesses as those designated in the Arabias from ancient Sumer and Babylon; ancient Ethiopians worshipped Sin and Ishtar, who were the main gods in Ethiopian pantheon.”

The author’s observation does confirm that Ishtar was not only worshipped in ancient Ethiopia, but was one of its main deities. No longer can prejudiced new agers question magicians of African descent, who investigate and are even initiated into occult systems that honor Ishtar. This is a hereditary rite. Although this may seem like new information, ancient Ethiopia’s relationship with Ishtar has been known by scholars for quite some time. Published in 1882, Oriental Studies, Part 1 by Hugh Nevill, states:

“The Ethiopian race were of dark complexion, almost if not quite, of coeval origin with the Nagas; treacherous, cunning and covetous. They worshipped ” the Lady ” Aditi, Maha Kali; they migrated by land, and probably in ships and catamarans ; seeking some, commerce ; and some, a home. Their later colonists brought with them traditions, if not of the pyramids of Egypt, yet certainly of the temples of Babylonia or Elam. They introduced to their worship obscenities, and shameless license, such as that of the Isalia, or the feasts of Ishtar Anunit.”

Nevill not only makes it clear that Ethiopians were worshippers of Ishtar, but that they were descendants of the goddess! Hugh Nevill continues:

“The Khasa and Chasdim were, I think, Tigrakhuda Skyths; probably descendants and subjects of Nimrod, while the Khassa were named after Cush, with whom the daughter of Khasa, Ishtar, had also been married.”

Biblical scholars often equate Cushite with Ethiopian. Before the modern age, it was popularly believed by Biblical scholars that Ishtar was married to Cush, and in some accounts Nimrod. Ancient Ethiopia, then known as Abyssinia revered the masculine aspect of Ishtar (Astar) as their main god under the Axumite class. Published in 1894, The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, states:

“This name attests the presence of the Ishtar Cult in Abyssinia. As Astar is named first, we may infer that he was the leading deity of the pantheon.”

In summary, pre-Christian Ethiopia, like other parts of the world, recognized the sovereignty of Din.Gir Ishtar, and because of such, the love of fellowman flourished between nations. While doing some research for this article, I came across some information from Quora.com, of which I will conclude this article. Under the subheading “Does Ethiopia have their own Ethiopian mythology?,” we read:

The original religion of the main Axumite class contained a pantheon of 4 main Gods–Astar, Beher, Meder, Mahrem. The royals professed to be descended from the God Mahrem, the God of War.

Astar: The name appears as Attar (Aramaic), Athtar (South Arabia), Astar (Abyssinia), Ashtar (Moab), Atar (Ugarit) and Ištar in Mesopotamia. This is the god affiliated with evening star, represented by the crescent moon and the sun.”

2 thoughts on “Historians Confirm The Existence of The Cult of Ishtar In Ancient Ethiopia

  1. Magick La Croix says:

    Yes indeed…I was surprised that they included her in the American Gods show….

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